module Test.Monad(main) where import Test.Type import Development.Shake.Monad import Data.IORef import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception hiding (assert) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class main = shakenCwd test $ \args obj -> return () run :: ro -> rw -> RAW ro rw a -> IO a run ro rw m = do res <- newEmptyMVar runRAW ro rw m $ void . tryPutMVar res either throwIO return =<< readMVar res test build obj = do let conv x = either (Left . fromException) Right x :: Either (Maybe ArithException) Int let dump ro rw = do liftIO . (=== ro) =<< getRO; liftIO . (=== rw) =<< getRW -- test the basics plus exception handling run 1 "test" $ do dump 1 "test" putRW "more" dump 1 "more" res <- tryRAW $ withRO (+3) $ do dump 4 "more" withRW (++ "x") $ dump 4 "morex" dump 4 "more" return 100 liftIO $ conv res === Right 100 dump 1 "more" putRW "new" dump 1 "new" res <- tryRAW $ withRO (+2) $ do dump 3 "new" withRW (++ "x") $ do dump 3 "newx" throwRAW Overflow error "Should not have reached here" return 9 liftIO $ conv res === Left (Just Overflow) dump 1 "new" catchRAW (catchRAW (throwRAW Overflow) $ \_ -> modifyRW (++ "x")) $ \_ -> modifyRW (++ "y") dump 1 "newx" catchRAW (catchRAW (throwRAW Overflow) $ \e -> modifyRW (++ "x") >> throwRAW e) $ \_ -> modifyRW (++ "y") dump 1 "newxxy" -- test capture run 1 "test" $ do i <- captureRAW $ \k -> k $ Right 1 liftIO $ i === 1 i <- tryRAW $ captureRAW $ \k -> k $ Left $ toException Overflow liftIO $ conv i === Left (Just Overflow) captureRAW $ \k -> k $ Right () i <- tryRAW $ throwRAW Underflow liftIO $ conv i === Left (Just Underflow) -- catch does not scope too far res <- try $ run 1 "test" $ fmap (either show id) $ tryRAW $ captureRAW $ \k -> throwIO Overflow res === Left Overflow res <- try $ run 1 "test" $ do captureRAW $ \k -> throwIO Overflow return "x" res === Left Overflow -- test for GHC bug 11555 runRAW 1 "test" (throw Overflow :: RAW Int String ()) $ \res -> either (Left . fromException) Right res === Left (Just Overflow) -- catch works properly if continuation called multiple times ref <- newIORef [] run 1 "test" $ flip catchRAW (const $ liftIO $ modifyIORef ref ('x':)) $ do captureRAW $ \k -> do k $ Right () k $ Right () k $ Left $ toException Overflow k $ Right () k $ Left $ toException Overflow flip catchRAW (const $ liftIO $ modifyIORef ref ('y':)) $ throwRAW $ toException Overflow (===) "xyxyy" =<< readIORef ref