{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, KindSignatures, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleInstances
           , MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies
           , UndecidableInstances, TypeOperators, ScopedTypeVariables
           , FlexibleContexts, CPP
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fno-warn-orphans #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Shady.Language.Type
-- Copyright   :  (c) Conal Elliott 2009
-- License     :  GPLv3
-- Maintainer  :  conal@conal.net
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Types

module Shady.Language.Type
  -- * Type values
    ScalarT(..), VectorT(..), Type(..)
  , TextureId, Sampler(..), sampler1, sampler2, sampler3, Sampler1, Sampler2, Sampler3
  -- * Generating type values
  , IsScalar(..), vectorT, HasType(..)
  , typeOf, typeOf1, typeOf2, compatible, compatible1
  , IsVec(..),checkVec, checkVec'
  -- * Type equality
  , (:=:)(..), ptyEq, vtyEq, tyEq
  , (=:=), (===)
  -- * Vector operations
  -- , Vector(..)
  -- * Convenient type synonyms
  , R, R1, R2, R3, R4, B1, Pred1, Pred2
  -- * Notions of equality
  , SynEq(..),SynEq2(..) 
  -- * Pairing and unit
  , PairF(..), (:#), UnitF(..)
  -- * Re-export
  , module Shady.Vec
  ) where

import Control.Applicative (pure,liftA2,Const(..))
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Control.Monad.Instances ()
import Foreign.Storable

import Data.Typeable (Typeable)

import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen
import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.PrettyPrec
import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.DocExpr

import Shady.Misc (FMod(..),R)
import Shady.Vec
import Data.Proof.EQ
-- import Shady.Language.Equality
-- import Shady.MechanicsGL (GlTexture)

    Type values

-- Primitive types
data ScalarT :: * -> * where
  Bool  :: ScalarT Bool
  Int   :: ScalarT Int
  Float :: ScalarT Float

instance Show (ScalarT a) where
  show Bool  = "bool"
  show Int   = "int"
  show Float = "float"

instance HasExprU ScalarT where
  exprU Bool  = var "bool"
  exprU Int   = var "int"
  exprU Float = var "float"

instance Pretty (ScalarT a) where pretty = text . show

vshow :: Show a => a -> Expr
vshow = var . show

instance HasExpr (ScalarT a) where expr = vshow

data VectorT n a = VectorT (Nat n) (ScalarT a)

instance Show (VectorT n a) where
  show (VectorT n t) = showVectorN (natToZ n) t

-- instance HasExpr a => HasExpr (VectorT a) where expr = expr1
-- instance HasExpr1 VectorT    where expr1 = var . show

instance HasExprU (VectorT n)   where exprU = expr
instance HasExpr  (VectorT n a) where expr  = var . show

showVectorN :: Integer -> ScalarT a -> String
showVectorN 1 p = show p
showVectorN n p = pref p ++ "vec" ++ show n
    pref :: ScalarT b -> String
    pref Bool  = "b"
    pref Int   = "i"
    pref Float = ""

instance Pretty (VectorT n a) where pretty = text . show

-- | Encoding of texture ids in values.  I'm using 'Int' instead of
-- @GLuint@ here to avoid depending on OpenGL in this module & package.
type TextureId = Int

-- | An @n@-dimensional GLSL sampler.
data Sampler n =
  Sampler { samplerDim :: Nat n, samplerTexture :: TextureId }

type Sampler1 = Sampler OneT
type Sampler2 = Sampler TwoT
type Sampler3 = Sampler ThreeT

instance Show (Sampler n) where
  show (Sampler n tex) = "<Sampler "++show n++" "++show tex++">"

instance Pretty (Sampler n) where
  pretty = text . show

sampler1 :: TextureId -> Sampler1
sampler1 = Sampler one                  -- or Sampler nat

sampler2 :: TextureId -> Sampler2
sampler2 = Sampler two                  -- or Sampler nat

sampler3 :: TextureId -> Sampler3
sampler3 = Sampler three                -- or Sampler nat

-- | Extended types.  Vector types, samplers, unit, pairing, and functions.
data Type :: * -> * where
  VecT     :: (IsNat n, IsScalar a {-, Storable (Vec n a) -}) =>
              VectorT n a -> Type (Vec n a)
  SamplerT :: IsNat n => Nat n -> Type (Sampler n)
  UnitT    :: Type ()
  (:*:)    :: (HasType a, HasType b {-, Show a, Show b -}) =>
              Type a -> Type b -> Type (a ,  b)
  (:->:)   :: (HasType a, HasType b {-, Show a, Show b -}) =>
              Type a -> Type b -> Type (a -> b)

instance HasExpr (Type t) where
  expr (VecT     t) = expr t
  expr (SamplerT n) = var $ "sampler" ++ show n ++ "D"
  expr UnitT        = var "()"
  expr (a :*:  b)   = op InfixR 1 ":*" (expr a) (expr b)
  expr (a :->: b)   = op InfixR 0 "->" (expr a) (expr b)

instance HasExprU Type where exprU = expr

instance PrettyPrec (Type t) where prettyPrec = prettyExpr
instance Pretty     (Type t) where pretty     = prettyPrec 0
instance Show       (Type t) where show       = show . expr

    Generating type values

-- EXPERIMENTAL: Typeable constraints

-- | Has scalar type
class (Storable a, Typeable a, Show a) => IsScalar a where scalarT :: ScalarT a

-- The Storable and Show prereqs simplify explicit constraints at uses.

instance IsScalar Bool  where scalarT = Bool
instance IsScalar Int   where scalarT = Int
instance IsScalar Float where scalarT = Float

vectorT :: (IsNat n, IsScalar a) => VectorT n a
vectorT = VectorT nat scalarT

-- | Known types
class Show t => HasType t where typeT :: Type t

-- Sorry about that Show constraint.  It's ultimately motivated by
-- the constant folding optimization and from there creeps into *lots* of contexts.

-- The Show t is experimental.  If it works out, remove Show from a lot of contexts.

instance (IsNat n, IsScalar a {-, Storable (Vec n a)-}) =>
         HasType (Vec n a) where
   typeT = VecT vectorT

instance HasType () where typeT = UnitT
instance (HasType a, HasType b {-, Show a, Show b -}) =>
  HasType (a, b) where typeT = typeT :*: typeT
instance (HasType a, HasType b {-, Show a, Show b -}) =>
  HasType (a->b) where typeT = typeT :->: typeT

instance IsNat n => HasType (Sampler n) where
  typeT = SamplerT nat

-- | Reify a type
typeOf :: HasType a => a -> Type a
typeOf = const typeT

-- | Reify a type argument
typeOf1 :: HasType a => f a -> Type a
typeOf1 = const typeT

-- | Reify a type argument's argument
typeOf2 :: HasType a => g (f a) -> Type a
typeOf2 = const typeT

-- | Demonstration that a type argument is a vector type.
data IsVec :: * -> * where
  IsVec :: (IsNat n, IsScalar a) => IsVec (Vec n a)

-- | Check for a vector type
checkVec :: forall t. HasType t => Maybe (IsVec t)
checkVec =
  case (typeT :: Type t) of
    VecT _ -> Just IsVec
    _      -> Nothing

-- | Convenient wrapper around 'checkVec'.  Ignores argument.
checkVec' :: forall f t. HasType t => f t -> Maybe (IsVec t)
checkVec' = const checkVec

    Type equality

-- | Try to prove equality of primitive types
ptyEq :: ScalarT a -> ScalarT b -> Maybe (a :=: b)
ptyEq Bool  Bool  = Just Refl
ptyEq Int   Int   = Just Refl
ptyEq Float Float = Just Refl
ptyEq _     _     = Nothing

-- | Try to prove equality of types
vtyEq :: VectorT m a -> VectorT n b -> Maybe (Vec m a :=: Vec n b)
vtyEq (VectorT m a) (VectorT n b) = liftA2 liftEq2 (m `natEq` n) (a `ptyEq` b)

-- | Try to prove equality of types
tyEq :: Type c -> Type c' -> Maybe (c :=: c')
tyEq (VecT a)     (VecT  a')    = vtyEq a a'
tyEq (SamplerT n) (SamplerT n') = fmap liftEq (natEq n n')
tyEq UnitT        UnitT         = Just Refl
tyEq (a :*:  b)   (a' :*:  b')  = liftA2 liftEq2 (tyEq a a') (tyEq b b')
tyEq (a :->: b)   (a' :->: b')  = liftA2 liftEq2 (tyEq a a') (tyEq b b')
tyEq _            _             = Nothing

-- TODO: Maybe define a class & method for the various typed equality
-- functions, with a nice infix method name.

-- | Yields 'Just' 'Refl' if type-compatible /and/ equal.  Otherwise 'Nothing'.
(=:=) :: forall f a b. (HasType a, HasType b, SynEq f) =>
         f a -> f b -> Maybe (a :=: b)
fa =:= fb =
  case typeOf1 fa `tyEq` typeOf1 fb of
    Just Refl -> if fa =-= fb then Just Refl else Nothing
    Nothing   -> Nothing

-- | Same type and syntactically equal
(===) :: forall f a b. (HasType a, HasType b, SynEq f) =>
         f a -> f b -> Bool
fa === fb = isJust (fa =:= fb)

-- | Do two values have the same type.  If so, return a proof.
compatible :: (HasType a, HasType b) => a -> b -> Maybe (a :=: b)
x `compatible` y = typeOf x `tyEq` typeOf y

-- | Do two values have the same argument type.  If so, return a proof.
compatible1 :: (HasType a, HasType b) => f a -> g b -> Maybe (a :=: b)
x `compatible1` y = typeOf1 x `tyEq` typeOf1 y

    Convenient type synonyms

-- TODO: Maybe move R to Misc and use in defining EyePos in MechanicsGL

-- | Convenient short-hand
type R1 = One   R
-- | Convenient short-hand
type R2 = Two   R
-- | Convenient short-hand
type R3 = Three R
-- | Convenient short-hand
type R4 = Four  R

-- | Single boolean
type B1 = One Bool

-- | Unary predicate
type Pred1 a = a -> B1
-- | Binary predicate
type Pred2 a = a -> Pred1 a

    Notions of equality

infix 4 =-=, =--=

-- | Syntactic equality.  Requires same argument type.
class SynEq f where
  (=-=) :: HasType c => f c -> f c -> Bool

instance Eq x => SynEq (Const x) where (=-=) = (==)

-- | Higher-order variant of 'SynEq'.  Can be defined via '(=-=)', or vice versa.
class SynEq2 f where
  (=--=) :: (SynEq v, HasType c) => f v c -> f v c -> Bool

deriving instance Eq a => Eq (Const a b)


infixr 1 #, :#

class PairF f where
  (#) :: (HasType a, HasType b {-, Show a, Show b -}) =>
         f a -> f b -> f (a :# b)

-- | Syntactic alternative for pairing.  Convenient for right-associative
-- infix use.
type a :# b = (a,b)

class UnitF f where unit :: f ()


-- Pretty-printing here instead of Vec, so we can use VectorT.  Numeric
-- instances here because Show is here.

instance (IsNat n, IsScalar a, Pretty a) => Pretty (Vec n a) where
  pretty v | n == 1    = pretty (head as)
           | otherwise = pretty (vectorT :: VectorT n a) <> tupled (map pretty as)
    where as = vElems v
          n  = length as

instance (IsNat n, IsScalar a, Show a) => Show (Vec n a) where
  show v | n == 1    = show (head as)
         | otherwise = show (vectorT :: VectorT n a)
                       ++ "(" ++ intercalate "," (map show as) ++ ")"
    where as = vElems v
          n  = length as

instance (IsNat n, IsScalar a, Pretty a) => PrettyPrec (Vec n a)
instance (IsNat n, IsScalar a, Show   a) => HasExpr    (Vec n a)

-- Generate bogus Enum instance, needed by 'Integral'
#define INSTANCE_Enum

#define CONSTRAINTS IsNat n, IsScalar applicative_arg,
#define APPLICATIVE (Vec n)
#include "ApplicativeNumeric-inc.hs"

instance (IsNat n, IsScalar a, FMod a) => FMod (Vec n a) where
  fmod = liftA2 fmod