module Data.SequentialIndex
, mantissa
, exponent
, zero
, one
, root
, sequentialIndex
, unsafeSequentialIndex
, tryFromBools
, between
, prefixBits
, build
, buildBits
, leftChild
, rightChild
, toByteString
, fromByteString

import           Data.Bits
import           Prelude         hiding (exponent)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B

-- must always be in normalised form!
data SequentialIndex 
    = SI !Integer !Int
    deriving (Eq)

mantissa :: SequentialIndex -> Integer
mantissa (SI m _) = m

exponent :: SequentialIndex -> Int
exponent (SI _ e) = e

zero :: SequentialIndex
zero = SI 0 1

one :: SequentialIndex
one = SI 1 1

root :: SequentialIndex
root = between zero one

commonBase :: SequentialIndex -> SequentialIndex -> (Integer, Integer, Int)
commonBase (SI m1 e1) (SI m2 e2) = (m1', m2', e)
    where e = max e1 e2
          m1' = m1 `shift` (e - e1)
          m2' = m2 `shift` (e - e2)

sequentialIndex :: Integer -> Int -> SequentialIndex
sequentialIndex 0 _ = zero
sequentialIndex mx ex
    = case unsafeSequentialIndex mx ex of
        v | v < zero  -> error "Invalid SequentialIndex: below zero"
          | v > one   -> error "Invalid SequentialIndex: beyond one"
          | otherwise -> v

trySequentialIndex :: Integer -> Int -> Maybe SequentialIndex
trySequentialIndex 0 _ = Just zero
trySequentialIndex mx ex
    = case unsafeSequentialIndex mx ex of
        v | v < zero  -> Nothing
          | v > one   -> Nothing
          | otherwise -> Just v

unsafeSequentialIndex :: Integer -> Int -> SequentialIndex
unsafeSequentialIndex mx ex 
    = until (\(SI m _) -> m `testBit` 0) 
            (\(SI m e) -> SI (m `shiftR` 1) (e - 1)) 
            (SI mx ex)

tryFromBools :: [Bool] -> Maybe SequentialIndex
tryFromBools = uncurry trySequentialIndex . foldr (\x (s, n) -> ((s `shiftL` 1) .|. (if x then 1 else 0), n + 1)) (0, 0)

between :: SequentialIndex -> SequentialIndex -> SequentialIndex
between a b = sequentialIndex (m1 + m2) (e + 1)
    where (m1, m2, e) = commonBase a b

prefixBits :: Int -> Integer -> SequentialIndex -> SequentialIndex
prefixBits _ _   (SI 0 1) = error "No meaningful prefix for 'zero' possible"
prefixBits eb mb (SI m e) = sequentialIndex ((mb `shiftL` e) + m) (eb + e + 1)

build :: Int -> [Integer] -> SequentialIndex
build nbits xs = foldr (prefixBits nbits) one xs

buildBits :: (Bits a, Integral a) => [a] -> SequentialIndex
buildBits xs = build (bitSize $ head xs) (map toInteger xs)

leftChild :: SequentialIndex -> SequentialIndex
leftChild (SI 0 1) = error "'zero' has no left child"
leftChild (SI m e) = SI ((m `shiftR` 1) `shiftL` 2 .|. 1) (e + 1)

rightChild :: SequentialIndex -> SequentialIndex
rightChild (SI 0 1) = error "'zero' has no real right child"
rightChild (SI 1 1) = error "'one' has no right child"
rightChild (SI m e) = SI ((m `shiftR` 1) `shiftL` 2 .|. 3) (e + 1)

toByteString :: SequentialIndex -> B.ByteString
toByteString (SI m e) = B.unfoldr step (m', e')
    where e' = ((e + 7) `div` 8) * 8
          m' = m `shift` (e' - e)

          step (_, 0) = Nothing
          step (v, ex) = let (q, r) = v `divMod` 256
                         in Just (fromInteger r, (q, ex - 8))

fromByteString :: B.ByteString -> Maybe SequentialIndex
fromByteString bs | B.null bs = Just zero
                  | otherwise = trySequentialIndex m e
    where (m, e) = B.foldr step (0, 0) bs
          step w (mx, ex) = (mx `shiftL` 8 + toInteger w, ex + 8)

instance Bounded SequentialIndex where
    minBound = zero
    maxBound = one

instance Ord SequentialIndex where
    a `compare` b = a' `compare` b'
        where (a', b', _) = commonBase a b

instance Show SequentialIndex where
    show (SI m e) = case map sbit bits of
                      []      -> "0.0"
                      [d1]    -> d1 : ".0"
                      (d1:ds) -> d1 : '.' : ds
        where bits = map (testBit m) [e - 1, e - 2 .. 0]
              sbit False = '0'
              sbit True  = '1'