Seonbi: SmartyPants for Korean language ======================================= [![][releases-badge]][releases] [![][hackage-badge]][hackage] [![][dockerhub-badge]][dockerhub] [![][ci-status-badge]][ci] Seonbi (선비) is is an HTML preprocessor that makes typographic adjustments to an HTML so that the result uses accurate punctuations according to the modern Korean orthography. (It's similar to what [SmartyPants] does for a text written in English.) It also transforms a `ko-Kore` text (國漢文混用; [Korean mixed script]) into a `ko-Hang` text (한글전용; Hangul-only script). Seonbi provides a Haskell library, a CLI, and an HTTP API; any of them can perform the following transformations: - All hanja words (e.g., `漢字`) into corresponding hangul-only words (e.g., `한자`) - Straight quotes and apostrophes (`"` & `'`) into curly quotes HTML entities (`“`, `”`, `‘`, & `’`) - Three consecutive periods (`...`) into an ellipsis entity (`…`) - Pairs of less-than and greater-than inequality symbols (`<` & `>`) into pairs of proper angle quotes (`〈` & `〉`) - Pairs of two consecutive inequality symbols (`<<` & `>>`) into pairs of proper double angle quotes (`《` & `》`) - A hyphen (`-`) or hangul vowel *eu* (`ㅡ`) surrounded by spaces, or two/three consecutive hyphens (`--` or `---`) into a proper em dash (`—`) - A less-than inequality symbol followed by a hyphen or an equality symbol (`<-`, `<=`) into arrows to the left (`←`, `⇐`) - A hyphen or an equality symbol followed by a greater-than inequality symbol (`->`, `=>`) into arrows to the right (`→`, `⇒`) - A hyphen or an equality symbol wrapped by inequality symbols (`<->`, `<=>`) into bi-directional arrows (`↔`, `⇔`) Since its transformations work in HTML-level, it also plays well with web markup languages like CommonMark, Markdown, and Textile. In a similar way to SmartyPants, it either does not modify characters within several sensitive HTML elements like `