{ module SetParser where import SetLanguage import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL -- TODO add precidence of operators -- TODO add comments to the language -- TODO The tokens should come with line number information so that we can better pinpoint errors. } %name parseSetLanguage %tokentype { SetToken } %error { parseError } %token '(' { LParenTok } ')' { RParenTok } and { IntersectionTok } or { UnionTok } diff { DifferenceTok } identifierDef { IdentifierDefinitionTok $$ } identifier { IdentifierTok $$ } filename { FilenameTok $$ } %% definitions : definition { [$1] } | definitions definition { $2 : $1 } definition : identifierDef exp { Definition (Identifier $1) $2 } exp : baseexp { $1 } | brackexp { $1 } | baseorbrack operator baseorbrack { BinaryExp $2 $1 $3 } baseorbrack : baseexp { $1 } | brackexp { $1 } brackexp : '(' exp ')' { BrackExp $2 } baseexp : filename { FilenameExp $1 } | identifier { IdentifierExp (Identifier $1) } operator : and { IntersectionOp } | or { UnionOp } | diff { DifferenceOp } { parseError :: [SetToken] -> a parseError tokens = error $ "Parse error: " ++ show tokens data SetOperator = IntersectionOp | UnionOp | DifferenceOp deriving(Show, Eq) data Identifier = Identifier { idName :: TL.Text } deriving(Show, Eq) data Expression = BinaryExp SetOperator Expression Expression | BrackExp Expression | FilenameExp FilePath | IdentifierExp Identifier deriving(Show, Eq) data Definition = Definition Identifier Expression deriving (Show, Eq) }