{-| Module : Codec.SelfExtract Maintainer : Brandon Chinn Stability : experimental Portability : portable Defines functions that should be used in a self-extractable executable. -} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Codec.SelfExtract ( extractTo , withExtractToTemp , bundle , extractTo' , withExtractToTemp' , bundle' ) where import Codec.Archive.ZTar (Compression(..), create, extract) import Control.Monad ((>=>)) import Control.Monad.Extra (unlessM) import Data.Binary (Word32, decode, encode) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS import Data.FileEmbed (dummySpaceWith, injectFileWith) import Path ( Abs , Dir , File , Path , fromAbsDir , fromAbsFile , parseAbsFile , relfile , toFilePath , () ) import Path.IO (doesFileExist, renameFile, resolveDir', resolveFile', withSystemTempDir, withSystemTempFile) import System.Environment (getExecutablePath) import System.IO (IOMode(..), SeekMode(..), hClose, hSeek, withFile) import qualified System.PosixCompat.Files as Posix {- With FilePaths -} -- | Extract the self-bundled executable to the given path. -- -- @ -- extractTo "dir" -- will extract to $CWD/dir -- extractTo "\/usr\/local\/lib" -- @ extractTo :: FilePath -> IO () extractTo = resolveDir' >=> extractTo' -- | Extract the self-bundled executable to a temporary path. withExtractToTemp :: (FilePath -> IO ()) -> IO () withExtractToTemp action = withExtractToTemp' (action . fromAbsDir) -- | Bundle the given directory into the executable with the given name. -- -- For example, to bundle the @static/@ directory in the executable named @install-files@: -- -- @ -- bundle "./install-files" ".\/static\/" -- @ bundle :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () bundle exe dir = do exe' <- resolveFile' exe dir' <- resolveDir' dir bundle' exe' dir' {- With Paths -} -- | Same as 'extractTo', except using the 'Path' library. -- -- @ -- extractTo' [reldir|dir|] -- will extract to $CWD/dir -- extractTo' [absdir|\/usr\/local\/lib|] -- @ extractTo' :: Path b Dir -> IO () extractTo' dir = do self <- getExecutablePath >>= parseAbsFile withSystemTempFile "" $ \archive hTemp -> do withFile (fromAbsFile self) ReadMode $ \hSelf -> do hSeek hSelf AbsoluteSeek $ fromIntegral exeSize BS.hGetContents hSelf >>= BS.hPut hTemp hClose hTemp extract (toFilePath dir) $ fromAbsFile archive -- | Same as 'withExtractToTemp', except using the 'Path' library. withExtractToTemp' :: (Path Abs Dir -> IO ()) -> IO () withExtractToTemp' action = withSystemTempDir "" $ \dir -> extractTo' dir >> action dir -- | Same as 'bundle', except using the 'Path' library. -- -- @ -- bundle' [relfile|install-files|] [reldir|static|] -- @ bundle' :: Path b File -> Path b Dir -> IO () bundle' exe dir = do unlessM (doesFileExist exe) $ error $ "Executable does not exist: " ++ toFilePath exe size <- getFileSize exe withSystemTempDir "self-extract" $ \tempDir -> do let exeWithSize = tempDir [relfile|exe_with_size|] injectFileWith "self-extract" (LBS.toStrict $ encode size) (toFilePath exe) (fromAbsFile exeWithSize) let archive = tempDir [relfile|bundle.tar.gz|] create Zip (fromAbsFile archive) $ toFilePath dir let combined = tempDir [relfile|exe_and_bundle|] cat [exeWithSize, archive] combined renameFile combined exe Posix.setFileMode (toFilePath exe) executeMode where -- 755 permissions executeMode = Posix.unionFileModes Posix.stdFileMode Posix.ownerExecuteMode {- Helpers -} -- | The size of executable that will be rewritten by `bundle`. exeSize :: Word32 exeSize = decode $ LBS.fromStrict $(dummySpaceWith "self-extract" 32) -- | Get the size of the given file. getFileSize :: Path b File -> IO Word32 getFileSize = fmap getSize . Posix.getFileStatus . toFilePath where getSize = fromIntegral . Posix.fileSize -- | Concatenate the given files and write to the given file. cat :: [Path b File] -> Path b File -> IO () cat srcs dest = do contents <- BS.concat <$> mapM (BS.readFile . toFilePath) srcs BS.writeFile (toFilePath dest) contents