{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | There are two ways in which to use this module.
-- The first is to use the renderer directly with the pandoc API.  A
-- very simple program to render the API documentation as a mediawiki
-- document might look as follows.
-- > import Text.Pandoc
-- > import Servant.Docs.Pandoc
-- > import Servant.Docs
-- > import Data.Default (def)
-- >
-- > myApi :: Proxy MyAPI
-- > myApi = Proxy
-- >
-- > writeDocs :: API -> IO ()
-- > writeDocs api = writeFile "api.mw" (writeMediaWiki def (pandoc api))
-- The second approach is to use `makeFilter` to make a filter which can be
-- used directly with pandoc from the command line. This filter will just
-- append the API documentation to the end of the document.
-- Example usage
-- > -- api.hs
-- > main :: IO ()
-- > main = makeFilter (docs myApi)
-- >> pandoc -o api.pdf --filter=api.hs manual.md
-- A more sophisticated filter can be used to actually convert
-- introduction and note bodies into Markdown for pandoc to be able to
-- process:
-- > import Data.Monoid         (mconcat, (<>))
-- > import Servant.Docs.Pandoc (pandoc)
-- > import Text.Pandoc         (readMarkdown)
-- > import Text.Pandoc.JSON    (Block(Para, Plain), Inline(Str), Pandoc(Pandoc),
-- >                             toJSONFilter)
-- > import Text.Pandoc.Options (def)
-- > import Text.Pandoc.Walk    (walkM)
-- >
-- > main :: IO ()
-- > main = toJSONFilter append
-- >   where
-- >     append :: Pandoc -> Pandoc
-- >     append = (<> mconcat (walkM parseMarkdown (pandoc myApi)))
-- >
-- > parseMarkdown :: Block -> [Block]
-- > parseMarkdown bl = case bl of
-- >                      Para  [Str str] -> toMarkdown str
-- >                      Plain [Str str] -> toMarkdown str
-- >                      _               -> [bl]
-- >   where
-- >     toMarkdown = either (const [bl]) unPandoc . readMarkdown def
-- >
-- >     unPandoc (Pandoc _ bls) = bls
module Servant.Docs.Pandoc
  ( pandoc
  , pandocWith
  , makeFilter
  ) where

import Servant.Docs (API, Action, DocAuthentication, DocCapture, DocNote,
                     DocQueryParam, Endpoint, ParamKind(Flag, List),
                     RenderingOptions, Response,
                     ShowContentTypes(AllContentTypes, FirstContentType),
                     apiEndpoints, apiIntros, authDataRequired, authInfo,
                     authIntro, capDesc, capSymbol, captures,
                     defRenderingOptions, headers, introBody, introTitle,
                     method, noteBody, noteTitle, notes, notesHeading,
                     paramDesc, paramKind, paramName, paramValues, params, path,
                     requestExamples, respBody, respStatus, respTypes, response,
                     responseExamples, rqbody, rqtypes)

import           Control.Lens               (mapped, view, (%~), (^.))
import           Data.ByteString.Lazy       (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
import           Data.CaseInsensitive       (foldedCase)
import           Data.Foldable              (fold, foldMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict        as HM
import           Data.List                  (sort)
import           Data.List.NonEmpty         (NonEmpty((:|)), groupWith)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty         as NE
import           Data.Maybe                 (isJust)
import           Data.Monoid                (mappend, mconcat, mempty, (<>))
import           Data.String.Conversions    (convertString)
import           Data.Text                  (Text, unpack)
import qualified Data.Text                  as T
import           Network.HTTP.Media         (MediaType)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Media         as M

import           Text.Pandoc.Builder    (Blocks, Inlines)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Builder    as B
import           Text.Pandoc.Definition (Pandoc)
import           Text.Pandoc.JSON       (toJSONFilter)


-- | Helper function which can be used to make a pandoc filter which
-- appends the generate docs to the end of the document.
-- This function is exposed for convenience. More experienced authors can
-- of course define a more complicated filter to inject the API
-- documentation.
makeFilter :: API -> IO ()
makeFilter api = toJSONFilter inject
    inject :: Pandoc -> Pandoc
    inject p = p <> pandoc api

-- | Define these values for consistency rather than magic numbers.
topLevel, endpointLevel, sectionLevel, subsectionLevel :: Int
topLevel        = 1
endpointLevel   = topLevel      + 1
sectionLevel    = endpointLevel + 1
subsectionLevel = sectionLevel + 1

-- | Generate a 'Pandoc' representation of a given
-- `API`.
-- This is equivalent to @'pandocWith' 'defRenderingOptions'@.
pandoc :: API -> Pandoc
pandoc = pandocWith defRenderingOptions

-- | Generate a 'Pandoc' representation of a given API using the specified options.
-- These options allow you to customise aspects such as:
-- * Choose how many content-types for each request body example are
--   shown with 'requestExamples'.
-- * Choose how many content-types for each response body example
--   are shown with 'responseExamples'.
-- * Whether all 'notes' should be grouped together under a common
--   heading with 'notesHeading'.
-- For example, to only show the first content-type of each example:
-- @
-- markdownWith ('defRenderingOptions'
--                 & 'requestExamples'  '.~' 'FirstContentType'
--                 & 'responseExamples' '.~' 'FirstContentType' )
--              myAPI
-- @
-- @since
pandocWith :: RenderingOptions -> API -> Pandoc
pandocWith renderOpts api = B.doc $ intros <> mconcat endpoints
    printEndpoint :: Endpoint -> Action -> Blocks
    printEndpoint endpoint action = mconcat
      [ B.header endpointLevel hdrStr
      , notesStr    (action ^. notes)
      , authStr     (action ^. authInfo)
      , capturesStr (action ^. captures)
      , headersStr  (action ^. headers)
      , paramsStr   (action ^. params)
      , rqbodyStrs  (action ^. rqtypes) (action ^. rqbody)
      , responseStr (action ^. response)
        hdrStr :: Inlines
        hdrStr = mconcat [ B.str (convertString (endpoint ^. method))
                         , B.space
                         , B.code (showPath (endpoint ^. path))

    intros = if null (api ^. apiIntros) then mempty else intros'
    intros' = foldMap printIntro (api ^. apiIntros)
    printIntro i =
      B.header topLevel (B.str $ i ^. introTitle) <>
      paraStr (i ^. introBody)
    endpoints = map (uncurry printEndpoint) . sort . HM.toList $ api ^. apiEndpoints

    notesStr :: [DocNote] -> Blocks
    notesStr = addHeading . foldMap noteStr
        addHeading = maybe id (mappend . B.header sectionLevel . B.str) (renderOpts ^. notesHeading)

    noteStr :: DocNote -> Blocks
    noteStr nt = B.header lvl (B.text (nt ^. noteTitle)) <> paraStr (nt ^. noteBody)
        lvl = if isJust (renderOpts ^. notesHeading)
                 then subsectionLevel
                 else sectionLevel

    authStr :: [DocAuthentication] -> Blocks
    authStr []    = mempty
    authStr auths = mconcat
      [ B.header sectionLevel "Authentication"
      , paraStr (mapped %~ view authIntro $ auths)
      , B.para "Clients must supply the following data"
      , B.bulletList (map (B.plain . B.str) (mapped %~ view authDataRequired $ auths))

    capturesStr :: [DocCapture] -> Blocks
    capturesStr [] = mempty
    capturesStr l =
      B.header sectionLevel "Captures" <>
      B.bulletList (map captureStr l)

    captureStr cap =
      B.plain $ B.emph (B.str $ cap ^. capSymbol) <> ":" <> B.space <> B.text (cap ^. capDesc)

    headersStr :: [Text] -> Blocks
    headersStr [] = mempty
    headersStr l  = B.header sectionLevel "Headers" <> B.bulletList (map (B.para . headerStr) l)

        headerStr hname = "This endpoint is sensitive to the value of the" <> B.space <>
                            (B.strong . B.str $ unpack hname) <> B.space <> "HTTP header."

    paramsStr :: [DocQueryParam] -> Blocks
    paramsStr [] = mempty
    paramsStr l =
      B.header sectionLevel "Query Parameters" <>
      B.bulletList (map paramStr l)

    paramStr :: DocQueryParam -> Blocks
    paramStr param =
        B.plain (B.str (param ^. paramName)) <>
          B.definitionList (
            [(B.strong "Values",
                [B.plain (B.emph
                  (foldr1 (\a b -> a <> "," <> B.space <> b) (map B.str values)))])
            | not (null values), param ^. paramKind /= Flag]
          [(B.strong "Description",
              [B.plain $ B.str (param ^. paramDesc)])])
          B.bulletList (
            [B.plain $ "This parameter is a" <>
                     B.space <>
                     B.strong "list" <>
                     ". All query parameters with the name" <>
                     B.space <>
                     B.str (param ^. paramName) <>
                     B.space <>
                     B.code "[]" <> B.space <>
                     "will forward their values in a list to the handler."
                     | param ^. paramKind == List]
          [B.plain $ "This parameter is a" <>
                      B.space <>
                      B.strong "flag" <>
                      ". This means no value is expected to be associated to this parameter."
          | param ^. paramKind == Flag]
        values = param ^. paramValues

    rqbodyStrs :: [MediaType] -> [(Text, MediaType, ByteString)] -> Blocks
    rqbodyStrs [] [] = mempty
    rqbodyStrs types bs =
      B.header sectionLevel "Request Body" <>
      B.bulletList (formatTypes types : formatBodies (renderOpts ^. requestExamples) bs)

    formatTypes [] = mempty
    formatTypes ts = mconcat
                       [ B.plain "Supported content types are:"
                       , B.bulletList (map (B.plain . B.code . show) ts)

    -- This assumes that when the bodies are created, identical
    -- labels and representations are located next to each other.
    formatBodies :: ShowContentTypes -> [(Text, M.MediaType, ByteString)] -> [Blocks]
    formatBodies ex bds = map formatBody (select bodyGroups)
        bodyGroups :: [(Text, NonEmpty M.MediaType, ByteString)]
        bodyGroups =
          map (\grps -> let (t,_,b) = NE.head grps in (t, fmap (\(_,m,_) -> m) grps, b))
          . groupWith (\(t,_,b) -> (t,b))
          $ bds

        select = case ex of
                   AllContentTypes -> id
                   FirstContentType -> map (\(t,ms,b) -> (t, NE.head ms :| [], b))

    formatBody :: (Text, NonEmpty M.MediaType, ByteString) -> Blocks
    formatBody (t, medias, b) = mconcat
                                  [ B.para . mconcat $
                                    [ title
                                    , " ("
                                    , mediaList medias
                                    , "): "
                                  , codeStr media b
        mediaList = fold . NE.intersperse ", " . fmap (B.code . show)

        media = NE.head medias

          | T.null t  = "Example"
          | otherwise = B.text (convertString t)

    codeStr :: MediaType -> ByteString -> Blocks
    codeStr media b =
      B.codeBlockWith ("",[markdownForType media],[]) (B.unpack b)

    responseStr :: Response -> Blocks
    responseStr resp =
      B.header sectionLevel "Response"  <>
      B.bulletList (
        B.plain ("Status code" <> B.space <> (B.str . show) (resp ^. respStatus)) :
        formatTypes (resp ^. respTypes) :
        case resp ^. respBody of
          []           -> [B.plain "No response body"]
          [("", t, r)] -> [B.plain "Response body as below.", codeStr t r]
          xs           -> formatBodies (renderOpts ^. responseExamples) xs)

    -- Pandoc has a wide range of syntax highlighting available,
    -- many (all?) of which seem to correspond to the sub-type of
    -- their corresponding media type.
    markdownForType :: MediaType -> String
    markdownForType mt =
      case M.subType mt of
        "x-www-form-urlencoded" -> "html"
        t                       -> convertString (foldedCase t)

paraStr :: [String] -> Blocks
paraStr = foldMap (B.para . B.str)

-- Duplicate of Servant.Docs.Internal
showPath :: [String] -> String
showPath [] = "/"
showPath ps = concatMap ('/':) ps