module Serokell.Util.Text
, show'
, FPFormat (..)
, showFloat
, showFloat'
, showFixedPretty'
, showDecimal
, showDecimal'
, pairF
, tripleF
, listJson
, listJsonIndent
, listCsv
, mapJson
, pairBuilder
, tripleBuilder
, listBuilder
, listBuilderJSON
, listBuilderJSONIndent
, listBuilderCSV
, mapBuilder
, mapBuilderJson
, format
, format'
, formatSingle
, formatSingle'
, buildSingle
, readFractional
, readDouble
, readDecimal
, readUnsignedDecimal
) where
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Buildable (Buildable (build))
import qualified Data.Text.Format as F
import Data.Text.Format.Params (Params)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as B
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Int as B
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.RealFloat (FPFormat (Exponent, Fixed, Generic))
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.RealFloat as B
import qualified Data.Text.Read as T
import Formatting (fixed, sformat, later, Format)
import GHC.Exts (IsList(..))
import Prelude hiding (show, showList)
show :: Buildable a
=> a -> LT.Text
show = B.toLazyText . build
show' :: Buildable a
=> a -> T.Text
show' = LT.toStrict . show
:: Real a
=> Int -> a -> T.Text
showFixedPretty' prec =
T.dropWhileEnd (== '.') . T.dropWhileEnd (== '0') . sformat (fixed prec)
:: (RealFloat a)
=> FPFormat -> Maybe Int -> a -> LT.Text
showFloat f precision v = B.toLazyText $ B.formatRealFloat f precision v
:: (RealFloat a)
=> FPFormat -> Maybe Int -> a -> T.Text
showFloat' f prec = LT.toStrict . showFloat f prec
showDecimal :: (Integral a)
=> a -> LT.Text
showDecimal = B.toLazyText . B.decimal
showDecimal' :: (Integral a)
=> a -> T.Text
showDecimal' = LT.toStrict . showDecimal
pairF :: (Buildable a, Buildable b) => Format r ((a,b) -> r)
pairF = later pairBuilder
tripleF :: (Buildable a, Buildable b, Buildable c) => Format r ((a,b,c) -> r)
tripleF = later tripleBuilder
listJson :: (Foldable t, Buildable a) => Format r (t a -> r)
listJson = later listBuilderJSON
listJsonIndent :: (Foldable t, Buildable a) => Word -> Format r (t a -> r)
listJsonIndent = later . listBuilderJSONIndent
listCsv :: (Foldable t, Buildable a) => Format r (t a -> r)
listCsv = later listBuilderCSV
mapJson :: (IsList t, Item t ~ (k, v), Buildable k, Buildable v)
=> Format r (t -> r)
mapJson = later mapBuilderJson
:: (Buildable a, Buildable b)
=> (a, b) -> B.Builder
pairBuilder = "({}, {})"
:: (Buildable a, Buildable b, Buildable c)
=> (a, b, c) -> B.Builder
tripleBuilder = "({}, {}, {})"
:: (Buildable prefix, Buildable delimiter, Buildable suffix, Foldable t, Buildable a)
=> prefix -> delimiter -> suffix -> t a -> B.Builder
listBuilder prefix delimiter suffix as =
mconcat [build prefix, mconcat builders, build suffix]
where builders = foldr appendBuilder [] as
appendBuilder a [] = [build a]
appendBuilder a bs = build a : build delimiter : bs
:: (Foldable t, Buildable a)
=> B.Builder -> B.Builder -> B.Builder -> t a -> B.Builder
_listBuilder = listBuilder
:: (Foldable t, Buildable a)
=> t a -> B.Builder
listBuilderJSON = _listBuilder "[" ", " "]"
:: (Foldable t, Buildable a)
=> Word -> t a -> B.Builder
listBuilderJSONIndent _ as | null as = "[]"
listBuilderJSONIndent indent as
| otherwise =
listBuilder ("[\n" `LT.append` spaces)
("\n]" :: B.Builder)
where spaces =
LT.replicate (fromIntegral indent)
" "
delimiter = ",\n" `LT.append` spaces
:: (Foldable t, Buildable a)
=> t a -> B.Builder
listBuilderCSV = _listBuilder "" "," ""
:: (Traversable t, Buildable k, Buildable v)
=> t (k, v) -> B.Builder
mapBuilder = listBuilderJSON . fmap pairBuilder
:: (IsList t, Item t ~ (k, v), Buildable k, Buildable v)
=> t -> B.Builder
mapBuilderJson = _listBuilder "{" ", " "}" . map ( "{}: {}") . toList
format :: Params ps
=> F.Format -> ps -> LT.Text
format = F.format
format' :: Params ps
=> F.Format -> ps -> T.Text
format' f = LT.toStrict . F.format f
formatSingle :: Buildable a
=> F.Format -> a -> LT.Text
formatSingle f = format f . F.Only
formatSingle' :: Buildable a
=> F.Format -> a -> T.Text
formatSingle' f = LT.toStrict . formatSingle f
buildSingle :: Buildable a
=> F.Format -> a -> B.Builder
buildSingle f = f . F.Only
readFractional :: Fractional a => T.Text -> Either String a
readFractional = _wrapReader T.rational
readDouble :: T.Text -> Either String Double
readDouble = _wrapReader T.double
readDecimal :: Integral a => T.Text -> Either String a
readDecimal = _wrapReader $ T.signed T.decimal
readUnsignedDecimal :: Integral a => T.Text -> Either String a
readUnsignedDecimal = _wrapReader T.decimal
_wrapReader :: T.Reader a -> T.Text -> Either String a
_wrapReader reader t =
case reader t of
Left err -> Left $ mconcat [ "failed to parse '"
, T.unpack t
, "': "
, err
Right (res, "") -> Right res
Right (_, remainder) ->
Left $
mconcat [ "failed to parse '"
, T.unpack t
, "', because there is a remainder: "
, T.unpack remainder