module Servant.Elm.Generate where import Data.Char (toLower) import Data.List (intercalate, nub) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import Data.Proxy (Proxy) import qualified Data.Text as T import Servant.Elm.Client (HasElmClient, elmClient) import Servant.Elm.Request (Request (..)) import Servant.Foreign (ArgType (..), QueryArg (..), Segment (..), SegmentType (..), camelCase) {-| Options to configure how code is generated. -} data ElmOptions = ElmOptions { {- | The protocol, host and any path prefix to be used as the base for all requests. Example: @""@ -} urlPrefix :: String } {-| The default options for generating Elm code. [@urlPrefix@] (An empty string) -} defElmOptions :: ElmOptions defElmOptions = ElmOptions { urlPrefix = "" } {-| Default imports required by generated Elm code. You probably want to include this at the top of your generated Elm module. The default required imports are: > import Json.Decode exposing ((:=)) > import Json.Decode.Extra exposing ((|:)) > import Json.Encode > import Http > import String > import Task -} defElmImports :: String defElmImports = unlines [ "import Json.Decode exposing ((:=))" , "import Json.Decode.Extra exposing ((|:))" , "import Json.Encode" , "import Http" , "import String" , "import Task" ] {-| Generate Elm code for the API with default options. Returns a list of Elm code definitions with everything you need to query your Servant API from Elm: type definitions, JSON decoders, JSON encoders, and query functions. You could spit these out to a file and call them from your Elm code, but you would be better off creating a 'Spec' with the result and using 'specsToDir', which handles the module name for you. -} generateElmForAPI :: (HasElmClient layout) => Proxy layout -> [String] generateElmForAPI = generateElmForAPIWith defElmOptions {-| Generate Elm code for the API with custom options. -} generateElmForAPIWith :: (HasElmClient layout) => ElmOptions -> Proxy layout -> [String] generateElmForAPIWith opts = nub . concatMap (generateElmForRequest opts) . elmClient -- TODO: headers, content type?, url encoders? generateElmForRequest :: ElmOptions -> Request -> [String] generateElmForRequest opts request = typeDefs request ++ decoderDefs request ++ encoderDefs request ++ [func] where func = funcName ++ " : " ++ (typeSignature . reverse . fnSignature) request ++ "\n" ++ funcNameArgs ++ " =\n" ++ " let\n" ++ letParams " " ++ " request =\n" ++ " { verb =\n" ++ " \"" ++ httpMethod request ++ "\"\n" ++ " , headers =\n" ++ " [(\"Content-Type\", \"application/json\")]\n" ++ " , url =\n" ++ " " ++ url ++ "\n" ++ urlParams " " ++ " , body =\n" ++ " " ++ body ++ "\n" ++ " }\n" ++ " in\n" ++ " Http.fromJson\n" ++ " " ++ decoder request ++ "\n" ++ " (Http.send Http.defaultSettings request)" funcName = (T.unpack . camelCase . map T.pack . (:) (map toLower (httpMethod request)) . reverse) (fnName request) typeSignature [x] = "Task.Task Http.Error (" ++ x ++ ")" typeSignature (x:xs) = x ++ " -> " ++ typeSignature xs typeSignature [] = "" funcNameArgs = unwords (funcName : args) url = buildUrl (urlPrefix opts) segments args = reverse (argNames request) segments = (reverse . urlSegments) request params = (map paramToStr . reverse . urlQueryStr) request letParams indent = if null params then "" else indent ++ intercalate ("\n" ++ indent) [ "params =" , " List.filter (not << String.isEmpty)" , " [ " ++ intercalate ("\n" ++ indent ++ " , ") params , " ]" ] ++ "\n" urlParams indent = if null params then "" else indent ++ intercalate ("\n" ++ indent) [ "++ if List.isEmpty params then" , " \"\"" , " else" , " \"?\" ++ String.join \"&\" params" ] ++ "\n" body = case bodyEncoder request of Just encoder -> "Http.string (Json.Encode.encode 0 (" ++ encoder ++ " body))" Nothing -> "Http.empty" buildUrl :: String -> [Segment] -> String buildUrl prefix segments = (intercalate newLine . catMaybes) [ nullOr prefix $ "\"" ++ prefix ++ "\"" , nullOr segments $ "\"/\" ++ " ++ intercalate (newLine ++ "\"/\" ++ ") (map segmentToStr segments) ] where newLine = "\n ++ " nullOr t x = if null t then Nothing else Just x segmentToStr :: Segment -> String segmentToStr (Segment (Static s)) = "\"" ++ T.unpack s ++ "\"" segmentToStr (Segment (Cap (s, _))) = "(" ++ T.unpack s ++ " |> toString |> Http.uriEncode)" paramToStr :: QueryArg -> String paramToStr qarg = case _argType qarg of Normal -> intercalate newLine [ name , " |> (toString >> Http.uriEncode >> (++) \"" ++ name ++ "=\")" , " |> Maybe.withDefault \"\"" ] Flag -> intercalate newLine ["if " ++ name ++ " then" , " \"" ++ name ++ "=\"" , "else" , " \"\"" ] List -> intercalate newLine [ name , " |> (\\val -> \"" ++ name ++ "[]=\" ++ (val |> toString |> Http.uriEncode))" , " |> String.join \"&\"" ] where name = T.unpack (fst (_argName qarg)) newLine = "\n "