{-# LINE 1 "System/Hardware/Serialport/Posix.hsc" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# LINE 2 "System/Hardware/Serialport/Posix.hsc" #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
module System.Hardware.Serialport.Posix where

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Control.Exception as Ex
import System.Posix.IO
import System.Posix.Types
import System.Posix.Terminal
import System.Hardware.Serialport.Types
import Foreign
import Foreign.C

-- |Open and configure a serial port
openSerial :: FilePath            -- ^ Serial port, such as @\/dev\/ttyS0@ or @\/dev\/ttyUSB0@
           -> SerialPortSettings
           -> IO SerialPort
openSerial dev settings = do
  fd' <- openFd dev ReadWrite Nothing defaultFileFlags { noctty = True, nonBlock = True }
  let serial_port = SerialPort fd' defaultSerialSettings
  return =<< setSerialSettings serial_port settings

-- |Receive bytes, given the maximum number
recv :: SerialPort -> Int -> IO B.ByteString
recv (SerialPort fd' _) n = do
  result <- Ex.try $ fdRead fd' count :: IO (Either IOError (String, ByteCount))
  return $ case result of
             Right (str, _) -> B.pack str
             Left _         -> B.empty
    count = fromIntegral n

-- |Send bytes
send :: SerialPort
        -> B.ByteString
        -> IO Int          -- ^ Number of bytes actually sent
send (SerialPort fd' _ ) msg =
  fromIntegral `fmap` fdWrite fd' (B.unpack msg)

-- |Flush buffers
flush :: SerialPort -> IO ()
flush (SerialPort fd' _) =
  discardData fd' BothQueues

-- |Close the serial port
closeSerial :: SerialPort -> IO ()
closeSerial = closeFd . fd

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foreign import ccall "ioctl" c_ioctl :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr () -> IO CInt

cIoctl' :: Fd -> Int -> Ptr d -> IO ()
cIoctl' f req =
  throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "ioctl" .
     c_ioctl (fromIntegral f) (fromIntegral req) . castPtr

getTIOCM :: Fd -> IO Int
getTIOCM fd' =
  alloca $ \p -> cIoctl' fd' 21525 p >> peek p
{-# LINE 68 "System/Hardware/Serialport/Posix.hsc" #-}

setTIOCM :: Fd -> Int -> IO ()
setTIOCM fd' val =
  with val $ cIoctl' fd' 21528
{-# LINE 73 "System/Hardware/Serialport/Posix.hsc" #-}

-- |Set the Data Terminal Ready level
setDTR :: SerialPort -> Bool -> IO ()
setDTR (SerialPort fd' _) set = do
  current <- getTIOCM fd'
  setTIOCM fd' $ if set
                   then current .|. 2
{-# LINE 81 "System/Hardware/Serialport/Posix.hsc" #-}
                   else current .&. complement 2
{-# LINE 82 "System/Hardware/Serialport/Posix.hsc" #-}

-- |Set the Ready to send level
setRTS :: SerialPort -> Bool -> IO ()
setRTS (SerialPort fd' _) set = do
  current <- getTIOCM fd'
  setTIOCM fd' $ if set
                   then current .|. 4
{-# LINE 90 "System/Hardware/Serialport/Posix.hsc" #-}
                   else current .&. complement 4
{-# LINE 91 "System/Hardware/Serialport/Posix.hsc" #-}

-- |Configure the serial port
setSerialSettings :: SerialPort           -- ^ The currently opened serial port
                  -> SerialPortSettings   -- ^ The new settings
                  -> IO SerialPort        -- ^ New serial port
setSerialSettings (SerialPort fd' _) new_settings = do
  termOpts <- getTerminalAttributes fd'
  let termOpts' = configureSettings termOpts new_settings
  setTerminalAttributes fd' termOpts' Immediately
  return (SerialPort fd' new_settings)

-- |Get configuration from serial port
getSerialSettings :: SerialPort -> SerialPortSettings
getSerialSettings = portSettings

withParity :: TerminalAttributes -> Parity -> TerminalAttributes
withParity termOpts Even =
    termOpts `withMode` EnableParity
             `withoutMode` OddParity
withParity termOpts Odd =
    termOpts `withMode` EnableParity
             `withMode` OddParity
withParity termOpts NoParity =
    termOpts `withoutMode` EnableParity

withFlowControl :: TerminalAttributes -> FlowControl -> TerminalAttributes
withFlowControl termOpts NoFlowControl =
    termOpts `withoutMode` StartStopInput
             `withoutMode` StartStopOutput
withFlowControl termOpts Software =
    termOpts `withMode` StartStopInput
             `withMode` StartStopOutput

withStopBits :: TerminalAttributes -> StopBits -> TerminalAttributes
withStopBits termOpts One =
    termOpts `withoutMode` TwoStopBits
withStopBits termOpts Two =
    termOpts `withMode` TwoStopBits

configureSettings :: TerminalAttributes -> SerialPortSettings -> TerminalAttributes
configureSettings termOpts settings =
    termOpts `withInputSpeed` commSpeedToBaudRate (commSpeed settings)
             `withOutputSpeed` commSpeedToBaudRate (commSpeed settings)
             `withBits` fromIntegral (bitsPerWord settings)
             `withStopBits` stopb settings
             `withParity` parity settings
             `withFlowControl` flowControl settings
             `withoutMode` EnableEcho
             `withoutMode` EchoErase
             `withoutMode` EchoKill
             `withoutMode` ProcessInput
             `withoutMode` ProcessOutput
             `withoutMode` MapCRtoLF
             `withoutMode` EchoLF
             `withoutMode` HangupOnClose
             `withoutMode` KeyboardInterrupts
             `withoutMode` ExtendedFunctions
             `withMode` LocalMode
             `withMode` ReadEnable
             `withTime` timeout settings
             `withMinInput` 0

commSpeedToBaudRate :: CommSpeed -> BaudRate
commSpeedToBaudRate speed =
    case speed of
      CS110 -> B110
      CS300 -> B300
      CS600 -> B600
      CS1200 -> B1200
      CS2400 -> B2400
      CS4800 -> B4800
      CS9600 -> B9600
      CS19200 -> B19200
      CS38400 -> B38400
      CS57600 -> B57600
      CS115200 -> B115200