servant-db ========== The idea of package is to provide [servant]( DSL for specifying an API for functions stored in RDBMS. ``` haskell data RegisterUser = RegisterUser { userName :: Text , userPassword :: Text , userPhone :: Phone , userEmail :: Email } type API = ArgNamed "user" RegisterUser :> ArgNamed "isAdmin" Bool :> Procedure "registerUser" (Maybe (Only UserId)) :<|> ArgPos UserId :> Procedure "getUser" (Maybe User) :<|> Procedure "listUsers" [User] ``` The library adds three custom combinators: * `ArgNamed name a` - named argument of stored function of type `a`. * `ArgPos a` - unamed argument of stored function of type `a`. * `Procedure name a` - named stored function with return type `a`. Related libraries: * [servant-db-postgresql]( - derives client for PostgreSQL with [postgresql-query](postgresql-query) library.