 - Miscellaneous functions and types for dealing with pushbullet data.

module Network.Pushbullet.Misc where

import Network.Pushbullet.Types ( Cursor, Paginated(..) )

-- | A count of items to retrieve from the API.
data Count
  = All
  | Limit Int

-- | Retrieves paginated data as a list.
-- Suppose 550 items from a resource with 1100 entries and Pushbullet emits
-- pages of 100 items each. This function takes care of repeatedly calling the
-- API and keeping track of the cursors emitted from subsequent calls until
-- those 550 items have been collected.
  :: Monad m
  => Count -- ^ The count of items you wish to retrieve from the API.
  -> Paginated [a] -- ^ The first page of data to kick off the process.
  -> (Cursor -> m (Paginated [a]))
    -- ^ How to retrieve the next page given a cursor.
  -> m [a]
getPaginatedLimit All (Page d Nothing) _
  = pure d
getPaginatedLimit All (Page d (Just c)) next = do
  p <- next c
  later <- getPaginatedLimit All p next
  pure (d ++ later)
getPaginatedLimit (Limit n) _ _ | n <= 0
  = pure []
getPaginatedLimit (Limit n) (Page d Nothing) _
  = pure (take n d)
getPaginatedLimit (Limit n) (Page d (Just c)) next = do
  let d' = take n d
  let n' = n - length d'
  p <- next c
  later <- getPaginatedLimit (Limit n') p next
  pure (d' ++ later)