{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} module Servant.Swagger.Internal.Test where import Data.Aeson (ToJSON) import Data.Swagger import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Typeable import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary) import Servant.API import Servant.Swagger.Internal.TypeLevel -- $setup -- >>> import Control.Applicative -- >>> import GHC.Generics -- >>> import Test.QuickCheck -- >>> :set -XDeriveGeneric -- >>> :set -XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving -- >>> :set -XDataKinds -- >>> :set -XTypeOperators -- | Verify that every type used with @'JSON'@ content type in a servant API -- has compatible @'ToJSON'@ and @'ToSchema'@ instances using @'validateToJSON'@. -- -- /NOTE:/ @'validateEveryToJSON'@ does not perform string pattern validation. -- See @'validateEveryToJSONWithPatternChecker'@. -- -- @'validateEveryToJSON'@ will produce one @'prop'@ specification for every type in the API. -- Each type only gets one test, even if it occurs multiple times in the API. -- -- >>> data User = User { name :: String, age :: Maybe Int } deriving (Show, Generic, Typeable) -- >>> newtype UserId = UserId String deriving (Show, Generic, Typeable, ToJSON, Arbitrary) -- >>> instance ToJSON User -- >>> instance ToSchema User -- >>> instance ToSchema UserId -- >>> instance Arbitrary User where arbitrary = User <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary -- >>> type UserAPI = (Capture "user_id" UserId :> Get '[JSON] User) :<|> (ReqBody '[JSON] User :> Post '[JSON] UserId) -- -- >>> hspec $ context "ToJSON matches ToSchema" $ validateEveryToJSON (Proxy :: Proxy UserAPI) -- -- ToJSON matches ToSchema -- User -- UserId -- -- Finished in ... seconds -- 2 examples, 0 failures -- -- For the test to compile all body types should have the following instances: -- -- * @'ToJSON'@ and @'ToSchema'@ are used to perform the validation; -- * @'Typeable'@ is used to name the test for each type; -- * @'Show'@ is used to display value for which @'ToJSON'@ does not satisfy @'ToSchema'@. -- * @'Arbitrary'@ is used to arbitrarily generate values. -- -- If any of the instances is missing, you'll get a descriptive type error: -- -- >>> data Contact = Contact { fullname :: String, phone :: Integer } deriving (Show, Generic) -- >>> instance ToJSON Contact -- >>> instance ToSchema Contact -- >>> type ContactAPI = Get '[JSON] Contact -- >>> hspec $ validateEveryToJSON (Proxy :: Proxy ContactAPI) -- ... -- No instance for (Arbitrary Contact) -- arising from a use of ‘validateEveryToJSON’ -- ... validateEveryToJSON :: forall proxy api. TMap (Every [Typeable, Show, Arbitrary, ToJSON, ToSchema]) (BodyTypes JSON api) => proxy api -- ^ Servant API. -> Spec validateEveryToJSON _ = props (Proxy :: Proxy [ToJSON, ToSchema]) (null . validateToJSON) (Proxy :: Proxy (BodyTypes JSON api)) -- | Verify that every type used with @'JSON'@ content type in a servant API -- has compatible @'ToJSON'@ and @'ToSchema'@ instances using @'validateToJSONWithPatternChecker'@. -- -- For validation without patterns see @'validateEveryToJSON'@. validateEveryToJSONWithPatternChecker :: forall proxy api. TMap (Every [Typeable, Show, Arbitrary, ToJSON, ToSchema]) (BodyTypes JSON api) => (Pattern -> Text -> Bool) -- ^ @'Pattern'@ checker. -> proxy api -- ^ Servant API. -> Spec validateEveryToJSONWithPatternChecker checker _ = props (Proxy :: Proxy [ToJSON, ToSchema]) (null . validateToJSONWithPatternChecker checker) (Proxy :: Proxy (BodyTypes JSON api)) -- * QuickCheck-related stuff -- | Construct property tests for each type in a list. -- The name for each property is the name of the corresponding type. -- -- >>> :{ -- hspec $ -- context "read . show == id" $ -- props -- (Proxy :: Proxy [Eq, Show, Read]) -- (\x -> read (show x) == x) -- (Proxy :: Proxy [Bool, Int, String]) -- :} -- -- read . show == id -- Bool -- Int -- [Char] -- -- Finished in ... seconds -- 3 examples, 0 failures props :: forall p p'' cs xs. TMap (Every (Typeable ': Show ': Arbitrary ': cs)) xs => p cs -- ^ A list of constraints. -> (forall x. EveryTF cs x => x -> Bool) -- ^ Property predicate. -> p'' xs -- ^ A list of types. -> Spec props _ f px = sequence_ specs where specs :: [Spec] specs = tmapEvery (Proxy :: Proxy (Typeable ': Show ': Arbitrary ': cs)) aprop px aprop :: forall p' a. (EveryTF cs a, Typeable a, Show a, Arbitrary a) => p' a -> Spec aprop _ = prop (show (typeOf (undefined :: a))) (f :: a -> Bool)