## -- 2018-01-17 This release has behavioural changes to match how servant-docs 0.11.1 works (hence the major version bump). API Change: * Add `pandocWith` that takes in a `RenderOptions`. This allows for: - Selecting whether to show all or just one mime-type for requests and responses. - Optionally group all Notes under a common header. Behavioural Changes: * Display notes, auth * Rationalise header depths * Document the HTTP method the parameters of an endpoint belong to (rather than assuming `GET` for all of them). * Handle multiple content types for request/response bodies. * Add a grouping header for the Headers and endpoint is sensitive to. ## -- 2017-07-25 Supports servant-docs 0.11. Changed behaviour means that this release can no longer support older versions. ## -- 2017-07-25 Updated dependencies for http-media, pandoc-types and servant-docs. New maintainer: Ivan Miljenovic ## -- 2015-11-18 Explicit import list for lens to hopefully avoid dependency problems. ## -- 201-07-26 Modify version bounds ## 0.4.1 -- 2015-06-26 Put end points in canonical order. ## 0.4.0 -- 2015-05-23 Update for servant 0.4 ## -- 2015-01-04 Fix breaking interface change from servant-docs 0.3 ## -- 2015-01-04 Fix trailing "," when rendering list of values ## 0.1 -- 2015-01-04 Initial release