-- | Storage backend for @serversession@ using persistent.
-- In order to use this backend, you have to include
-- 'serverSessionDefs' on your migration code.  For example,
-- the Yesod scaffold usually includes the following code:
-- @
-- -- On Model.hs
-- share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate \"migrateAll\"]
-- -- On Application.hs
-- makeFoundation =
--     ...
--     runLoggingT (runSqlPool (runMigration migrateAll) pool) logFunc
--     ...
-- @
-- You should changed those lines to:
-- @
-- -- On Model.hs
-- share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkSave \"entityDefs\"]
-- -- On Application.hs
-- import qualified Data.Proxy as P -- tagged package, or base from GHC 7.10 onwards
-- import qualified Web.ServerSession.Core as SS
-- import qualified Web.ServerSession.Backend.Persistent as SS
-- mkMigrate \"migrateAll\" (SS.serverSessionDefs (P.Proxy :: P.Proxy SS.SessionMap) ++ entityDefs)
-- makeFoundation =
--     ...
--     runLoggingT (runSqlPool (runMigration migrateAll) pool) logFunc
--     ...
-- @
-- If you're not using @SessionMap@, just change @Proxy@ type above.
-- If you forget to setup the migration above, this session
-- storage backend will fail at runtime as the required table
-- will not exist.
module Web.ServerSession.Backend.Persistent
  ( SqlStorage(..)
  , serverSessionDefs
  ) where

import Web.ServerSession.Backend.Persistent.Internal.Impl