#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 704
module Development.Shake.Core(
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 704
Rule(..), Rules, rule, action, withoutActions, alternatives, priority,
Action, actionOnException, actionFinally, apply, apply1, traced, getShakeOptions,
trackUse, trackChange, trackAllow,
getVerbosity, putLoud, putNormal, putQuiet, withVerbosity, quietly,
Resource, newResource, newResourceIO, withResource, withResources, newThrottle, newThrottleIO,
newCache, newCacheIO,
rulesIO, runAfter
) where
import Prelude(); import General.Prelude
import Control.Exception.Extra
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Tuple.Extra
import Control.Concurrent.Extra
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Function
import Data.Either.Extra
import Numeric.Extra
import Data.List
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.IORef
import System.Directory
import System.IO.Extra
import System.Time.Extra
import Development.Shake.Classes
import Development.Shake.Pool
import Development.Shake.Database
import Development.Shake.Monad
import Development.Shake.Resource
import Development.Shake.Value
import Development.Shake.Profile
import Development.Shake.Types
import Development.Shake.Errors
import Development.Shake.Special
import General.Timing
import General.Extra
import General.Concurrent
import General.Cleanup
import General.String
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 704
type ShakeValue a = (Show a, Typeable a, Eq a, Hashable a, Binary a, NFData a)
class (
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 704
ShakeValue key, ShakeValue value
Show key, Typeable key, Eq key, Hashable key, Binary key, NFData key,
Show value, Typeable value, Eq value, Hashable value, Binary value, NFData value
) => Rule key value where
storedValue :: ShakeOptions -> key -> IO (Maybe value)
equalValue :: ShakeOptions -> key -> value -> value -> EqualCost
equalValue _ _ v1 v2 = if v1 == v2 then EqualCheap else NotEqual
data ARule m = forall key value . Rule key value => ARule (key -> Maybe (m value))
ruleKey :: Rule key value => (key -> Maybe (m value)) -> key
ruleKey = err "ruleKey"
ruleValue :: Rule key value => (key -> Maybe (m value)) -> value
ruleValue = err "ruleValue"
newtype Rules a = Rules (WriterT (SRules Action) IO a)
deriving (Monad, Functor, Applicative)
rulesIO :: IO a -> Rules a
rulesIO = Rules . liftIO
newRules :: SRules Action -> Rules ()
newRules = Rules . tell
modifyRules :: (SRules Action -> SRules Action) -> Rules () -> Rules ()
modifyRules f (Rules r) = Rules $ censor f r
getRules :: Rules () -> IO (SRules Action)
getRules (Rules r) = execWriterT r
data SRules m = SRules
{actions :: [m ()]
,rules :: Map.HashMap TypeRep (TypeRep,TypeRep,[(Double,ARule m)])
instance Monoid (SRules m) where
mempty = SRules [] (Map.fromList [])
mappend (SRules x1 x2) (SRules y1 y2) = SRules (x1++y1) (Map.unionWith f x2 y2)
where f (k, v1, xs) (_, v2, ys)
| v1 == v2 = (k, v1, xs ++ ys)
| otherwise = errorIncompatibleRules k v1 v2
instance Monoid a => Monoid (Rules a) where
mempty = return mempty
mappend = liftA2 mappend
rule :: Rule key value => (key -> Maybe (Action value)) -> Rules ()
rule r = newRules mempty{rules = Map.singleton k (k, v, [(1,ARule r)])}
where k = typeOf $ ruleKey r; v = typeOf $ ruleValue r
priority :: Double -> Rules () -> Rules ()
priority i = modifyRules $ \s -> s{rules = Map.map (\(a,b,cs) -> (a,b,map (first $ const i) cs)) $ rules s}
alternatives :: Rules () -> Rules ()
alternatives = modifyRules $ \r -> r{rules = Map.map f $ rules r}
f (k, v, []) = (k, v, [])
f (k, v, xs) = let (is,rs) = unzip xs in (k, v, [(maximum is, foldl1' g rs)])
g (ARule a) (ARule b) = ARule $ \x -> a x `mplus` b2 x
where b2 = fmap (fmap (fromJust . cast)) . b . fromJust . cast
action :: Action a -> Rules ()
action a = newRules mempty{actions=[void a]}
withoutActions :: Rules () -> Rules ()
withoutActions = modifyRules $ \x -> x{actions=[]}
registerWitnesses :: SRules m -> IO ()
registerWitnesses SRules{..} =
forM_ (Map.elems rules) $ \(_, _, (_,ARule r):_) -> do
registerWitness $ ruleKey r
registerWitness $ ruleValue r
data RuleInfo m = RuleInfo
{stored :: Key -> IO (Maybe Value)
,equal :: Key -> Value -> Value -> EqualCost
,execute :: Key -> m Value
,resultType :: TypeRep
createRuleinfo :: ShakeOptions -> SRules Action -> Map.HashMap TypeRep (RuleInfo Action)
createRuleinfo opt SRules{..} = flip Map.map rules $ \(_,tv,rs) -> RuleInfo (stored rs) (equal rs) (execute rs) tv
stored ((_,ARule r):_) = fmap (fmap newValue) . f r . fromKey
where f :: Rule key value => (key -> Maybe (m value)) -> (key -> IO (Maybe value))
f _ = storedValue opt
equal ((_,ARule r):_) = \k v1 v2 -> f r (fromKey k) (fromValue v1) (fromValue v2)
where f :: Rule key value => (key -> Maybe (m value)) -> key -> value -> value -> EqualCost
f _ = equalValue opt
execute rs = \k -> case filter (not . null) $ map (mapMaybe ($ k)) rs2 of
[r]:_ -> r
rs -> errorMultipleRulesMatch (typeKey k) (show k) (length rs)
where rs2 = sets [(i, \k -> fmap (fmap newValue) $ r (fromKey k)) | (i,ARule r) <- rs]
sets :: Ord a => [(a, b)] -> [[b]]
sets = map (map snd) . reverse . groupBy ((==) `on` fst) . sortBy (compare `on` fst)
runStored :: Map.HashMap TypeRep (RuleInfo m) -> Key -> IO (Maybe Value)
runStored mp k = case Map.lookup (typeKey k) mp of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just RuleInfo{..} -> stored k
runEqual :: Map.HashMap TypeRep (RuleInfo m) -> Key -> Value -> Value -> EqualCost
runEqual mp k v1 v2 = case Map.lookup (typeKey k) mp of
Nothing -> NotEqual
Just RuleInfo{..} -> equal k v1 v2
runExecute :: Map.HashMap TypeRep (RuleInfo m) -> Key -> m Value
runExecute mp k = let tk = typeKey k in case Map.lookup tk mp of
Nothing -> errorNoRuleToBuildType tk (Just $ show k) Nothing
Just RuleInfo{..} -> execute k
data Global = Global
{globalDatabase :: Database
,globalPool :: Pool
,globalCleanup :: Cleanup
,globalTimestamp :: IO Seconds
,globalRules :: Map.HashMap TypeRep (RuleInfo Action)
,globalOutput :: Verbosity -> String -> IO ()
,globalOptions :: ShakeOptions
,globalDiagnostic :: String -> IO ()
,globalLint :: String -> IO ()
,globalAfter :: IORef [IO ()]
,globalTrackAbsent :: IORef [(Key, Key)]
data Local = Local
{localStack :: Stack
,localVerbosity :: Verbosity
,localBlockApply :: Maybe String
,localDepends :: [Depends]
,localDiscount :: !Seconds
,localTraces :: [Trace]
,localTrackAllows :: [Key -> Bool]
,localTrackUsed :: [Key]
newtype Action a = Action {fromAction :: RAW Global Local a}
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO)
actionBoom :: Bool -> Action a -> IO b -> Action a
actionBoom runOnSuccess act clean = do
cleanup <- Action $ getsRO globalCleanup
clean <- liftIO $ addCleanup cleanup $ void clean
res <- Action $ catchRAW (fromAction act) $ \e -> liftIO (clean True) >> throwRAW e
liftIO $ clean runOnSuccess
return res
actionOnException :: Action a -> IO b -> Action a
actionOnException = actionBoom False
actionFinally :: Action a -> IO b -> Action a
actionFinally = actionBoom True
run :: ShakeOptions -> Rules () -> IO ()
run opts@ShakeOptions{..} rs = (if shakeLineBuffering then lineBuffering else id) $ do
start <- offsetTime
rs <- getRules rs
registerWitnesses rs
outputLocked <- do
lock <- newLock
return $ \v msg -> withLock lock $ shakeOutput v msg
let diagnostic = if shakeVerbosity >= Diagnostic then outputLocked Diagnostic . ("% "++) else const $ return ()
let output v = outputLocked v . abbreviate shakeAbbreviations
except <- newIORef (Nothing :: Maybe (String, SomeException))
let staunch act | not shakeStaunch = void act
| otherwise = do
res <- try act
case res of
Left err -> do
let named = maybe "" (abbreviate shakeAbbreviations . shakeExceptionTarget) . fromException
atomicModifyIORef except $ \v -> (Just $ fromMaybe (named err, err) v, ())
let msg = show err ++ "Continuing due to staunch mode, this error will be repeated later"
when (shakeVerbosity >= Quiet) $ output Quiet msg
Right _ -> return ()
lint <- if isNothing shakeLint then return $ const $ return () else do
dir <- getCurrentDirectory
return $ \msg -> do
now <- getCurrentDirectory
when (dir /= now) $ errorStructured
"Lint checking error - current directory has changed"
[("When", Just msg)
,("Wanted",Just dir)
,("Got",Just now)]
after <- newIORef []
absent <- newIORef []
shakeThreads <- if shakeThreads == 0 then getProcessorCount else return shakeThreads
withCleanup $ \cleanup -> do
_ <- addCleanup cleanup $ do
when shakeTimings printTimings
withNumCapabilities shakeThreads $ do
withDatabase opts diagnostic $ \database -> do
wait <- newBarrier
tid <- forkIO $ flip finally (signalBarrier wait ()) $
shakeProgress $ do
failure <- fmap (fmap fst) $ readIORef except
stats <- progress database
return stats{isFailure=failure}
addCleanup cleanup $ do
killThread tid
void $ timeout 1000000 $ waitBarrier wait
let ruleinfo = createRuleinfo opts rs
addTiming "Running rules"
runPool (shakeThreads == 1) shakeThreads $ \pool -> do
let s0 = Global database pool cleanup start ruleinfo output opts diagnostic lint after absent
let s1 = Local emptyStack shakeVerbosity Nothing [] 0 [] [] []
forM_ (actions rs) $ \act -> do
addPool pool $ runAction s0 s1 act $ \x -> staunch $ either throwIO return x
when (isJust shakeLint) $ do
addTiming "Lint checking"
absent <- readIORef absent
checkValid database (runStored ruleinfo) (runEqual ruleinfo) absent
when (shakeVerbosity >= Loud) $ output Loud "Lint checking succeeded"
when (shakeReport /= []) $ do
addTiming "Profile report"
report <- toReport database
forM_ shakeReport $ \file -> do
when (shakeVerbosity >= Normal) $
output Normal $ "Writing report to " ++ file
writeProfile file report
when (shakeLiveFiles /= []) $ do
addTiming "Listing live"
live <- listLive database
let liveFiles = [show k | k <- live, specialIsFileKey $ typeKey k]
forM_ shakeLiveFiles $ \file -> do
when (shakeVerbosity >= Normal) $
output Normal $ "Writing live list to " ++ file
(if file == "-" then putStr else writeFile file) $ unlines liveFiles
maybe (return ()) (throwIO . snd) =<< readIORef except
sequence_ . reverse =<< readIORef after
lineBuffering :: IO a -> IO a
lineBuffering = withBuffering stdout LineBuffering . withBuffering stderr LineBuffering
abbreviate :: [(String,String)] -> String -> String
abbreviate [] = id
abbreviate abbrev = f
ordAbbrev = sortBy (flip (compare `on` length . fst)) abbrev
f [] = []
f x | (to,rest):_ <- [(to,rest) | (from,to) <- ordAbbrev, Just rest <- [stripPrefix from x]] = to ++ f rest
f (x:xs) = x : f xs
wrapStack :: IO [String] -> IO a -> IO a
wrapStack stk act = catch_ act $ \(SomeException e) -> case cast e of
Just s@ShakeException{} -> throwIO s
Nothing -> do
stk <- stk
if null stk then throwIO e
else throwIO $ ShakeException (last stk) stk $ SomeException e
runAction :: Global -> Local -> Action a -> Capture (Either SomeException a)
runAction g l (Action x) k = runRAW g l x k
runAfter :: IO () -> Action ()
runAfter op = do
Global{..} <- Action getRO
liftIO $ atomicModifyIORef globalAfter $ \ops -> (op:ops, ())
apply :: Rule key value => [key] -> Action [value]
apply = f
f :: forall key value . Rule key value => [key] -> Action [value]
f ks = do
let tk = typeOf (err "apply key" :: key)
tv = typeOf (err "apply type" :: value)
Global{..} <- Action getRO
block <- Action $ getsRW localBlockApply
whenJust block $ errorNoApply tk (fmap show $ listToMaybe ks)
case Map.lookup tk globalRules of
Nothing -> errorNoRuleToBuildType tk (fmap show $ listToMaybe ks) (Just tv)
Just RuleInfo{resultType=tv2} | tv /= tv2 -> errorRuleTypeMismatch tk (fmap show $ listToMaybe ks) tv2 tv
_ -> fmap (map fromValue) $ applyKeyValue $ map newKey ks
applyKeyValue :: [Key] -> Action [Value]
applyKeyValue [] = return []
applyKeyValue ks = do
global@Global{..} <- Action getRO
let exec stack k continue = do
let s = Local {localVerbosity=shakeVerbosity globalOptions, localDepends=[], localStack=stack, localBlockApply=Nothing
,localDiscount=0, localTraces=[], localTrackAllows=[], localTrackUsed=[]}
let top = showTopStack stack
time <- offsetTime
runAction global s (do
liftIO $ evaluate $ rnf k
liftIO $ globalLint $ "before building " ++ top
putWhen Chatty $ "# " ++ show k
res <- runExecute globalRules k
when (shakeLint globalOptions == Just LintTracker)
Action $ fmap ((,) res) getRW) $ \x -> case x of
Left e -> (continue =<<) $ try $ wrapStack (showStack globalDatabase stack) $ throwIO e
Right (res, Local{..}) -> do
dur <- time
globalLint $ "after building " ++ top
let ans = (res, reverse localDepends, dur localDiscount, reverse localTraces)
evaluate $ rnf ans
continue $ Right ans
stack <- Action $ getsRW localStack
(dur, dep, vs) <- Action $ captureRAW $ build globalPool globalDatabase (Ops (runStored globalRules) (runEqual globalRules) exec) stack ks
Action $ modifyRW $ \s -> s{localDiscount=localDiscount s + dur, localDepends=dep : localDepends s}
return vs
apply1 :: Rule key value => key -> Action value
apply1 = fmap head . apply . return
getShakeOptions :: Action ShakeOptions
getShakeOptions = Action $ getsRO globalOptions
traced :: String -> IO a -> Action a
traced msg act = do
Global{..} <- Action getRO
stack <- Action $ getsRW localStack
start <- liftIO globalTimestamp
putNormal $ "# " ++ msg ++ " (for " ++ showTopStack stack ++ ")"
res <- liftIO act
stop <- liftIO globalTimestamp
Action $ modifyRW $ \s -> s{localTraces = Trace (pack msg) (doubleToFloat start) (doubleToFloat stop) : localTraces s}
return res
putWhen :: Verbosity -> String -> Action ()
putWhen v msg = do
Global{..} <- Action getRO
verb <- getVerbosity
when (verb >= v) $
liftIO $ globalOutput v msg
putLoud, putNormal, putQuiet :: String -> Action ()
putLoud = putWhen Loud
putNormal = putWhen Normal
putQuiet = putWhen Quiet
getVerbosity :: Action Verbosity
getVerbosity = Action $ getsRW localVerbosity
withVerbosity :: Verbosity -> Action a -> Action a
withVerbosity new = Action . unmodifyRW f . fromAction
where f s0 = (s0{localVerbosity=new}, \s -> s{localVerbosity=localVerbosity s0})
quietly :: Action a -> Action a
quietly = withVerbosity Quiet
trackUse ::
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 704
ShakeValue key
(Show key, Typeable key, Eq key, Hashable key, Binary key, NFData key)
=> key -> Action ()
trackUse key = do
let k = newKey key
Global{..} <- Action getRO
l@Local{..} <- Action getRW
deps <- liftIO $ concatMapM (listDepends globalDatabase) localDepends
let top = topStack localStack
if top == Just k then
return ()
else if k `elem` deps then
return ()
else if any ($ k) localTrackAllows then
return ()
Action $ putRW l{localTrackUsed = k : localTrackUsed}
trackCheckUsed :: Action ()
trackCheckUsed = do
Global{..} <- Action getRO
Local{..} <- Action getRW
liftIO $ do
deps <- concatMapM (listDepends globalDatabase) localDepends
bad <- return $ localTrackUsed \\ deps
unless (null bad) $ do
let n = length bad
("Link checking error - " ++ (if n == 1 then "value was" else show n ++ " values were") ++ " used but not depended upon")
[("Used", Just $ show x) | x <- bad]
bad <- flip filterM localTrackUsed $ \k -> fmap (not . null) $ lookupDependencies globalDatabase k
unless (null bad) $ do
let n = length bad
("Link checking error - " ++ (if n == 1 then "value was" else show n ++ " values were") ++ " depended upon after being used")
[("Used", Just $ show x) | x <- bad]
trackChange ::
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 704
ShakeValue key
(Show key, Typeable key, Eq key, Hashable key, Binary key, NFData key)
=> key -> Action ()
trackChange key = do
let k = newKey key
Global{..} <- Action getRO
Local{..} <- Action getRW
liftIO $ do
let top = topStack localStack
if top == Just k then
return ()
else if any ($ k) localTrackAllows then
return ()
atomicModifyIORef globalTrackAbsent $ \ks -> ((fromMaybe k top, k):ks, ())
trackAllow ::
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 704
ShakeValue key
(Show key, Typeable key, Eq key, Hashable key, Binary key, NFData key)
=> (key -> Bool) -> Action ()
trackAllow test = Action $ modifyRW $ \s -> s{localTrackAllows = f : localTrackAllows s}
arrow1Type :: forall a b . Typeable a => (a -> b) -> TypeRep
arrow1Type _ = typeOf (err "trackAllow" :: a)
ty = arrow1Type test
f k = typeKey k == ty && test (fromKey k)
newResource :: String -> Int -> Rules Resource
newResource name mx = rulesIO $ newResourceIO name mx
newThrottle :: String -> Int -> Double -> Rules Resource
newThrottle name count period = rulesIO $ newThrottleIO name count period
blockApply :: String -> Action a -> Action a
blockApply msg = Action . unmodifyRW f . fromAction
where f s0 = (s0{localBlockApply=Just msg}, \s -> s{localBlockApply=localBlockApply s0})
withResource :: Resource -> Int -> Action a -> Action a
withResource r i act = do
Global{..} <- Action getRO
liftIO $ globalDiagnostic $ show r ++ " waiting to acquire " ++ show i
Action $ captureRAW $ \continue -> acquireResource r globalPool i $ do
globalDiagnostic $ show r ++ " acquired " ++ show i
continue $ Right ()
res <- Action $ tryRAW $ fromAction $ blockApply ("Within withResource using " ++ show r) act
liftIO $ releaseResource r globalPool i
liftIO $ globalDiagnostic $ show r ++ " released " ++ show i
Action $ either throwRAW return res
withResources :: [(Resource, Int)] -> Action a -> Action a
withResources res act
| (r,i):_ <- filter ((< 0) . snd) res = error $ "You cannot acquire a negative quantity of " ++ show r ++ ", requested " ++ show i
| otherwise = f $ groupBy ((==) `on` fst) $ sortBy (compare `on` fst) res
f [] = act
f (r:rs) = withResource (fst $ head r) (sum $ map snd r) $ f rs
newCacheIO :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => (k -> Action v) -> IO (k -> Action v)
newCacheIO act = do
var <- newVar Map.empty
return $ \key -> do
join $ liftIO $ modifyVar var $ \mp -> case Map.lookup key mp of
Just bar -> return $ (,) mp $ do
res <- liftIO $ testFence bar
res <- case res of
Just res -> return res
Nothing -> do
pool <- Action $ getsRO globalPool
Action $ captureRAW $ \k -> waitFence bar $ \v ->
addPool pool $ k $ Right v
case res of
Left err -> Action $ throwRAW err
Right (deps,v) -> do
Action $ modifyRW $ \s -> s{localDepends = deps ++ localDepends s}
return v
Nothing -> do
bar <- newFence
return $ (,) (Map.insert key bar mp) $ do
pre <- Action $ getsRW localDepends
res <- Action $ tryRAW $ fromAction $ act key
case res of
Left err -> do
liftIO $ signalFence bar $ Left err
Action $ throwRAW err
Right v -> do
post <- Action $ getsRW localDepends
let deps = take (length post length pre) post
liftIO $ signalFence bar $ Right (deps, v)
return v
newCache :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => (k -> Action v) -> Rules (k -> Action v)
newCache = rulesIO . newCacheIO
unsafeExtraThread :: Action a -> Action a
unsafeExtraThread act = Action $ do
global@Global{..} <- getRO
stop <- liftIO $ increasePool globalPool
res <- tryRAW $ fromAction $ blockApply "Within unsafeExtraThread" act
liftIO stop
captureRAW $ \continue -> (if isLeft res then addPoolPriority else addPool) globalPool $ continue res