module ServantSerf.Type.Flag where import qualified System.Console.GetOpt as Console data Flag = ApiName String | Depth String | ExcludeSuffix String | Help | ModuleName String | ServerName String | Version deriving (Eq, Show) options :: [Console.OptDescr Flag] options = [ Console.Option ['h', '?'] ["help"] (Console.NoArg Help) "Shows this help message, then exits." , Console.Option [] ["version"] (Console.NoArg Version) "Shows the version number, then exits." , Console.Option [] ["api-name"] (Console.ReqArg ApiName "API_NAME") "Sets the name to use for the API type. Defaults to `API`." , Console.Option [] ["depth"] (Console.ReqArg Depth "DEPTH") "Controls whether to search through only one directory (`shallow`) or recursively (`deep`). Defaults to `deep`." , Console.Option [] ["exclude-suffix"] (Console.ReqArg ExcludeSuffix "SUFFIX") "Sets the module suffix to exclude. Defaults to the empty string." , Console.Option [] ["module-name"] (Console.ReqArg ModuleName "MODULE_NAME") "Sets the name of the generated module. By default this is generated from the source file name." , Console.Option [] ["server-name"] (Console.ReqArg ServerName "SERVER_NAME") "Sets the name to use for the server value. Defaults to `server`." ]