---------------------------------------------------------- Seqaid : Space Leak Diagnostic and Remedial Tool Andrew Seniuk rasfar@gmail.com 2014 ---------------------------------------------------------- The easiest way to get started with seqaid is cabal install seqaid seqaid demo This will create a fresh directory, populate it with the test project, and configure, build and run it with seqaid instrumentation. Consult the leaky.cabal, README, and leaky.hs files in that directory for additional information. (The README explains the console output.) ---------------------------------------------------------- To instrument your own project ("myapp" for didactic purposes), typically the following steps suffice: 1. cabal install seqaid, of course. 2. Add the following (at the appropriate level of indentation) to your myapp.cabal file: default-extensions: TemplateHaskell ghc-options: -fplugin=Seqaid.Plugin ghc-options: -F -pgmF seqaidpp ghc-options: -with-rtsopts=-T 3. Create a seqaid.config file in the project dir. The preprocessor will parse this, and control the extent of the instrumentation harness. There is no mechanism yet for real blanket instrumentation: You must name at least the modules you want instrumented, and the types you're interested in. All binds in a module will be covered however. Looking at the seqaid.config file for leaky: package leaky module Main binds duty types Types.TA instances Types.TA, Types.TB, Types.TC is this was changed to package leaky module Main types Types.TA instances Types.TA, Types.TB, Types.TC then all binds in module Main will be instrumented at all subexpressions having type Types.TA. The instances line names types you need to be able to force through. If you get missing instance errors when you build, then you probably need to add those types to this list. ---------------------------------------------------------- When the preprocessor runs, it will parse the configuration from seqaid.config, and perform the requisite insertions and substitutions behind the scenes. NOTE: This will never ever edit your source files directly! GHC takes care of running the preprocessor (-F option) on its own temporary files, in the natural course of the compilation pipeline. ---------------------------------------------------------- The other project inseparable from this is . More specific information resides in - the , and homepages - the Haddock API docs for and - haskell-cafe thread(s): <> - reddit thread(s): <> And to a lesser extent, sporadic bits of information can also be found in files in the source distribution - the project README and .cabal files - comments in the source files [tend to obsolescence] Subsequent versions will hopefully be more cohesive. ----------------------------------------------------------