module Development.Shake.Command(
command, command_, cmd,
Stdout(..), Stderr(..), Exit(..),
CmdResult, CmdOption(..),
) where
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Exception as C
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Either
import Foreign.C.Error
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import System.Process
import Development.Shake.Core
import Development.Shake.FilePath
import Development.Shake.Types
import GHC.IO.Exception (IOErrorType(..), IOException(..))
data CmdOption
= Cwd FilePath
| Env [(String,String)]
| Stdin String
| Shell
| BinaryPipes
| Traced String
| WithStderr Bool
| EchoStdout Bool
| EchoStderr Bool
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
data Result
= ResultStdout String
| ResultStderr String
| ResultCode ExitCode
deriving Eq
commandExplicit :: String -> [CmdOption] -> [Result] -> String -> [String] -> Action [Result]
commandExplicit funcName opts results exe args = verboser $ tracer $
mask $ \restore -> do
ans <- try $ createProcess cp
(inh, outh, errh, pid) <- case ans of
Right a -> return a
Left err -> do
let msg = "Development.Shake." ++ funcName ++ ", system command failed\n" ++
"Command: " ++ saneCommandForUser exe args ++ "\n" ++
show (err :: SomeException)
error msg
let close = maybe (return ()) hClose
flip onException
(do close inh; close outh; close errh
terminateProcess pid; waitForProcess pid) $ restore $ do
when (BinaryPipes `elem` opts) $ do
let bin = maybe (return ()) (`hSetBinaryMode` True)
bin inh; bin outh; bin errh
(out,waitOut) <- case outh of
Nothing -> return ("", return ())
Just outh -> do
out <- hGetContents outh
waitOut <- forkWait $ C.evaluate $ rnf out
when stdoutEcho $ forkIO (hPutStr stdout out) >> return ()
return (out,waitOut)
(err,waitErr) <- case errh of
Nothing -> return ("", return ())
Just errh -> do
err <- hGetContents errh
waitErr <- forkWait $ C.evaluate $ rnf err
when stderrEcho $ forkIO (hPutStr stderr err) >> return ()
return (err,waitErr)
let writeInput = do
case inh of
Nothing -> return ()
Just inh -> do
hPutStr inh input
hFlush inh
hClose inh
C.catch writeInput $ \e -> case e of
IOError { ioe_type = ResourceVanished
, ioe_errno = Just ioe }
| Errno ioe == ePIPE -> return ()
_ -> throwIO e
close outh
close errh
ex <- waitForProcess pid
when (ResultCode ExitSuccess `notElem` results && ex /= ExitSuccess) $ do
let msg = "Development.Shake." ++ funcName ++ ", system command failed\n" ++
"Command: " ++ saneCommandForUser exe args ++ "\n" ++
"Exit code: " ++ show (case ex of ExitFailure i -> i; _ -> 0) ++ "\n" ++
(if not stderrThrow then "Stderr not captured because ErrorsWithoutStderr was used"
else if null err then "Stderr was empty"
else "Stderr:\n" ++ unlines (dropWhile null $ lines err))
error msg
return $ flip map results $ \x -> case x of
ResultStdout _ -> ResultStdout out
ResultStderr _ -> ResultStderr err
ResultCode _ -> ResultCode ex
input = last $ "" : [x | Stdin x <- opts]
verboser act = do
v <- getVerbosity
putLoud $ saneCommandForUser exe args
(if v >= Loud then quietly else id) act
tracer = case reverse [x | Traced x <- opts] of
"":_ -> liftIO
msg:_ -> traced msg
[] -> traced (takeFileName exe)
binary = BinaryPipes `elem` opts
stdoutEcho = last $ (ResultStdout "" `notElem` results) : [b | EchoStdout b <- opts]
stdoutCapture = ResultStdout "" `elem` results
stderrEcho = last $ (ResultStderr "" `notElem` results) : [b | EchoStderr b <- opts]
stderrThrow = last $ True : [b | WithStderr b <- opts]
stderrCapture = ResultStderr "" `elem` results || (stderrThrow && ResultCode ExitSuccess `notElem` results)
cp0 = (if Shell `elem` opts then shell $ unwords $ exe:args else proc exe args)
{std_out = if binary || stdoutCapture || not stdoutEcho then CreatePipe else Inherit
,std_err = if binary || stderrCapture || not stderrEcho then CreatePipe else Inherit
,std_in = if null input then Inherit else CreatePipe
cp = foldl applyOpt cp0{std_out = CreatePipe, std_err = CreatePipe} opts
applyOpt :: CreateProcess -> CmdOption -> CreateProcess
applyOpt o (Cwd x) = o{cwd = if x == "" then Nothing else Just x}
applyOpt o (Env x) = o{env = Just x}
applyOpt o _ = o
forkWait :: IO a -> IO (IO a)
forkWait a = do
res <- newEmptyMVar
_ <- mask $ \restore -> forkIO $ try (restore a) >>= putMVar res
return (takeMVar res >>= either (\ex -> throwIO (ex :: SomeException)) return)
saneCommandForUser :: FilePath -> [String] -> String
saneCommandForUser cmd args = unwords $ map f $ cmd:args
f x = if take (length y 2) (drop 1 y) == x then x else y
where y = showCommandForUser x []
newtype Stdout = Stdout {fromStdout :: String}
newtype Stderr = Stderr {fromStderr :: String}
newtype Exit = Exit {fromExit :: ExitCode}
class CmdResult a where
cmdResult :: ([Result], [Result] -> a)
instance CmdResult Exit where
cmdResult = ([ResultCode $ ExitSuccess], \[ResultCode x] -> Exit x)
instance CmdResult ExitCode where
cmdResult = ([ResultCode $ ExitSuccess], \[ResultCode x] -> x)
instance CmdResult Stdout where
cmdResult = ([ResultStdout ""], \[ResultStdout x] -> Stdout x)
instance CmdResult Stderr where
cmdResult = ([ResultStderr ""], \[ResultStderr x] -> Stderr x)
instance CmdResult () where
cmdResult = ([], \[] -> ())
instance (CmdResult x1, CmdResult x2) => CmdResult (x1,x2) where
cmdResult = (a1++a2, \rs -> let (r1,r2) = splitAt (length a2) rs in (b1 r1, b2 r2))
where (a1,b1) = cmdResult
(a2,b2) = cmdResult
cmdResultWith f = second (f .) cmdResult
instance (CmdResult x1, CmdResult x2, CmdResult x3) => CmdResult (x1,x2,x3) where
cmdResult = cmdResultWith $ \(a,(b,c)) -> (a,b,c)
command :: CmdResult r => [CmdOption] -> String -> [String] -> Action r
command opts x xs = fmap b $ commandExplicit "command" opts a x xs
where (a,b) = cmdResult
command_ :: [CmdOption] -> String -> [String] -> Action ()
command_ opts x xs = commandExplicit "command_" opts [] x xs >> return ()
type a :-> t = a
cmd :: CmdArguments args => args :-> Action r
cmd = cmdArguments []
class CmdArguments t where cmdArguments :: [Either CmdOption String] -> t
instance (Arg a, CmdArguments r) => CmdArguments (a -> r) where
cmdArguments xs x = cmdArguments $ xs ++ arg x
instance CmdResult r => CmdArguments (Action r) where
cmdArguments x = case partitionEithers x of
(opts, x:xs) -> let (a,b) = cmdResult in fmap b $ commandExplicit "cmd" opts a x xs
_ -> error "Error, no executable or arguments given to Development.Shake.cmd"
class Arg a where arg :: a -> [Either CmdOption String]
instance Arg String where arg = map Right . words
instance Arg [String] where arg = map Right
instance Arg CmdOption where arg = return . Left
instance Arg [CmdOption] where arg = map Left