module Main (main) where import Control.Applicative ((<$), (<$>), (<*>)) import Control.Arrow import Control.Monad import Data.Maybe import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck import Web.PathPieces import Web.ServerSession.Core.Internal import Web.ServerSession.Core.StorageTests import qualified Control.Exception as E import qualified Crypto.Nonce as N import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Data.IORef as I import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Time as TI import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Property as Q main :: IO () main = hspec $ parallel $ do -- State using () as storage. As () is not a Storage instance, -- this is the state to be used when testing functions that -- should not touch the storage in any code path. stnull <- runIO $ createState () -- State using TNTStorage. This state should be used for -- functions that normally need to access the storage but on -- the test code path should not do so. sttnt <- runIO $ createState TNTStorage -- Some functions take a time argument meaning "now". We don't -- gain anything using real "now", so here's a fake "now". let fakenow = read "2015-05-27 17:55:41 UTC" :: TI.UTCTime describe "SessionId" $ do gen <- runIO it "is generated with 24 bytes from letters, numbers, dashes and underscores" $ do let reps = 10000 sids <- replicateM reps (generateSessionId gen) -- Test length to be 24 bytes. map (T.length . unS) sids `shouldBe` replicate reps 24 -- Test that we see all chars, and only the expected ones. -- The probability of a given character not appearing on -- this test is (63/64)^(24*reps), so it's extremely -- unlikely for this test to fail on correct code. let observed = S.fromList $ concat $ T.unpack . unS <$> sids expected = S.fromList $ ['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z'] ++ ['0'..'9'] ++ "-_" observed `shouldBe` expected prop "accepts as valid the session IDs generated by ourselves" $ Q.ioProperty $ do sid <- generateSessionId gen return $ fromPathPiece (toPathPiece sid) Q.=== Just sid it "does not accept as valid some example invalid session IDs" $ do let parse = fromPathPiece :: T.Text -> Maybe (SessionId SessionMap) parse "" `shouldBe` Nothing parse "123456789-123456789-123" `shouldBe` Nothing parse "123456789-123456789-12345" `shouldBe` Nothing parse "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*aaaaa" `shouldBe` Nothing -- sanity check parse "123456789-123456789-1234" `shouldSatisfy` isJust parse "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" `shouldSatisfy` isJust describe "State" $ do it "has the expected default values" $ do -- A silly test to avoid unintended change of default values. cookieName stnull `shouldBe` "JSESSIONID" authKey stnull `shouldBe` "_ID" idleTimeout stnull `shouldBe` Just (60*60*24*7) absoluteTimeout stnull `shouldBe` Just (60*60*24*60) timeoutResolution stnull `shouldBe` Just (60*10) persistentCookies stnull `shouldBe` True httpOnlyCookies stnull `shouldBe` True secureCookies stnull `shouldBe` False it "has sane setters of ambiguous types" $ do cookieName (setCookieName "a" stnull) `shouldBe` "a" authKey (setAuthKey "a" stnull) `shouldBe` "a" idleTimeout (setIdleTimeout (Just 1) stnull) `shouldBe` Just 1 absoluteTimeout (setAbsoluteTimeout (Just 1) stnull) `shouldBe` Just 1 persistentCookies (setPersistentCookies False stnull) `shouldBe` False httpOnlyCookies (setHttpOnlyCookies False stnull) `shouldBe` False secureCookies (setSecureCookies True stnull) `shouldBe` True describe "loadSession" $ do let checkEmptySession (sessionMap, SaveSessionToken msession time) = do -- Saved time is close to now, session map is empty, -- there's no reference to an existing session. let point1 = 0.1 {- second -} :: Double now <- TI.getCurrentTime abs (realToFrac $ TI.diffUTCTime now time) `shouldSatisfy` (< point1) sessionMap `shouldBe` TNTSessionData msession `shouldSatisfy` isNothing it "returns empty session and token when the session ID cookie is not present" $ do ret <- loadSession sttnt Nothing checkEmptySession ret it "does not need the storage if session ID cookie has invalid data" $ do ret <- loadSession sttnt (Just "123456789-123456789-123") checkEmptySession ret it "returns empty session and token when the session ID cookie refers to inexistent session" $ do -- In particular, the save token should *not* refer to the -- session ID that was given. We're a strict session -- management system. -- st <- createState =<< emptyMockStorage ret <- loadSession st (Just "123456789-123456789-1234") checkEmptySession ret it "returns the session from the storage when the session ID refers to an existing session" $ do let session = Session { sessionKey = S "123456789-123456789-1234" , sessionAuthId = Just authId , sessionData = mkSessionMap [("a", "b"), ("c", "d")] , sessionCreatedAt = TI.addUTCTime (-10) fakenow , sessionAccessedAt = TI.addUTCTime (-5) fakenow } authId = "auth-id" st <- createState =<< prepareMockStorage [session] (retSessionMap, SaveSessionToken msession _now) <- loadSession st (Just $ B8.pack $ T.unpack $ unS $ sessionKey session) retSessionMap `shouldBe` onSM (HM.insert (authKey st) authId) (sessionData session) msession `shouldBe` Just session describe "checkExpired" $ do prop "agrees with nextExpires" $ \idleSecs absSecs -> let idleDiff = realToFrac $ max 1 $ abs (idleSecs :: Int) absDiff = realToFrac $ max 1 $ abs (absSecs :: Int) st' = setIdleTimeout (Just idleDiff) $ setAbsoluteTimeout (Just absDiff) stnull sessTimes = do diff <- [0, idleDiff, absDiff] off <- [1, 0, -1] return $ TI.addUTCTime (negate $ diff + off) fakenow sessions = do createdAt <- sessTimes accessedAt <- sessTimes return $ Session { sessionKey = error "irrelevant 1" , sessionAuthId = error "irrelevant 2" , sessionData = error "irrelevant 3" , sessionCreatedAt = createdAt , sessionAccessedAt = accessedAt } test s = Q.counterexample (unlines [ "fakenow = " ++ show fakenow , "createdAt = " ++ show (sessionCreatedAt s) , "accessedAt = " ++ show (sessionAccessedAt s) , "checkRet ~ " ++ show (() <$ checkRet) , "nextRet = " ++ show nextRet ]) (isJust checkRet == (nextRet >= Just fakenow)) where checkRet = checkExpired fakenow st' s nextRet = nextExpires st' s in Q.conjoin (test <$> sessions) describe "nextExpires" $ do it "looks sane" $ do let st i a = setIdleTimeout (f i) $ setAbsoluteTimeout (f a) $ stnull where f = fmap (realToFrac :: Int -> TI.NominalDiffTime) session a c = Session { sessionKey = irr 1 , sessionAuthId = irr 2 , sessionData = irr 3 , sessionCreatedAt = c , sessionAccessedAt = a } add x = TI.addUTCTime x fakenow irr :: Int -> a irr = error . ("irrelevant " ++) . show nextExpires (st Nothing Nothing) (session (irr 4) (irr 5)) `shouldBe` Nothing nextExpires (st (Just 1) Nothing) (session fakenow (irr 6)) `shouldBe` Just (add 1) nextExpires (st Nothing (Just 1)) (session (irr 7) fakenow) `shouldBe` Just (add 1) nextExpires (st (Just 3) (Just 7)) (session fakenow fakenow) `shouldBe` Just (add 3) nextExpires (st (Just 3) (Just 7)) (session (add 4) fakenow) `shouldBe` Just (add 7) nextExpires (st (Just 3) (Just 7)) (session (add 5) fakenow) `shouldBe` Just (add 7) describe "cookieExpires" $ do prop "is Nothing for non-persistent cookies regardless of session" $ \midleSecs mabsSecs -> let idleDiff = realToFrac . max 1 . abs <$> (midleSecs :: Maybe Int) absDiff = realToFrac . max 1 . abs <$> (mabsSecs :: Maybe Int) st' = setIdleTimeout idleDiff $ setAbsoluteTimeout absDiff $ setPersistentCookies False stnull in cookieExpires st' (error "irrelevant") Q.=== Nothing it "is a long time for persistent cookies without timeouts regardless of session" $ let st' = setIdleTimeout Nothing $ setAbsoluteTimeout Nothing stnull session = Session { sessionKey = error "irrelevant 1" , sessionAuthId = error "irrelevant 2" , sessionData = error "irrelevant 3" , sessionCreatedAt = error "irrelevant 4" , sessionAccessedAt = fakenow } distantFuture = TI.addUTCTime (60*60*24*365*10) fakenow in cookieExpires st' session `shouldSatisfy` maybe False (>= distantFuture) describe "saveSession" $ do -- We already test the other functions that saveSession -- calls. A single unit test just to be sure everything is -- connected should be enough. it "works for a complex example" $ do sto <- emptyMockStorage st <- createState sto saveSession st (SaveSessionToken Nothing fakenow) emptySM `shouldReturn` Nothing getMockOperations sto `shouldReturn` [] let m1 = mkSessionMap [("a", "b")] Just session1 <- saveSession st (SaveSessionToken Nothing fakenow) m1 sessionAuthId session1 `shouldBe` Nothing sessionData session1 `shouldBe` m1 getMockOperations sto `shouldReturn` [InsertSession session1] let m2 = onSM (HM.insert (authKey st) "john") m1 Just session2 <- saveSession st (SaveSessionToken (Just session1) fakenow) m2 sessionAuthId session2 `shouldBe` Just "john" sessionData session2 `shouldBe` m1 sessionKey session2 == sessionKey session1 `shouldBe` False getMockOperations sto `shouldReturn` [DeleteSession (sessionKey session1), InsertSession session2] let m3 = onSM (HM.insert forceInvalidateKey (B8.pack $ show AllSessionIdsOfLoggedUser)) m2 Just session3 <- saveSession st (SaveSessionToken (Just session2) fakenow) m3 session3 `shouldBe` session2 { sessionKey = sessionKey session3 } getMockOperations sto `shouldReturn` [DeleteSession (sessionKey session2), DeleteAllSessionsOfAuthId "john", InsertSession session3] let m4 = onSM (HM.insert "x" "y") m2 Just session4 <- saveSession st (SaveSessionToken (Just session3) fakenow) m4 session4 `shouldBe` session3 { sessionData = onSM (HM.delete (authKey st)) m4 } getMockOperations sto `shouldReturn` [ReplaceSession session4] Just session5 <- saveSession st (SaveSessionToken (Just session4) (TI.addUTCTime 10 fakenow)) m4 session5 `shouldBe` session4 getMockOperations sto `shouldReturn` [] describe "invalidateIfNeeded" $ do let prepareInvalidateIfNeeded authId = do let oldSession = Session { sessionKey = S "123456789-123456789-1234" , sessionAuthId = authId , sessionData = emptySM , sessionCreatedAt = TI.addUTCTime (-10) fakenow , sessionAccessedAt = TI.addUTCTime (-5) fakenow } sto <- prepareMockStorage [oldSession] st <- createState sto return (oldSession, sto :: MockStorage SessionMap, st) allEdges = let x = [Nothing, Just "john", Just "jane"] in (,) <$> x <*> x it "does not invalidate when not changing auth ID nor explicitly requesting" $ do forM_ [Nothing, Just "john"] $ \authId -> do (session, sto, st) <- prepareInvalidateIfNeeded authId let d = DecomposedSession authId DoNotForceInvalidate emptySM invalidateIfNeeded st (Just session) d `shouldReturn` Just session getMockOperations sto `shouldReturn` [] it "invalidates the current session when changing auth ID" $ do forM_ [ (Just "john", Just "jane") , (Just "admin", Nothing) , (Nothing, Just "joe") ] $ \edgeTransition -> do (session, sto, st) <- prepareInvalidateIfNeeded (fst edgeTransition) let d = DecomposedSession (snd edgeTransition) DoNotForceInvalidate emptySM invalidateIfNeeded st (Just session) d `shouldReturn` Nothing getMockOperations sto `shouldReturn` [DeleteSession (sessionKey session)] it "invalidates the current session when CurrentSessionId is forced" $ do forM_ allEdges $ \edgeTransition -> do (session, sto, st) <- prepareInvalidateIfNeeded (fst edgeTransition) let d = DecomposedSession (snd edgeTransition) CurrentSessionId emptySM invalidateIfNeeded st (Just session) d `shouldReturn` Nothing getMockOperations sto `shouldReturn` [DeleteSession (sessionKey session)] it "invalidates all of the user's sessions when AllSessionIdsOfLoggedUser is forced" $ do forM_ allEdges $ \edgeTransition -> do (session, sto, st) <- prepareInvalidateIfNeeded (fst edgeTransition) let d = DecomposedSession (snd edgeTransition) AllSessionIdsOfLoggedUser emptySM invalidateIfNeeded st (Just session) d `shouldReturn` Nothing let expected = DeleteSession (sessionKey session) : maybe [] ((:[]) . DeleteAllSessionsOfAuthId) (snd edgeTransition) -- It deletes all sessions only when there's an authId. getMockOperations sto `shouldReturn` expected describe "saveSessionOnDb" $ do let prepareSaveSessionOnDb = do let oldSession = Session { sessionKey = S "123456789-123456789-1234" , sessionAuthId = Just "auth" , sessionData = mkSessionMap [("a", "b"), ("c", "d")] , sessionCreatedAt = TI.addUTCTime (-10) fakenow , sessionAccessedAt = TI.addUTCTime (-5) fakenow } sto <- prepareMockStorage [oldSession] st <- createState sto return (oldSession, sto :: MockStorage SessionMap, st) emptyDecomp = DecomposedSession Nothing DoNotForceInvalidate emptySM it "inserts new sessions when there wasn't an old one" $ do sto <- emptyMockStorage st <- createState (sto :: MockStorage SessionMap) let d = DecomposedSession a DoNotForceInvalidate m m = mkSessionMap [("a", "b"), ("c", "d")] a = Just "auth" Just session <- saveSessionOnDb st fakenow Nothing d getMockOperations sto `shouldReturn` [InsertSession session] sessionAuthId session `shouldBe` a sessionData session `shouldBe` m sessionCreatedAt session `shouldBe` fakenow sessionAccessedAt session `shouldBe` fakenow it "replaces sesssions when there was an old one" $ do (oldSession, sto, st) <- prepareSaveSessionOnDb let d = DecomposedSession Nothing DoNotForceInvalidate m m = mkSessionMap [("a", "b"), ("x", "y")] Just session <- saveSessionOnDb st fakenow (Just oldSession) d getMockOperations sto `shouldReturn` [ReplaceSession session] session `shouldBe` oldSession { sessionData = m , sessionAuthId = Nothing , sessionAccessedAt = fakenow } it "does not save session if it's empty and there wasn't an old one" $ do sto <- emptyMockStorage st <- createState sto saveSessionOnDb st fakenow Nothing emptyDecomp `shouldReturn` Nothing getMockOperations sto `shouldReturn` [] it "saves session if it's empty but there was an old one" $ do (oldSession, sto, st) <- prepareSaveSessionOnDb let newSession = oldSession { sessionData = emptySM , sessionAuthId = Nothing , sessionAccessedAt = fakenow } saveSessionOnDb st fakenow (Just oldSession) emptyDecomp `shouldReturn` Just newSession getMockOperations sto `shouldReturn` [ReplaceSession newSession] it "respects the timeout resolution" $ do (session1, sto, st) <- prepareSaveSessionOnDb let d = DecomposedSession (sessionAuthId session1) DoNotForceInvalidate (sessionData session1) saveSessionOnDb st fakenow (Just session1) d `shouldReturn` Just session1 getMockOperations sto `shouldReturn` [] let t i = TI.addUTCTime (res + i) (sessionAccessedAt session1) Just res = timeoutResolution st saveSessionOnDb st (t (-1)) (Just session1) d `shouldReturn` Just session1 getMockOperations sto `shouldReturn` [] -- We don't care about t 0, timeoutResolution is Maybe anyway. let session2 = session1 { sessionAccessedAt = t 1 } saveSessionOnDb st (t 1) (Just session1) d `shouldReturn` Just session2 getMockOperations sto `shouldReturn` [ReplaceSession session2] describe "decomposeSession/SessionMap" $ do let authKey_ = authKey stnull prop "it is sane when not finding auth key or force invalidate key" $ \data_ -> let sessionMap = mkSessionMap $ filter (notSpecial . fst) $ data_ notSpecial = flip notElem [authKey stnull, forceInvalidateKey] . T.pack in decomposeSession authKey_ sessionMap `shouldBe` DecomposedSession Nothing DoNotForceInvalidate sessionMap prop "parses the force invalidate key" $ \data_ -> let sessionMap v = onSM (HM.insert forceInvalidateKey (B8.pack $ show v)) $ mkSessionMap data_ allForces = [minBound..maxBound] :: [ForceInvalidate] test v = dsForceInvalidate (decomposeSession authKey_ $ sessionMap v) Q.=== v in Q.conjoin (test <$> allForces) it "removes the auth key" $ do let m = HM.singleton "a" "b"; m' = HM.insert (authKey stnull) "x" m decomposeSession authKey_ (SessionMap m') `shouldBe` DecomposedSession (Just "x") DoNotForceInvalidate (SessionMap m) describe "recomposeSession/SessionMap" $ do let authKey_ = authKey stnull prop "does not change session data for sessions without auth ID" $ \data_ -> let s = mkSessionMap data_ in recomposeSession authKey_ Nothing s Q.=== s prop "adds (overwriting) the auth ID to the session data" $ \authId_ data_ -> let s = mkSessionMap ((T.unpack authKey_, "foo") : data_) authId = B8.pack authId_ in recomposeSession authKey_ (Just authId) s Q.=== onSM (HM.adjust (const authId) authKey_) s describe "MockStorage" $ do sto <- runIO emptyMockStorage allStorageTests sto it runIO parallel shouldBe shouldReturn shouldThrow -- | Used to generate session maps on QuickCheck properties. mkSessionMap :: [(String, String)] -> SessionMap mkSessionMap = SessionMap . HM.fromList . map (T.pack *** B8.pack) -- | Apply a function to a 'SessionMap'. onSM :: (HM.HashMap T.Text B8.ByteString -> HM.HashMap T.Text B8.ByteString) -> (SessionMap -> SessionMap) onSM f = SessionMap . f . unSessionMap -- | Empty 'SessionMap'. emptySM :: SessionMap emptySM = emptySession ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A storage that explodes if it's used. Useful for checking -- that the storage is irrelevant on a code path. data TNTStorage = TNTStorage deriving (Typeable) instance Storage TNTStorage where type TransactionM TNTStorage = IO type SessionData TNTStorage = TNTSessionData runTransactionM _ = id getSession = explode "getSession" deleteSession = explode "deleteSession" deleteAllSessionsOfAuthId = explode "deleteAllSessionsOfAuthId" insertSession = explode "insertSession" replaceSession = explode "replaceSession" -- | Implementation of all 'Storage' methods of 'TNTStorage' -- (except for runTransactionM). explode :: Show a => String -> TNTStorage -> a -> TransactionM TNTStorage b explode fun _ = E.throwIO . TNTExplosion fun . show -- | Exception thrown by 'explode'. data TNTExplosion = TNTExplosion String String deriving (Show, Typeable) instance E.Exception TNTExplosion where -- | Session data that explodes if it's used. Doesn't explode on -- 'emptySession'. data TNTSessionData = TNTSessionData deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable) instance IsSessionData TNTSessionData where type Decomposed TNTSessionData = () emptySession = TNTSessionData isSameDecomposed _ = curry (explodeD "isSameDecomposed") decomposeSession = curry (explodeD "decomposeSession") recomposeSession = (curry . curry) (explodeD "recomposeSession") isDecomposedEmpty _ = explodeD "isDecomposedEmpty" -- | Implementation of all 'IsSessionData' methods of -- 'TNTSessionData'. explodeD :: Show a => String -> a -> b explodeD fun = E.throw . TNTExplosion fun . show ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A mock operation that was executed. data MockOperation sess = GetSession (SessionId sess) | DeleteSession (SessionId sess) | DeleteAllSessionsOfAuthId AuthId | InsertSession (Session sess) | ReplaceSession (Session sess) deriving (Typeable) deriving instance Eq (Decomposed sess) => Eq (MockOperation sess) deriving instance Show (Decomposed sess) => Show (MockOperation sess) -- | A mock storage used just for testing. data MockStorage sess = MockStorage { mockSessions :: I.IORef (HM.HashMap (SessionId sess) (Session sess)) , mockOperations :: I.IORef [MockOperation sess] } deriving (Typeable) instance IsSessionData sess => Storage (MockStorage sess) where type TransactionM (MockStorage sess) = IO type SessionData (MockStorage sess) = sess runTransactionM _ = id getSession sto sid = do -- We need to use atomicModifyIORef instead of readIORef -- because latter may be reordered (cf. "Memory Model" on -- Data.IORef's documentation). addMockOperation sto (GetSession sid) HM.lookup sid <$> I.atomicModifyIORef' (mockSessions sto) (\a -> (a, a)) deleteSession sto sid = do I.atomicModifyIORef' (mockSessions sto) ((, ()) . HM.delete sid) addMockOperation sto (DeleteSession sid) deleteAllSessionsOfAuthId sto authId = do I.atomicModifyIORef' (mockSessions sto) ((, ()) . HM.filter (\s -> sessionAuthId s /= Just authId)) addMockOperation sto (DeleteAllSessionsOfAuthId authId) insertSession sto session = do join $ I.atomicModifyIORef' (mockSessions sto) $ \oldMap -> case HM.lookup (sessionKey session) oldMap of Just oldVal -> (oldMap, mockThrow $ SessionAlreadyExists oldVal session) Nothing -> (HM.insert (sessionKey session) session oldMap, return ()) addMockOperation sto (InsertSession session) replaceSession sto session = do join $ I.atomicModifyIORef' (mockSessions sto) $ \oldMap -> case HM.lookup (sessionKey session) oldMap of Just _ -> (HM.insert (sessionKey session) session oldMap, return ()) Nothing -> (oldMap, mockThrow $ SessionDoesNotExist session) addMockOperation sto (ReplaceSession session) -- | Specialization of 'E.throwIO' for 'MockStorage'. mockThrow :: IsSessionData sess => StorageException (MockStorage sess) -> TransactionM (MockStorage sess) a mockThrow = E.throwIO -- | Creates empty mock storage. emptyMockStorage :: IO (MockStorage sess) emptyMockStorage = MockStorage <$> I.newIORef HM.empty <*> I.newIORef [] -- | Creates mock storage with the given sessions already existing. prepareMockStorage :: [Session sess] -> IO (MockStorage sess) prepareMockStorage sessions = do sto <- emptyMockStorage I.writeIORef (mockSessions sto) (HM.fromList [(sessionKey s, s) | s <- sessions]) return sto -- | Get the list of mock operations that were made and clear -- them. The operations are listed in chronological order. getMockOperations :: MockStorage sess -> IO [MockOperation sess] getMockOperations = flip I.atomicModifyIORef' ((,) [] . reverse) . mockOperations -- | Add a mock operations to the log. addMockOperation :: MockStorage sess -> MockOperation sess -> IO () addMockOperation sto op = I.atomicModifyIORef' (mockOperations sto) $ \ops -> (op:ops, ())