module Servant.QuickCheck.Internal.Predicates where import Control.Exception (catch, throw) import Control.Monad (liftM2, unless, when) import Data.Aeson (Object, decode) import Data.Bifunctor (first) import qualified Data.ByteString as SBS import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as SBSC import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS import Data.CaseInsensitive (mk, foldedCase) import Data.Either (isRight) import Data.List.Split (wordsBy) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Time (UTCTime, defaultTimeLocale, parseTimeM, rfc822DateFormat) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Network.HTTP.Client (Manager, Request, Response, httpLbs, method, parseRequest, requestHeaders, responseBody, responseHeaders, responseStatus) import Network.HTTP.Media (matchAccept) import Network.HTTP.Types (methodGet, methodHead, parseMethod, renderStdMethod, status100, status200, status201, status300, status401, status405, status500) import Prelude.Compat import System.Clock (Clock (Monotonic), diffTimeSpec, getTime, toNanoSecs) import Servant.QuickCheck.Internal.ErrorTypes -- | [__Best Practice__] -- -- @500 Internal Server Error@ should be avoided - it may represent some -- issue with the application code, and it moreover gives the client little -- indication of how to proceed or what went wrong. -- -- This function checks that the response code is not 500. -- -- /Since not500 :: ResponsePredicate not500 = ResponsePredicate $ \resp -> when (responseStatus resp == status500) $ fail "not500" -- | [__Optional__] -- -- This function checks that the response from the server does not take longer -- than the specified number of nanoseconds. -- -- /Since notLongerThan :: Integer -> RequestPredicate notLongerThan maxAllowed = RequestPredicate $ \req mgr -> do start <- getTime Monotonic resp <- httpLbs req mgr end <- getTime Monotonic when (toNanoSecs (end `diffTimeSpec` start) > maxAllowed) $ throw $ PredicateFailure "notLongerThan" (Just req) resp return [] -- | [__Best Practice__] -- -- Returning anything other than an object when returning JSON is considered -- bad practice, as: -- -- (1) it is hard to modify the returned value while maintaining backwards -- compatibility -- (2) many older tools do not support top-level arrays -- (3) whether top-level numbers, booleans, or strings are valid JSON depends -- on what RFC you're going by -- (4) there are security issues with top-level arrays -- -- This function checks that any @application/json@ responses only return JSON -- objects (and not arrays, strings, numbers, or booleans) at the top level. -- -- __References__: -- -- * JSON Grammar: -- * JSON Grammar: -- -- /Since onlyJsonObjects :: ResponsePredicate onlyJsonObjects = ResponsePredicate (\resp -> case go resp of Nothing -> throw $ PredicateFailure "onlyJsonObjects" Nothing resp Just () -> return ()) where go r = do ctyp <- lookup "content-type" (first foldedCase <$> responseHeaders r) when ("application/json" `SBS.isPrefixOf` ctyp) $ do (_ :: Object) <- decode (responseBody r) return () -- | __Optional__ -- -- When creating a new resource, it is good practice to provide a @Location@ -- header with a link to the created resource. -- -- This function checks that every @201 Created@ response contains a @Location@ -- header, and that the link in it responds with a 2XX response code to @GET@ -- requests. -- -- This is considered optional because other means of linking to the resource -- (e.g. via the response body) are also acceptable; linking to the resource in -- some way is considered best practice. -- -- __References__: -- -- * 201 Created: -- * Location header: -- -- /Since createContainsValidLocation :: RequestPredicate createContainsValidLocation = RequestPredicate $ \req mgr -> do let n = "createContainsValidLocation" resp <- httpLbs req mgr if responseStatus resp == status201 then case lookup "Location" $ responseHeaders resp of Nothing -> fail n Just l -> case parseRequest $ SBSC.unpack l of Nothing -> fail n Just x -> do resp2 <- httpLbs x mgr status2XX resp2 n return [resp, resp2] else return [resp] -- | [__Optional__] -- -- The @Last-Modified@ header represents the time a resource was last -- modified. It is used to drive caching and conditional requests. -- -- When using this mechanism, the server adds the @Last-Modified@ header to -- responses. Clients may then make requests with the @If-Modified-Since@ -- header to conditionally request resources. If the resource has not -- changed since that date, the server responds with a status code of 304 -- (@Not Modified@) without a response body. -- -- The @Last-Modified@ header can also be used in conjunction with the -- @If-Unmodified-Since@ header to drive optimistic concurrency. -- -- The @Last-Modified@ date must be in RFC 822 format. -- -- __References__: -- -- * 304 Not Modified: -- * Last-Modified header: -- * If-Modified-Since header: -- * If-Unmodified-Since header: -- * Date format: -- -- /Since getsHaveLastModifiedHeader :: RequestPredicate getsHaveLastModifiedHeader = RequestPredicate $ \req mgr -> if (method req == methodGet) then do resp <- httpLbs req mgr unless (hasValidHeader "Last-Modified" isRFC822Date resp) $ do throw $ PredicateFailure "getsHaveLastModifiedHeader" (Just req) resp return [resp] else return [] -- | [__RFC Compliance__] -- -- When an HTTP request has a method that is not allowed, -- a 405 response should be returned. Additionally, it is good practice to -- return an @Allow@ -- header with the list of allowed methods. -- -- This function checks that every @405 Method Not Allowed@ response contains -- an @Allow@ header with a list of standard HTTP methods. -- -- Note that 'servant' itself does not currently set the @Allow@ headers. -- -- __References__: -- -- * @Allow@ header: -- * Status 405: -- * Servant Allow header issue: -- -- /Since notAllowedContainsAllowHeader :: RequestPredicate notAllowedContainsAllowHeader = RequestPredicate $ \req mgr -> do resp <- mapM (flip httpLbs mgr) $ [ req { method = renderStdMethod m } | m <- [minBound .. maxBound ] , renderStdMethod m /= method req ] case filter pred' resp of (x:_) -> throw $ PredicateFailure "notAllowedContainsAllowHeader" (Just req) x [] -> return resp where pred' resp = responseStatus resp == status405 && not (hasValidHeader "Allow" go resp) where go x = all (\y -> isRight $ parseMethod $ SBSC.pack y) $ wordsBy (`elem` (", " :: [Char])) (SBSC.unpack x) -- | [__RFC Compliance__] -- -- When a request contains an @Accept@ header, the server must either return -- content in one of the requested representations, or respond with @406 Not -- Acceptable@. -- -- This function checks that every *successful* response has a @Content-Type@ -- header that matches the @Accept@ header. It does *not* check that the server -- matches the quality descriptions of the @Accept@ header correctly. -- -- __References__: -- -- * @Accept@ header: -- -- /Since honoursAcceptHeader :: RequestPredicate honoursAcceptHeader = RequestPredicate $ \req mgr -> do resp <- httpLbs req mgr let scode = responseStatus resp sctype = lookup "Content-Type" $ responseHeaders resp sacc = fromMaybe "*/*" $ lookup "Accept" (requestHeaders req) if status100 < scode && scode < status300 then if isJust $ sctype >>= \x -> matchAccept [x] sacc then fail "honoursAcceptHeader" else return [resp] else return [resp] -- | [__Best Practice__] -- -- Whether or not a representation should be cached, it is good practice to -- have a @Cache-Control@ header for @GET@ requests. If the representation -- should not be cached, used @Cache-Control: no-cache@. -- -- This function checks that @GET@ responses have @Cache-Control@ header. -- It does NOT currently check that the header is valid. -- -- __References__: -- -- * @Cache-Control@ header: -- -- /Since getsHaveCacheControlHeader :: RequestPredicate getsHaveCacheControlHeader = RequestPredicate $ \req mgr -> if (method req == methodGet) then do resp <- httpLbs req mgr unless (hasValidHeader "Cache-Control" (const True) resp) $ do throw $ PredicateFailure "getsHaveCacheControlHeader" (Just req) resp return [resp] else return [] -- | [__Best Practice__] -- -- Like 'getsHaveCacheControlHeader', but for @HEAD@ requests. -- -- /Since headsHaveCacheControlHeader :: RequestPredicate headsHaveCacheControlHeader = RequestPredicate $ \req mgr -> if (method req == methodHead) then do resp <- httpLbs req mgr unless (hasValidHeader "Cache-Control" (const True) resp) $ throw $ PredicateFailure "headsHaveCacheControlHeader" (Just req) resp return [resp] else return [] {- -- | -- -- If the original request modifies the resource, this function makes two -- requests: -- -- (1) Once, with the original request and a future date as the -- @If-Unmodified-Since@, which is expected to succeed. -- (2) Then with the original request again, with a @If-Unmodified-Since@ -- safely in the past. Since presumably the representation has been changed -- recently (by the first request), this is expected to fail with @412 -- Precondition Failure@. -- -- Note that the heuristic used to guess whether the original request modifies -- a resource is simply whether the method is @PUT@ or @PATCH@, which may be -- incorrect in certain circumstances. supportsIfUnmodifiedSince :: Predicate b Bool supportsIfUnmodifiedSince = ResponsePredicate "supportsIfUnmodifiedSince" _ -- | @OPTIONS@ responses should contain an @Allow@ header with the list of -- allowed methods. -- -- If a request is an @OPTIONS@ request, and if the response is a successful -- one, this function checks the response for an @Allow@ header. It fails if: -- -- (1) There is no @Allow@ header -- (2) The @Allow@ header does not have standard HTTP methods in the correct -- format -- (3) Making a request to the same URL with one of those methods results in -- a 404 or 405. optionsContainsValidAllow :: Predicate b Bool optionsContainsValidAllow = ResponsePredicate "optionsContainsValidAllow" _ -- | Link headers are a standardized way of presenting links that may be -- relevant to a client. -- -- This function checks that any @Link@ headers have values in the correct -- format. -- -- __References__: -- -- * linkHeadersAreValid :: Predicate b Bool linkHeadersAreValid = ResponsePredicate "linkHeadersAreValid" _ -} -- | [__RFC Compliance__] -- -- Any @401 Unauthorized@ response must include a @WWW-Authenticate@ header. -- -- This function checks that, if a response has status code 401, it contains a -- @WWW-Authenticate@ header. -- -- __References__: -- -- * @WWW-Authenticate@ header: -- -- /Since unauthorizedContainsWWWAuthenticate :: ResponsePredicate unauthorizedContainsWWWAuthenticate = ResponsePredicate $ \resp -> if responseStatus resp == status401 then unless (hasValidHeader "WWW-Authenticate" (const True) resp) $ fail "unauthorizedContainsWWWAuthenticate" else return () -- * Predicate logic -- The idea with all this footwork is to not waste any requests. Rather than -- generating new requests and only applying one predicate to the response, we -- apply as many predicates as possible. -- -- Still, this is all kind of ugly. -- | A predicate that depends only on the response. -- -- /Since newtype ResponsePredicate = ResponsePredicate { getResponsePredicate :: Response LBS.ByteString -> IO () } deriving (Generic) instance Monoid ResponsePredicate where mempty = ResponsePredicate $ const $ return () ResponsePredicate a `mappend` ResponsePredicate b = ResponsePredicate $ \x -> a x >> b x -- | A predicate that depends on both the request and the response. -- -- /Since newtype RequestPredicate = RequestPredicate { getRequestPredicate :: Request -> Manager -> IO [Response LBS.ByteString] } deriving (Generic) -- TODO: This isn't actually a monoid instance Monoid RequestPredicate where mempty = RequestPredicate (\r m -> httpLbs r m >>= \x -> return ([x])) RequestPredicate a `mappend` RequestPredicate b = RequestPredicate $ \r mgr -> liftM2 (<>) (a r mgr) (b r mgr) -- | A set of predicates. Construct one with 'mempty' and '<%>'. data Predicates = Predicates { requestPredicates :: RequestPredicate , responsePredicates :: ResponsePredicate } deriving (Generic) instance Monoid Predicates where mempty = Predicates mempty mempty a `mappend` b = Predicates (requestPredicates a <> requestPredicates b) (responsePredicates a <> responsePredicates b) class JoinPreds a where joinPreds :: a -> Predicates -> Predicates instance JoinPreds (RequestPredicate ) where joinPreds p (Predicates x y) = Predicates (p <> x) y instance JoinPreds (ResponsePredicate ) where joinPreds p (Predicates x y) = Predicates x (p <> y) -- | Adds a new predicate (either `ResponsePredicate` or `RequestPredicate`) to -- the existing predicates. -- -- > not500 <%> onlyJsonObjects <%> empty -- -- /Since (<%>) :: JoinPreds a => a -> Predicates -> Predicates (<%>) = joinPreds infixr 6 <%> finishPredicates :: Predicates -> Request -> Manager -> IO (Maybe PredicateFailure) finishPredicates p req mgr = go `catch` \(e :: PredicateFailure) -> return $ Just e where go = do resps <- getRequestPredicate (requestPredicates p) req mgr mapM_ (getResponsePredicate $ responsePredicates p) resps return Nothing -- * helpers hasValidHeader :: SBS.ByteString -> (SBS.ByteString -> Bool) -> Response b -> Bool hasValidHeader hdr p r = case lookup (mk hdr) (responseHeaders r) of Nothing -> False Just v -> p v isRFC822Date :: SBS.ByteString -> Bool isRFC822Date s = case parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale rfc822DateFormat (SBSC.unpack s) of Nothing -> False Just (_ :: UTCTime) -> True status2XX :: Monad m => Response b -> String -> m () status2XX r t | status200 <= responseStatus r && responseStatus r < status300 = return () | otherwise = fail t