module Test.Throttle(main) where import Development.Shake import Development.Shake.FilePath import Test.Type import Control.Exception.Extra hiding (assert) import Control.Monad.Extra import System.Time.Extra main = shaken test $ \args obj -> do res <- newThrottle "test" 2 0.4 want $ map obj ["file1.1","file2.1","file3.2","file4.1","file5.2"] obj "*.*" %> \out -> do withResource res (read $ drop 1 $ takeExtension out) $ when (takeBaseName out == "file3") $ liftIO $ sleep 0.2 writeFile' out "" test build obj = do forM_ [[],["-j8"]] $ \flags -> do -- we are sometimes over the window if the machine is "a bit loaded" at some particular time -- therefore we rerun the test three times, and only fail if it fails on all of them retry 3 $ do build ["clean"] (s, _) <- duration $ build ["--no-report"] -- the 0.1s cap is a guess at an upper bound for how long everything else should take -- and should be raised on slower machines assert (s >= 1.4 && s < 1.6) $ "Bad throttling, expected to take 1.4s + computation time (cap of 0.2s), took " ++ show s ++ "s"