module Control.Concurrent.Session.Runtime
( OfferImpls (..)
, SessionState ()
, SessionChain (..)
, sjump
, ssend
, srecv
, soffer
, sselect
, run
) where
import Control.Concurrent.Session.List
import Control.Concurrent.Session.SessionType
import Control.Concurrent.Session.Number
import Control.Concurrent.Session.SMonad
import Control.Concurrent
data OfferImpls :: * -> * -> * -> * -> * -> * -> * where
OfferImplsNil :: OfferImpls Nil prog progOut progIn finalState finalResult
(:~:) :: (SessionChain prog progOut progIn (Cons (Jump l) Nil, Cons (Jump l) Nil) finalState finalResult) ->
OfferImpls jumps prog progOut progIn finalState finalResult ->
OfferImpls (Cons (Cons (Jump l) Nil) jumps) prog progOut progIn finalState finalResult
infixr 5 :~:
class WalkOfferImpls prog progOut progIn finalState finalResult where
walkOfferImpls :: Int -> OfferImpls jumps prog progOut progIn finalState finalResult -> SessionChain prog progOut progIn from finalState finalResult
instance forall prog progOut progIn finalState finalResult .
WalkOfferImpls prog progOut progIn finalState finalResult where
walkOfferImpls 0 (chain :~: _) = SessionChain f
f :: forall from . SessionState prog progOut progIn from ->
IO (finalResult, SessionState prog progOut progIn finalState)
f (SessionState prog outgoingProg incomingProg _ _)
= runSessionChain chain (SessionState prog outgoingProg incomingProg undefined undefined)
walkOfferImpls n (_ :~: rest) = walkOfferImpls (n 1) rest
walkOfferImpls _ _ = error "The Truly Impossible Happened."
data Cell :: * -> * where
Cell :: val -> MVar (Cell nxt) -> Cell (Cons val nxt)
SelectCell :: Int -> Cell (Cons (Choice jumps) Nil)
data ProgramCell :: * -> * where
ProgramCell :: MVar a -> MVar (ProgramCell a) -> ProgramCell a
class ProgramToMVarsOutgoing prog mvars | prog -> mvars where
programToMVarsOutgoing :: prog -> IO mvars
instance ProgramToMVarsOutgoing Nil Nil where
programToMVarsOutgoing Nil = return Nil
instance (ProgramToMVarsOutgoing nxt nxt', OnlyOutgoing val val') =>
ProgramToMVarsOutgoing (Cons val nxt) (Cons (MVar (ProgramCell (Cell val'))) nxt') where
programToMVarsOutgoing (Cons _ nxt)
= do { hole <- newEmptyMVar
; rest <- programToMVarsOutgoing nxt
; return $ Cons hole rest
data SessionState :: * -> * -> * -> * -> * where
SessionState :: prog -> progOut -> progIn ->
(MVar (Cell currentOutgoing)) ->
(MVar (Cell currentIncoming)) ->
SessionState prog progOut progIn
(currentOutgoing, currentIncoming)
newtype SessionChain prog progOut progIn from to res
= SessionChain { runSessionChain :: (SessionState prog progOut progIn from) ->
IO (res, SessionState prog progOut progIn to)
instance ( Dual prog prog'
, ProgramToMVarsOutgoing prog progOut
, ProgramToMVarsOutgoing prog' progIn
) =>
SMonad (SessionChain prog progOut progIn) where
f ~>> g = SessionChain $ \x -> do { (_, y) <- runSessionChain f x
; runSessionChain g y
f ~>>= g = SessionChain $ \x -> do { (a, y) <- runSessionChain f x
; runSessionChain (g a) y
sreturn a = SessionChain $ \x -> return (a, x)
instance ( Dual prog prog'
, ProgramToMVarsOutgoing prog progOut
, ProgramToMVarsOutgoing prog' progIn
) =>
SMonadIO (SessionChain prog progOut progIn) where
sliftIO f = SessionChain $ \x -> do { a <- f
; return (a, x)
carefullySwapToNextCell :: MVar (ProgramCell a) -> IO (ProgramCell a)
carefullySwapToNextCell programCellMVar
= do { maybeProgramCell <- tryTakeMVar programCellMVar
; case maybeProgramCell of
Nothing -> do { emptyProgramCell <- newEmptyMVar
; emptyProgramCellMVar <- newEmptyMVar
; let cell = (ProgramCell emptyProgramCell emptyProgramCellMVar)
; didPut <- tryPutMVar programCellMVar cell
; if didPut
then return cell
else takeMVar programCellMVar
(Just cell) -> return cell
sjump :: forall l prog prog' progOut progIn outgoing incoming .
( Dual prog prog'
, ProgramToMVarsOutgoing prog progOut
, ProgramToMVarsOutgoing prog' progIn
, SWellFormedConfig l (D0 E) prog
, SWellFormedConfig l (D0 E) prog'
, Elem progOut l (MVar (ProgramCell (Cell outgoing)))
, Elem progIn l (MVar (ProgramCell (Cell incoming)))
) =>
(SessionChain prog progOut progIn) ((Cons (Jump l) Nil), (Cons (Jump l) Nil)) (outgoing, incoming) ()
sjump = SessionChain f
f :: SessionState prog progOut progIn ((Cons (Jump l) Nil), (Cons (Jump l) Nil)) ->
IO ((), SessionState prog progOut progIn (outgoing, incoming))
f (SessionState prog outgoingProg incomingProg _ _)
= do { (ProgramCell outgoing outProgCellMVar') <- carefullySwapToNextCell outProgCellMVar
; (ProgramCell incoming inProgCellMVar') <- carefullySwapToNextCell inProgCellMVar
; let outgoingProg' = tyListUpdate outgoingProg (undefined :: l) outProgCellMVar'
; let incomingProg' = tyListUpdate incomingProg (undefined :: l) inProgCellMVar'
; return ((), (SessionState prog outgoingProg' incomingProg' outgoing incoming))
outProgCellMVar = tyListElem outgoingProg (undefined :: l)
inProgCellMVar = tyListElem incomingProg (undefined :: l)
ssend :: forall t prog prog' progOut progIn nxt incoming .
( Dual prog prog'
, ProgramToMVarsOutgoing prog progOut
, ProgramToMVarsOutgoing prog' progIn
) =>
t -> (SessionChain prog progOut progIn) ((Cons t nxt), incoming) (nxt, incoming) ()
ssend t = SessionChain f
f :: SessionState prog progOut progIn ((Cons t nxt), incoming) ->
IO ((), SessionState prog progOut progIn (nxt, incoming))
f (SessionState prog outgoingProg incomingProg outMVar inMVar)
= do { hole <- newEmptyMVar
; putMVar outMVar (Cell t hole)
; return ((), (SessionState prog outgoingProg incomingProg hole inMVar))
srecv :: forall t prog prog' progOut progIn nxt outgoing .
( Dual prog prog'
, ProgramToMVarsOutgoing prog progOut
, ProgramToMVarsOutgoing prog' progIn
) =>
(SessionChain prog progOut progIn) (outgoing, (Cons t nxt)) (outgoing, nxt) t
srecv = SessionChain f
f :: SessionState prog progOut progIn (outgoing, (Cons t nxt)) ->
IO (t, SessionState prog progOut progIn (outgoing, nxt))
f (SessionState prog outgoingProg incomingProg outMVar inMVar)
= do { (Cell t nxt) <- takeMVar inMVar
; return (t, (SessionState prog outgoingProg incomingProg outMVar nxt))
soffer :: forall finalState finalResult prog prog' progOut progIn jumps .
( Dual prog prog'
, ProgramToMVarsOutgoing prog progOut
, ProgramToMVarsOutgoing prog' progIn
) =>
OfferImpls jumps prog progOut progIn finalState finalResult
-> (SessionChain prog progOut progIn) (Cons (Choice jumps) Nil, Cons (Choice jumps) Nil) finalState finalResult
soffer implementations = SessionChain f
f :: SessionState prog progOut progIn (Cons (Choice jumps) Nil, Cons (Choice jumps) Nil) ->
IO (finalResult, SessionState prog progOut progIn finalState)
f (SessionState prog outgoingProg incomingProg _ inMVar)
= do { (SelectCell n) <- takeMVar inMVar
; runSessionChain (walkOfferImpls n implementations) (SessionState prog outgoingProg incomingProg undefined undefined)
sselect :: forall prog prog' progOut progIn label jumps outgoing incoming len jumpTarget .
( Dual prog prog'
, ProgramToMVarsOutgoing prog progOut
, ProgramToMVarsOutgoing prog' progIn
, ListLength jumps len
, SmallerThan label len
, TypeNumberToInt label
, Elem jumps label (Cons (Jump jumpTarget) Nil)
, SWellFormedConfig jumpTarget (D0 E) prog
, SWellFormedConfig jumpTarget (D0 E) prog'
, Elem progOut jumpTarget (MVar (ProgramCell (Cell outgoing)))
, Elem progIn jumpTarget (MVar (ProgramCell (Cell incoming)))
) =>
label -> (SessionChain prog progOut progIn) (Cons (Choice jumps) Nil, Cons (Choice jumps) Nil) (outgoing, incoming) ()
sselect label = SessionChain f
f :: SessionState prog progOut progIn ((Cons (Choice jumps) Nil, Cons (Choice jumps) Nil)) ->
IO ((), SessionState prog progOut progIn (outgoing, incoming))
f (SessionState prog outgoingProg incomingProg outMVar _)
= do { putMVar outMVar (SelectCell (tyNumToInt label))
; (ProgramCell outgoing outProgCellMVar') <- carefullySwapToNextCell outProgCellMVar
; (ProgramCell incoming inProgCellMVar') <- carefullySwapToNextCell inProgCellMVar
; let outgoingProg' = tyListUpdate outgoingProg (undefined :: jumpTarget) outProgCellMVar'
; let incomingProg' = tyListUpdate incomingProg (undefined :: jumpTarget) inProgCellMVar'
; return ((), (SessionState prog outgoingProg' incomingProg' outgoing incoming))
outProgCellMVar = tyListElem outgoingProg (undefined :: jumpTarget)
inProgCellMVar = tyListElem incomingProg (undefined :: jumpTarget)
run :: ( Dual prog prog'
, ProgramToMVarsOutgoing prog progOut
, ProgramToMVarsOutgoing prog' progIn
) => prog -> init ->
SessionChain prog progOut progIn ((Cons (Jump init) Nil), (Cons (Jump init) Nil)) (toO, toI) res ->
SessionChain prog' progIn progOut ((Cons (Jump init) Nil), (Cons (Jump init) Nil)) (toO', toI') res' ->
IO (res, res')
run prog _ chain1 chain2
= do { mvarsOut <- programToMVarsOutgoing prog
; mvarsIn <- programToMVarsOutgoing (dual prog)
; a <- newEmptyMVar
; b <- newEmptyMVar
; aDone <- newEmptyMVar
; bDone <- newEmptyMVar
; forkIO $ runSessionChain chain1 (SessionState prog mvarsOut mvarsIn a b) >>= putMVar aDone . fst
; forkIO $ runSessionChain chain2 (SessionState (dual prog) mvarsIn mvarsOut b a) >>= putMVar bDone . fst
; aRes <- takeMVar aDone
; bRes <- takeMVar bDone
; return (aRes, bRes)