{-| Module: Servant.Server.Experimental.Auth.Cookie Copyright: (c) 2016 Al Zohali License: BSD3 Maintainer: Al Zohali Stability: experimental = Description Authentication via encrypted client-side cookies, inspired by client-session library by Michael Snoyman and based on ideas of the paper \"A Secure Cookie Protocol\" by Alex Liu et al. -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module Servant.Server.Experimental.Auth.Cookie ( CipherAlgorithm , AuthCookieData , Cookie (..) , AuthCookieException (..) , RandomSource , mkRandomSource , getRandomBytes , ServerKey , mkServerKey , mkServerKeyFromBytes , getServerKey , AuthCookieSettings (..) , EncryptedSession (..) , emptyEncryptedSession , encryptCookie , decryptCookie , encryptSession , decryptSession , addSession , addSessionToErr , getSession -- exposed for testing purpose , renderSession , defaultAuthHandler ) where import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (toByteString) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow (..), Exception) import Control.Monad.Except import Crypto.Cipher.AES (AES256) import Crypto.Cipher.Types import Crypto.Error import Crypto.Hash (HashAlgorithm(..)) import Crypto.Hash.Algorithms (SHA256) import Crypto.MAC.HMAC (HMAC) import Crypto.Random (drgNew, DRG(..)) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Default import Data.IORef import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isNothing) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Proxy import Data.Serialize import Data.Time import Data.Tagged (Tagged (..), retag) import Data.Typeable import GHC.TypeLits (Symbol) import Network.HTTP.Types (hCookie) import Network.Wai (Request, requestHeaders) import Servant (addHeader, ServantErr (..)) import Servant.API.Experimental.Auth (AuthProtect) import Servant.API.ResponseHeaders (AddHeader) import Servant.Server (err403) import Servant.Server.Experimental.Auth import Web.Cookie import qualified Crypto.MAC.HMAC as H import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as Base64 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC8 #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) import Control.Applicative #endif #if MIN_VERSION_servant(0,9,0) import Servant (ToHttpApiData (..)) #else import Data.ByteString.Conversion (ToByteString (..)) #endif ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- General types -- | A type for encryption and decryption functions operating on 'ByteString's. type CipherAlgorithm c = c -> IV c -> ByteString -> ByteString -- | A type family that maps user-defined data to 'AuthServerData'. type family AuthCookieData type instance AuthServerData (AuthProtect "cookie-auth") = AuthCookieData -- | Cookie representation. data Cookie = Cookie { cookieIV :: ByteString -- ^ The initialization vector , cookieExpirationTime :: UTCTime -- ^ The cookie's expiration time , cookiePayload :: ByteString -- ^ The payload } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | A newtype wrapper over 'ByteString' newtype EncryptedSession = EncryptedSession ByteString deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable) -- | An empty 'EncryptedSession' emptyEncryptedSession :: EncryptedSession emptyEncryptedSession = EncryptedSession "" #if MIN_VERSION_servant(0,9,0) instance ToHttpApiData EncryptedSession where toHeader (EncryptedSession s) = s toUrlPiece = error "toUrlPiece @EncryptedSession: not implemented" #else instance ToByteString EncryptedSession where builder (EncryptedSession s) = builder s #endif -- | The exception is thrown when something goes wrong with this package. data AuthCookieException = CannotMakeIV ByteString -- ^ Could not make 'IV' for block cipher. | BadProperKey CryptoError -- ^ Could not initialize a cipher context. | TooShortProperKey Int Int -- ^ The key is too short for current cipher algorithm. Arguments of -- this constructor: minimal key length, actual key length. | IncorrectMAC ByteString -- ^ Thrown when Message Authentication Code (MAC) is not correct. | CannotParseExpirationTime ByteString -- ^ Thrown when expiration time cannot be parsed. | CookieExpired UTCTime UTCTime -- ^ Thrown when 'Cookie' has expired. Arguments of the constructor: -- expiration time, actual time. | SessionDeserializationFailed String -- ^ This is thrown when 'runGet' or 'Base64.decode' blows up. deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable) instance Exception AuthCookieException ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tags for various bytestrings -- | Tag encrypted cookie data EncryptedCookie -- | Tag for base64 serialized and encrypted cookie data SerializedEncryptedCookie base64Encode :: Tagged EncryptedCookie ByteString -> Tagged SerializedEncryptedCookie ByteString base64Encode = retag . fmap Base64.encode base64Decode :: Tagged SerializedEncryptedCookie ByteString -> Either String (Tagged EncryptedCookie ByteString) base64Decode = fmap Tagged . Base64.decode . unTagged ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Random source -- | A wrapper of self-resetting 'DRG' suitable for concurrent usage. data RandomSource where RandomSource :: DRG d => IO d -> Int -> IORef (d, Int) -> RandomSource -- | Constructor for 'RandomSource' value. mkRandomSource :: (MonadIO m, DRG d) => IO d -- ^ How to get deterministic random generator -> Int -- ^ Threshold (number of bytes to be generated before resetting) -> m RandomSource -- ^ New 'RandomSource' value mkRandomSource mkDRG threshold = RandomSource mkDRG threshold `liftM` liftIO ((,0) <$> mkDRG >>= newIORef) -- | Extract pseudo-random bytes from 'RandomSource'. getRandomBytes :: MonadIO m => RandomSource -- ^ The source of random numbers -> Int -- ^ How many random bytes to generate -> m ByteString -- ^ The generated bytes in form of a 'ByteString' getRandomBytes (RandomSource mkDRG threshold ref) n = do freshDRG <- liftIO mkDRG liftIO . atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \(drg, bytes) -> let (result, drg') = randomBytesGenerate n drg bytes' = bytes + n in if bytes' >= threshold then ((freshDRG, 0), result) else ((drg', bytes'), result) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Server key -- | A wrapper of self-resetting 'ByteString' of random symbols suitable for -- concurrent usage. data ServerKey = ServerKey Int (Maybe NominalDiffTime) (IORef (ByteString, UTCTime)) -- | Constructor for 'ServerKey' value. mkServerKey :: MonadIO m => Int -- ^ Size of the server key -> Maybe NominalDiffTime -- ^ Expiration time ('Nothing' is eternity) -> m ServerKey -- ^ New 'ServerKey' mkServerKey size maxAge = ServerKey size maxAge `liftM` liftIO (mkServerKeyState size maxAge >>= newIORef) -- | Constructor for 'ServerKey' value using predefined key. mkServerKeyFromBytes :: MonadIO m => ByteString -- ^ Predefined key -> m ServerKey -- ^ New 'ServerKey' mkServerKeyFromBytes bytes = ServerKey (BS.length bytes) Nothing `liftM` liftIO (newIORef (bytes, timeOrigin)) where -- we don't care about the time as the key never expires timeOrigin = UTCTime (toEnum 0) 0 -- | Extract value from 'ServerKey'. getServerKey :: MonadIO m => ServerKey -- ^ The 'ServerKey' -> m ByteString -- ^ Its random symbol getServerKey (ServerKey size maxAge ref) = do currentTime <- liftIO getCurrentTime (key', expirationTime') <- mkServerKeyState size maxAge liftIO . atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \(key, expirationTime) -> let expired = if isNothing maxAge then False else currentTime > expirationTime in if expired then ((key', expirationTime'), key') else ((key, expirationTime), key) -- | An initializer of 'ServerKey' state. mkServerKeyState :: MonadIO m => Int -- ^ Size of the server key -> Maybe NominalDiffTime -- ^ Expiration time ('Nothing' is eternity) -> m (ByteString, UTCTime) mkServerKeyState size maxAge = liftIO $ do key <- fst . randomBytesGenerate size <$> drgNew time <- addUTCTime (fromMaybe 0 maxAge) <$> getCurrentTime return (key, time) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Settings -- | Options that determine authentication mechanisms. Use 'def' to get -- default value of this type. data AuthCookieSettings where AuthCookieSettings :: (HashAlgorithm h, BlockCipher c) => { acsSessionField :: ByteString -- ^ Name of a cookie which stores session object , acsCookieFlags :: [ByteString] -- ^ Session cookie's flags , acsMaxAge :: NominalDiffTime -- ^ For how long the cookie will be valid (corresponds to “Max-Age” -- attribute). , acsExpirationFormat :: String -- ^ Expiration format as in 'formatTime'. , acsPath :: ByteString -- ^ Scope of the cookie (corresponds to “Path” attribute). , acsHashAlgorithm :: Proxy h -- ^ Hash algorithm that will be used in 'hmac'. , acsCipher :: Proxy c -- ^ Symmetric cipher that will be used in encryption. , acsEncryptAlgorithm :: CipherAlgorithm c -- ^ Algorithm to encrypt cookies. , acsDecryptAlgorithm :: CipherAlgorithm c -- ^ Algorithm to decrypt cookies. } -> AuthCookieSettings instance Default AuthCookieSettings where def = AuthCookieSettings { acsSessionField = "Session" , acsCookieFlags = ["HttpOnly", "Secure"] , acsMaxAge = fromIntegral (12 * 3600 :: Integer) -- 12 hours , acsExpirationFormat = "%0Y%m%d%H%M%S" , acsPath = "/" , acsHashAlgorithm = Proxy :: Proxy SHA256 , acsCipher = Proxy :: Proxy AES256 , acsEncryptAlgorithm = ctrCombine , acsDecryptAlgorithm = ctrCombine } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Encrypt/decrypt cookie -- | Encrypt given 'Cookie' with server key. -- -- The function can throw the following exceptions (of type -- 'AuthCookieException'): -- -- * 'TooShortProperKey' -- * 'CannotMakeIV' -- * 'BadProperKey' encryptCookie :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => AuthCookieSettings -- ^ Options, see 'AuthCookieSettings' -> ServerKey -- ^ 'ServerKey' to use -> Cookie -- ^ The 'Cookie' to encrypt -> m (Tagged EncryptedCookie ByteString) -- ^ Encrypted 'Cookie' is form of 'ByteString' encryptCookie AuthCookieSettings {..} sk cookie = do let iv = cookieIV cookie expiration = BSC8.pack $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale acsExpirationFormat (cookieExpirationTime cookie) serverKey <- getServerKey sk key <- mkProperKey (cipherKeySize $ unProxy acsCipher) (sign acsHashAlgorithm serverKey $ iv <> expiration) payload <- applyCipherAlgorithm acsEncryptAlgorithm iv key (cookiePayload cookie) let mac = sign acsHashAlgorithm serverKey (BS.concat [iv, expiration, payload]) return . Tagged . runPut $ do putByteString iv putByteString expiration putByteString payload putByteString mac -- | Decrypt a 'Cookie' from 'ByteString'. -- -- The function can throw the following exceptions (of type -- 'AuthCookieException'): -- -- * 'TooShortProperKey' -- * 'CannotMakeIV' -- * 'BadProperKey' -- * 'IncorrectMAC' -- * 'CannotParseExpirationTime' -- * 'CookieExpired' decryptCookie :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => AuthCookieSettings -- ^ Options, see 'AuthCookieSettings' -> ServerKey -- ^ 'ServerKey' to use -> Tagged EncryptedCookie ByteString -- ^ The 'ByteString' to decrypt -> m Cookie -- ^ The decrypted 'Cookie' decryptCookie AuthCookieSettings {..} sk (Tagged s) = do currentTime <- liftIO getCurrentTime let ivSize = blockSize (unProxy acsCipher) expSize = length (formatTime defaultTimeLocale acsExpirationFormat currentTime) payloadSize = BS.length s - ivSize - expSize - hashDigestSize (unProxy acsHashAlgorithm) butMacSize = ivSize + expSize + payloadSize (iv, s0) = BS.splitAt ivSize s (expirationRaw, s1) = BS.splitAt expSize s0 (payloadRaw, mac) = BS.splitAt payloadSize s1 serverKey <- getServerKey sk when (mac /= sign acsHashAlgorithm serverKey (BS.take butMacSize s)) $ throwM (IncorrectMAC mac) expirationTime <- maybe (throwM $ CannotParseExpirationTime expirationRaw) return $ parseTimeM False defaultTimeLocale acsExpirationFormat (BSC8.unpack expirationRaw) when (currentTime >= expirationTime) $ throwM (CookieExpired expirationTime currentTime) key <- mkProperKey (cipherKeySize (unProxy acsCipher)) (sign acsHashAlgorithm serverKey $ BS.take (ivSize + expSize) s) payload <- applyCipherAlgorithm acsDecryptAlgorithm iv key payloadRaw return Cookie { cookieIV = iv , cookieExpirationTime = expirationTime , cookiePayload = payload } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Encrypt/decrypt session -- | Pack session object into a cookie. The function can throw the same -- exceptions as 'encryptCookie'. encryptSession :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, Serialize a) => AuthCookieSettings -- ^ Options, see 'AuthCookieSettings' -> RandomSource -- ^ Random source to use -> ServerKey -- ^ 'ServerKey' to use -> a -- ^ Session value -> m (Tagged SerializedEncryptedCookie ByteString) -- ^ Serialized and encrypted session encryptSession acs@AuthCookieSettings {..} randomSource sk session = do iv <- getRandomBytes randomSource (blockSize $ unProxy acsCipher) expirationTime <- liftM (addUTCTime acsMaxAge) (liftIO getCurrentTime) let payload = runPut (put session) padding <- let bs = blockSize (unProxy acsCipher) n = BS.length payload l = (bs - (n `rem` bs)) `rem` bs in getRandomBytes randomSource l base64Encode `liftM` encryptCookie acs sk (Cookie { cookieIV = iv , cookieExpirationTime = expirationTime , cookiePayload = BS.concat [payload, padding] }) -- | Unpack session value from a cookie. The function can throw the same -- exceptions as 'decryptCookie'. decryptSession :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, Serialize a) => AuthCookieSettings -- ^ Options, see 'AuthCookieSettings' -> ServerKey -- ^ 'ServerKey' to use -> Tagged SerializedEncryptedCookie ByteString -- ^ Cookie in binary form -> m a -- ^ Unpacked session value decryptSession acs@AuthCookieSettings {..} sk s = let fromRight = either (throwM . SessionDeserializationFailed) return in fromRight (base64Decode s) >>= decryptCookie acs sk >>= fromRight . runGet get . cookiePayload ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Add/remove session -- | Add cookie header to response. The function can throw the same -- exceptions as 'encryptSession'. addSession :: ( MonadIO m , MonadThrow m , Serialize a , AddHeader (e :: Symbol) EncryptedSession s r ) => AuthCookieSettings -- ^ Options, see 'AuthCookieSettings' -> RandomSource -- ^ Random source to use -> ServerKey -- ^ 'ServerKey' to use -> a -- ^ The session value -> s -- ^ Response to add session to -> m r -- ^ Response with the session added addSession acs rs sk sessionData response = do header <- renderSession acs rs sk sessionData return (addHeader (EncryptedSession header) response) -- | Add cookie session to error allowing to set cookie even if response is -- not 200. addSessionToErr :: ( MonadIO m , MonadThrow m , Serialize a ) => AuthCookieSettings -- ^ Options, see 'AuthCookieSettings' -> RandomSource -- ^ Random source to use -> ServerKey -- ^ 'ServerKey' to use -> a -- ^ The session value -> ServantErr -- ^ Servant error to add the cookie to -> m ServantErr addSessionToErr acs rs sk sessionData err = do header <- renderSession acs rs sk sessionData return err { errHeaders = ("set-cookie", header) : errHeaders err } -- | Request handler that checks cookies. If 'Cookie' is just missing, you -- get 'Nothing', but if something is wrong with its format, 'getSession' -- can throw the same exceptions as 'decryptSession'. getSession :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, Serialize a) => AuthCookieSettings -- ^ Options, see 'AuthCookieSettings' -> ServerKey -- ^ 'ServerKey' to use -> Request -- ^ The request -> m (Maybe a) -- ^ The result getSession acs@AuthCookieSettings {..} sk request = do let cookies = parseCookies <$> lookup hCookie (requestHeaders request) sessionBinary = cookies >>= lookup acsSessionField maybe (return Nothing) (liftM Just . decryptSession acs sk . Tagged) sessionBinary -- | Render session cookie to 'ByteString'. renderSession :: ( MonadIO m , MonadThrow m , Serialize a ) => AuthCookieSettings -> RandomSource -> ServerKey -> a -> m ByteString renderSession acs@AuthCookieSettings {..} rs sk sessionData = do Tagged sessionBinary <- encryptSession acs rs sk sessionData let cookies = (acsSessionField, sessionBinary) : ("Path", acsPath) : ("Max-Age", (BSC8.pack . show . n) acsMaxAge) : ((,"") <$> acsCookieFlags) n = floor :: NominalDiffTime -> Int (return . toByteString . renderCookies) cookies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Default auth handler -- | Cookie authentication handler. defaultAuthHandler :: Serialize a => AuthCookieSettings -- ^ Options, see 'AuthCookieSettings' -> ServerKey -- ^ 'ServerKey' to use -> AuthHandler Request a -- ^ defaultAuthHandler acs sk = mkAuthHandler $ \request -> do msession <- liftIO (getSession acs sk request) maybe (throwError err403) return msession ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Helpers -- | Applies 'H.hmac' algorithm to given data. sign :: forall h. HashAlgorithm h => Proxy h -- ^ The hash algorithm to use -> ByteString -- ^ -> ByteString -> ByteString sign Proxy key msg = BA.convert (H.hmac key msg :: HMAC h) {-# INLINE sign #-} -- | Truncates given 'ByteString' according to 'KeySizeSpecifier' or raises -- | error if the key is not long enough. mkProperKey :: MonadThrow m => KeySizeSpecifier -- ^ Key size specifier -> ByteString -- ^ The 'ByteString' to truncate -> m ByteString -- ^ The resulting 'ByteString' mkProperKey kss s = do let klen = BS.length s giveUp l = throwM (TooShortProperKey l klen) plen <- case kss of KeySizeRange l r -> if klen < l then giveUp l else return (min klen r) KeySizeEnum ls -> case filter (<= klen) ls of [] -> giveUp (minimum ls) xs -> return (maximum xs) KeySizeFixed l -> if klen < l then giveUp l else return l return (BS.take plen s) -- | Applies given encryption or decryption algorithm to given data. applyCipherAlgorithm :: forall c m. (BlockCipher c, MonadThrow m) => CipherAlgorithm c -- ^ The cipher algorithm to apply -> ByteString -- ^ 'ByteString' from which to create 'IV' -> ByteString -- ^ Proper key -> ByteString -- ^ Cookie payload -> m ByteString -- ^ The resulting 'ByteString' applyCipherAlgorithm f ivRaw keyRaw msg = do iv <- case makeIV ivRaw :: Maybe (IV c) of Nothing -> throwM (CannotMakeIV ivRaw) Just x -> return x key <- case cipherInit keyRaw :: CryptoFailable c of CryptoFailed err -> throwM (BadProperKey err) CryptoPassed x -> return x (return . BA.convert) (f key iv msg) -- | Return bottom of type provided as 'Proxy' tag. unProxy :: Proxy a -> a unProxy Proxy = undefined