semigroupoids ============= [![Hackage](]( [![Build Status](]( A semigroupoid is a `Category` without `id`. This package provides a range of `id`-free versions of type classes, as well as some supporting functions and data types. Field Guide ----------- The diagram below describes the relationships between the type classes defined in this package, and those from `base` (with some from `contravariant` as well). Thick-bordered nodes correspond to type classes defined in this package; thin-bordered ones are from elsewhere. Solid edges represent subclass relationships that actually exist; dashed edges are those which _should_ exist in theory. ![A diagram of the relationships between type classes defined in this package and elsewhere.]( We also provide the following table. This is structured in superclass order - thus, for any type class `T`, all superclasses of `T` will be listed before `T` in the table. |**Name**|**Location**|**Superclass of**|**Ideally superclass of**| |--------|------------|-----------------|-------------------------| |`Functor`|`base`|`Alt`, `Apply`, `Traversable`|| |`Foldable`|`base`|`Traversable`, `Foldable1`|| |`Bifunctor`|`base`|`Biapply`|| |`Contravariant`|`base`|`Divise`, `Decide`|| |`Semigroupoid`|`semigroupoids`||`Category`| |`Alt`|`semigroupoids`|`Plus`|| |`Apply`|`semigroupoids`|`Bind`|`Applicative`| |`Traversable`|`base`|`Traversable1`|| |`Foldable1`|`semigroupoids`|`Traversable1`|| |`Biapply`|`semigroupoids`||| |`Divise`|`semigroupoids`||`Divisible`| |`Decide`|`semigroupoids`|`Conclude`|`Decidable`| |`Category`|`base`|`Arrow`|| |`Plus`|`semigroupoids`||`Alternative`| |`Applicative`|`base`|`Alternative`, `Monad`|| |`Bind`|`semigroupoids`||`Monad`| |`Traversable1`|`semigroupoids`||| |`Divisible`|`contravariant`||| |`Conclude`|`semigroupoids`||`Decidable`| |`Arrow`|`base`||| |`Alternative`|`base`|`MonadPlus`|| |`Monad`|`base`|`MonadPlus`|| |`Decidable`|`contravariant`||| |`MonadPlus`|`base`||| We omit some type class relationships from this diagram, as they are not relevant for the purposes of this package. Contact Information ------------------- Contributions and bug reports are welcome! Please feel free to contact me through Github or on the #haskell IRC channel on LiberaChat. -Edward Kmett