-- | Defines several combinators for spawning sessions -- -- Here we define a session to be two dual `Session`s that together implement a protocol described by a session type. -- -- The following shows an example of how to spawn a session -- -- @ -- -- {-\# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell \#-} -- {-\# LANGUAGE DataKinds \#-} -- {-\# LANGUAGE TypeOperators \#-} -- -- import qualified SessionTypes.Indexed as I -- import Control.Distributed.Session hiding (getSelfPid, expect) -- import Control.Distributed.Process (liftIO, Process, RemoteTable, NodeId, getSelfPid, ProcessId, expect) -- import Control.Distributed.Process.Closure (remotable, mkClosure) -- import Control.Distributed.Process.Node -- import Network.Transport.TCP -- -- sess1 :: Session ('Cap '[] (Int :!> Eps)) ('Cap '[] Eps) () -- sess1 = send 5 I.>> eps () -- -- sess2 :: ProcessId -> Session ('Cap '[] (Int :?> Eps)) ('Cap '[] Eps) () -- sess2 pid = recv I.>>= \x -> utsend pid x I.>>= eps -- -- spawnSess :: ProcessId -> SpawnSession () () -- spawnSess pid = SpawnSession sess1 (sess2 pid) -- -- remotable ['spawnSess] -- -- p1 :: NodeId -> Process () -- p1 nid = do -- pid <- getSelfPid -- spawnRRSessionP nid nid ($(mkClosure 'spawnSess) pid) -- a <- expect :: Process Int -- liftIO (putStrLn $ show a) -- -- myRemoteTable :: RemoteTable -- myRemoteTable = Main.__remoteTable $ sessionRemoteTable initRemoteTable -- -- main :: IO () -- main = do -- Right t <- createTransport "" "100000" defaultTCPParameters -- node <- newLocalNode t myRemoteTable -- runProcess node $ p1 (localNodeId node) -- -- @ -- -- >>> main -- > 5 -- -- In p1 we spawn a session that consists of two `Session`s that are remotely spawned (which happens to be the local node). -- -- We do so using the `spawnRRSessionP` function that we can call within a `Process`. We pass it the two node identifiers followed -- by a closure that takes an argument. -- -- Sess1 and sess2 implement both sides of the protocol. We can insert these into a `SpawnSession`, because they are dual to each other. -- -- > spawnSess :: ProcessId -> SpawnSession () () -- > spawnSess pid = SpawnSession sess1 (sess2 pid) -- -- Then to create a closure for `spawnSess` that we can then pass to `spawnRRSessionP` we first add `spawnSess` to the remotable of the current module. -- -- > remotable ['spawnSess] -- -- remotable is a top-level Template Haskell splice that creates a closure function for us. -- -- To use this closure function we can simply do -- -- > $(mkClosure 'spawnSess) pid -- -- We use `mkClosure` such that we can still pass an argument to spawnSess with the result being of type Closure (SpawnSession () ()) -- -- It is important that the node that we run p1 on knows how to evaluate a closure of type Closure (SpawnSession () ()). This requires that we -- compose the initRemoteTable of a node with the remotable of this module. -- -- Within `spawnRRSessionP` we make use of internally defined closures. The library therefore exports `sessionRemoteTable` that should always be passed to a node -- if you make use of a function within this library that takes a closure as an argument. -- -- > myRemoteTable :: RemoteTable -- > myRemoteTable = Main.__remoteTable $ sessionRemoteTable initRemoteTable -- -- > node <- newLocalNode t myRemoteTable module Control.Distributed.Session.Spawn ( -- * Call callLocalSessionP, callLocalSession, callRemoteSessionP, callRemoteSession, callRemoteSessionP', callRemoteSession', -- * Spawn spawnLLSessionP, spawnLLSession, spawnLRSessionP, spawnLRSession, spawnRRSessionP, spawnRRSession ) where import Control.Distributed.Process as P import Control.Distributed.Process.Serializable import Control.SessionTypes import Control.Distributed.Session.Closure import Control.Distributed.Session.Eval import Control.Distributed.Session.Session import Control.Distributed.Session.STChannel as ST import Control.Concurrent -- | Calls a local session consisting of two dual `Session`s. -- -- Spawns a new local process for the second `Session` and runs the first `Session` on the current process. -- -- Returns the result of the first `Session` and the `ProcessId` of the second `Session`. callLocalSessionP :: (HasConstraint Serializable s, HasConstraint Serializable (Dual s)) => Session s r a -> Session (Dual s) r b -> P.Process (a, ProcessId) callLocalSessionP s1 s2 = do pidSelf <- P.getSelfPid node <- P.getSelfNode (sp1, rp1) <- ST.newUTChan (sp2, rp2) <- ST.newUTChan let si1 = SessionInfo pidSelf node (sp1, rp2) pid <- P.spawnLocal $ evalSession s2 si1 >> return () let si2 = SessionInfo pid node (sp2, rp1) a <- evalSession s1 si2 return (a, pid) -- | Sessioned version of `callLocalSessionP` callLocalSession :: (HasConstraint Serializable s, HasConstraint Serializable (Dual s)) => Session s r a -> Session (Dual s) r b -> Session k k (a, ProcessId) callLocalSession ss1 ss2 = liftP $ callLocalSessionP ss1 ss2 -- | Calls a remote session consisting of two dual `Session`s. -- -- Spawns a remote process for the second `Session` and runs the first `Session` on the current process. -- -- Returns the result of the frist `Session` and the `ProcessId` of the second `Session`. -- -- The arguments of this function are described as follows: -- -- * Static (SerializableDict a): Describes how to serialize a value of type `a` -- * NodeId: The node identifier of the node that the second `Session` should be spawned to. -- * Closure (SpawnSession a ()): A closure of a wrapper over two dual `Session`s. -- -- Requires `sessionRemoteTable` callRemoteSessionP :: Serializable a => Static (SerializableDict a) -> NodeId -> Closure (SpawnSession a ()) -> Process (a, ProcessId) callRemoteSessionP sdict nodeOth proc = do pidSelf <- getSelfPid nodeSelf <- getSelfNode pidOth <- spawn nodeOth $ remoteSpawnSessionClosure sdict ((pidSelf, nodeSelf, proc)) a <- evalLocalSession (pidOth, nodeOth, proc) return (a, pidOth) -- | Sessioned version of `callRemoteSession` -- -- Requires `sessionRemoteTable` callRemoteSession :: Serializable a => Static (SerializableDict a) -> NodeId -> Closure (SpawnSession a ()) -> Session k k (a, ProcessId) callRemoteSession n1 sdict proc = liftP $ callRemoteSessionP n1 sdict proc -- | Same as `callRemoteSessionP`, but we no longer need to provide a static serializable dictionary, because the result type of the first session is unit. -- -- Requires `sessionRemoteTable` callRemoteSessionP' :: NodeId -> Closure (SpawnSession () ()) -> Process (ProcessId) callRemoteSessionP' nodeOth proc = do pidSelf <- getSelfPid nodeSelf <- getSelfNode pidOth <- spawn nodeOth $ remoteSpawnSessionClosure' (pidSelf, nodeSelf, proc) evalLocalSession (pidOth, nodeOth, proc) return pidOth -- | Sessioned version of `callRemoteSessionP'` -- -- Requires `sessionRemoteTable` callRemoteSession' :: NodeId -> Closure (SpawnSession () ()) -> Session s s (ProcessId) callRemoteSession' node proc = liftP $ callRemoteSessionP' node proc -- | Spawns a local session. -- -- Both `Session`s are spawned locally. -- -- Returns the `ProcessId` of both spawned processes. spawnLLSessionP :: (HasConstraint Serializable s, HasConstraint Serializable (Dual s)) => Session s r a -> Session (Dual s) r b -> Process (ProcessId, ProcessId) spawnLLSessionP sess1 sess2 = do nodeSelf <- getSelfNode mvar <- liftIO newEmptyMVar (sp1, rp1) <- ST.newUTChan (sp2, rp2) <- ST.newUTChan pid1 <- spawnLocal $ do pid <- liftIO $ takeMVar mvar evalSession sess1 (SessionInfo pid nodeSelf (sp1, rp2)) return () pid2 <- spawnLocal $ do pid <- getSelfPid liftIO $ putMVar mvar pid evalSession sess2 (SessionInfo pid1 nodeSelf (sp2, rp1)) return () return (pid1, pid2) -- | Sessioned version of `spawnLLSession` spawnLLSession :: (HasConstraint Serializable s, HasConstraint Serializable (Dual s)) => Session s r a -> Session (Dual s) r b -> Session t t (ProcessId, ProcessId) spawnLLSession st1 st2 = liftP $ spawnLLSessionP st1 st2 -- | Spawns one `Session` local and spawns another `Session` remote. -- -- Returns the `ProcessId` of both spawned processes. -- -- The arguments are described as follows: -- -- * NodeId: The node identifier of the node that the second `Session` should be spawned to. -- * Closure (SpawnSession () ()): A closure of a wrapper over two dual `Session`s. -- -- Requires `sessionRemoteTable` spawnLRSessionP :: NodeId -> Closure (SpawnSession () ()) -> Process (ProcessId, ProcessId) spawnLRSessionP nodeOth proc = do nodeSelf <- getSelfNode mvar <- liftIO newEmptyMVar pid1 <- spawnLocal $ do pid <- liftIO $ takeMVar mvar evalLocalSession (pid, nodeOth, proc) pid2 <- spawn nodeOth $ remoteSpawnSessionClosure' ((pid1, nodeSelf, proc)) liftIO $ putMVar mvar pid2 return (pid1, pid2) -- | Sessioned version of `spawnLRSessionP` -- -- Requires `sessionRemoteTable` spawnLRSession :: NodeId -> Closure (SpawnSession () ()) -> Session s s (ProcessId, ProcessId) spawnLRSession node proc = liftP $ spawnLRSessionP node proc -- | Spawns a remote session. Both `Session` arguments are spawned remote. -- -- Returns the `ProcessId` of both spawned processes. -- -- The arguments are described as follows: -- -- * NodeId: The node identifier of the node that the first `Session` should be spawned to. -- * NodeId: The node identifier of the node that the second `Session` should be spawned to. -- * Closure (SpawnSession () ()): A closure of a wrapper over two dual `Session`s. -- -- Requires `sessionRemoteTable` spawnRRSessionP :: NodeId -> NodeId -> Closure (SpawnSession () ()) -> Process (ProcessId, ProcessId) spawnRRSessionP n1 n2 proc = do pid1 <- spawn n1 (rrSpawnSessionExpectClosure (n2, proc)) -- expect a pid pid2 <- spawn n2 (rrSpawnSessionSendClosure (pid1, n1, proc)) -- send a pid return (pid1, pid2) -- | Sessioned version of `SpawnRRSession` -- -- Requires `sessionRemoteTable` spawnRRSession :: NodeId -> NodeId -> Closure (SpawnSession () ()) -> Session s s (ProcessId, ProcessId) spawnRRSession n1 n2 proc = liftP $ spawnRRSessionP n1 n2 proc