{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TypeOperators, TypeFamilies, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances #-}
-- | Selda SQL compilation.
module Database.Selda.Compile
  ( Result, Res
  , toRes, compQuery, compQueryWithFreshScope
  , compile, compileWith, compileWithTables
  , compileInsert, compileUpdate, compileDelete
import Database.Selda.Column
import Database.Selda.Query.Type
import Database.Selda.SQL
import Database.Selda.SQL.Print
import Database.Selda.SQL.Print.Config
import Database.Selda.SqlType
import Database.Selda.Table
import Database.Selda.Table.Compile
import Database.Selda.Transform
import Database.Selda.Types
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Text (Text, empty)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)

-- For scope supply
import Data.IORef
import System.IO.Unsafe

-- | Compile a query into a parameterised SQL statement.
--   The types given are tailored for SQLite. To translate SQLite types into
--   whichever types are used by your backend, use 'compileWith'.
compile :: Result a => Query s a -> (Text, [Param])
compile = snd . compileWithTables defPPConfig

-- | Compile a query using the given type translation function.
compileWith :: Result a => PPConfig -> Query s a -> (Text, [Param])
compileWith cfg = snd . compileWithTables cfg

-- | Compile a query into a parameterised SQL statement. Also returns all
--   tables depended on by the query.
compileWithTables :: Result a
                  => PPConfig
                  -> Query s a
                  -> ([TableName], (Text, [Param]))
compileWithTables cfg = compSql cfg . snd . compQuery 0

-- | Compile an @INSERT@ query, given the keyword representing default values
--   in the target SQL dialect, a table and a list of items corresponding
--   to the table.
compileInsert :: Insert a => PPConfig -> Table a -> [a] -> [(Text, [Param])]
compileInsert _ _ [] =
  [(empty, [])]
compileInsert cfg tbl rows =
    case ppMaxInsertParams cfg of
      Nothing -> [compInsert cfg tbl rows']
      Just n  -> map (compInsert cfg tbl) (chunk (n `div` rowlen) rows')
    rows' = map params rows
    rowlen = length (head rows')
    chunk chunksize xs =
      case splitAt chunksize xs of
        ([], []) -> []
        (x, [])  -> [x]
        (x, xs') -> x : chunk chunksize xs'

-- | Compile an @UPDATE@ query.
compileUpdate :: forall s a. (Columns (Cols s a), Result (Cols s a))
              => PPConfig                 -- ^ SQL pretty-printer config.
              -> Table a                  -- ^ The table to update.
              -> (Cols s a -> Cols s a)   -- ^ Update function.
              -> (Cols s a -> Col s Bool) -- ^ Predicate: update only when true.
              -> (Text, [Param])
compileUpdate cfg tbl upd check =
    compUpdate cfg (tableName tbl) predicate updated
    names = map colName (tableCols tbl)
    cs = toTup names
    updated = zip names (finalCols (upd cs))
    C predicate = check cs

-- | Compile a @DELETE FROM@ query.
compileDelete :: Columns (Cols s a)
              => PPConfig -> Table a -> (Cols s a -> Col s Bool) -> (Text, [Param])
compileDelete cfg tbl check = compDelete cfg (tableName tbl) predicate
  where C predicate = check $ toTup $ map colName $ tableCols tbl

-- | Compile a query to an SQL AST.
--   Groups are ignored, as they are only used by 'aggregate'.
compQuery :: Result a => Scope -> Query s a -> (Int, SQL)
compQuery ns q =
    (nameSupply st, SQL final (Product [srcs]) [] [] [] Nothing False)
    (cs, st) = runQueryM ns q
    final = finalCols cs
    sql = state2sql st
    live = colNames final ++ allNonOutputColNames sql
    srcs = removeDeadCols live sql

{-# NOINLINE scopeSupply #-}
scopeSupply :: IORef Scope
scopeSupply = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 1

-- | Get a fresh scope from the global scope supply, then use it to compile
--   the given query.
compQueryWithFreshScope :: Result a => Query s a -> (Int, SQL)
compQueryWithFreshScope q = unsafePerformIO $ do
  s <- atomicModifyIORef' scopeSupply (\s -> (s+1, s))
  return $ compQuery s q

-- | An acceptable query result type; one or more columns stitched together
--   with @:*:@.
class Typeable (Res r) => Result r where
  type Res r
  -- | Converts the given list of @SqlValue@s into an tuple of well-typed
  --   results.
  --   See 'querySQLite' for example usage.
  --   The given list must contain exactly as many elements as dictated by
  --   the @Res r@. If the result is @a :*: b :*: c@, then the list must
  --   contain exactly three values, for instance.
  toRes :: Proxy r -> [SqlValue] -> Res r

  -- | Produce a list of all columns present in the result.
  finalCols :: r -> [SomeCol SQL]

instance (SqlType a, Result b) => Result (Col s a :*: b) where
  type Res (Col s a :*: b) = a :*: Res b
  toRes _ (x:xs) = fromSql x :*: toRes (Proxy :: Proxy b) xs
  toRes _ _      = error "backend bug: too few result columns to toRes"
  finalCols (a :*: b) = finalCols a ++ finalCols b

instance SqlType a => Result (Col s a) where
  type Res (Col s a) = a
  toRes _ [x] = fromSql x
  toRes _ []  = error "backend bug: too few result columns to toRes"
  toRes _ _   = error "backend bug: too many result columns to toRes"
  finalCols (C c) = [Some c]