{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, PatternGuards #-}

-- | Types exposed to the user
module Development.Shake.Types(
    Progress(..), Verbosity(..), Assume(..), Lint(..), Change(..), EqualCost(..),
    ShakeOptions(..), shakeOptions
    ) where

import Data.Data
import Data.List
import Data.Dynamic
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Development.Shake.Progress
import Development.Shake.FilePattern
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8
import Development.Shake.CmdOption

-- | The current assumptions made by the build system, used by 'shakeAssume'. These options
--   allow the end user to specify that any rules run are either to be treated as clean, or as
--   dirty, regardless of what the build system thinks.
--   These assumptions only operate on files reached by the current 'Development.Shake.action' commands. Any
--   other files in the database are left unchanged.
data Assume
    = AssumeDirty
        -- ^ Assume that all rules reached are dirty and require rebuilding, equivalent to 'Development.Shake.Rule.storedValue' always
        --   returning 'Nothing'. Useful to undo the results of 'AssumeClean', for benchmarking rebuild speed and
        --   for rebuilding if untracked dependencies have changed. This assumption is safe, but may cause
        --   more rebuilding than necessary.
    | AssumeClean
        -- ^ /This assumption is unsafe, and may lead to incorrect build results in this run, and in future runs/.
        --   Assume and record that all rules reached are clean and do not require rebuilding, provided the rule
        --   has a 'Development.Shake.Rule.storedValue' and has been built before. Useful if you have modified a file in some
        --   inconsequential way, such as only the comments or whitespace, and wish to avoid a rebuild.
    | AssumeSkip
        -- ^ /This assumption is unsafe, and may lead to incorrect build results in this run/.
        --   Assume that all rules reached are clean in this run. Only useful for benchmarking, to remove any overhead
        --   from running 'Development.Shake.Rule.storedValue' operations.
      deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read,Typeable,Data,Enum,Bounded)

-- | Which lint checks to perform, used by 'shakeLint'.
data Lint
    = LintBasic
        -- ^ The most basic form of linting. Checks that the current directory does not change and that results do not change after they
        --   are first written. Any calls to 'needed' will assert that they do not cause a rule to be rebuilt.
    | LintFSATrace
        -- ^ Track which files are accessed by command line programs
        -- using <https://github.com/jacereda/fsatrace fsatrace>.
      deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read,Typeable,Data,Enum,Bounded)

-- | How should you determine if a file has changed, used by 'shakeChange'. The most common values are
--   'ChangeModtime' (very fast, @touch@ causes files to rebuild) and 'ChangeModtimeAndDigestInput'
--   (a bit slower, @touch@ does not cause input files to rebuild).
data Change
    = ChangeModtime
        -- ^ Compare equality of modification timestamps, a file has changed if its last modified time changes.
        --   A @touch@ will force a rebuild. This mode is fast and usually sufficiently accurate, so is the default.
    | ChangeDigest
        -- ^ Compare equality of file contents digests, a file has changed if its digest changes.
        --   A @touch@ will not force a rebuild. Use this mode if modification times on your file system are unreliable.
    | ChangeModtimeAndDigest
        -- ^ A file is rebuilt if both its modification time and digest have changed. For efficiency reasons, the modification
        --   time is checked first, and if that has changed, the digest is checked.
    | ChangeModtimeAndDigestInput
        -- ^ Use 'ChangeModtimeAndDigest' for input\/source files and 'ChangeModtime' for output files.
    | ChangeModtimeOrDigest
        -- ^ A file is rebuilt if either its modification time or its digest has changed. A @touch@ will force a rebuild,
        --   but even if a files modification time is reset afterwards, changes will also cause a rebuild.
      deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read,Typeable,Data,Enum,Bounded)

-- | Options to control the execution of Shake, usually specified by overriding fields in
--   'shakeOptions':
--   @ 'shakeOptions'{'shakeThreads'=4, 'shakeReport'=[\"report.html\"]} @
--   The 'Data' instance for this type reports the 'shakeProgress' and 'shakeOutput' fields as having the abstract type 'Hidden',
--   because 'Data' cannot be defined for functions or 'TypeRep's.
data ShakeOptions = ShakeOptions
    {shakeFiles :: FilePath
        -- ^ Defaults to @.shake@. The directory used for storing Shake metadata files.
        --   All metadata files will be named @'shakeFiles'\/.shake./file-name/@, for some @/file-name/@.
        --   If the 'shakeFiles' directory does not exist it will be created.
    ,shakeThreads :: Int
        -- ^ Defaults to @1@. Maximum number of rules to run in parallel, similar to @make --jobs=/N/@.
        --   For many build systems, a number equal to or slightly less than the number of physical processors
        --   works well. Use @0@ to match the detected number of processors (when @0@, 'getShakeOptions' will
        --   return the number of threads used).
    ,shakeVersion :: String
        -- ^ Defaults to @"1"@. The version number of your build rules.
        --   Change the version number to force a complete rebuild, such as when making
        --   significant changes to the rules that require a wipe. The version number should be
        --   set in the source code, and not passed on the command line.
    ,shakeVerbosity :: Verbosity
        -- ^ Defaults to 'Normal'. What level of messages should be printed out.
    ,shakeStaunch :: Bool
        -- ^ Defaults to 'False'. Operate in staunch mode, where building continues even after errors,
        --   similar to @make --keep-going@.
    ,shakeReport :: [FilePath]
        -- ^ Defaults to @[]@. Write a profiling report to a file, showing which rules rebuilt,
        --   why, and how much time they took. Useful for improving the speed of your build systems.
        --   If the file extension is @.json@ it will write JSON data; if @.js@ it will write Javascript;
        --   if @.trace@ it will write trace events (load into @about:\/\/tracing@ in Chrome);
        --   otherwise it will write HTML.
    ,shakeLint :: Maybe Lint
        -- ^ Defaults to 'Nothing'. Perform sanity checks during building, see 'Lint' for details.
    ,shakeLintInside :: [FilePath]
        -- ^ Directories in which the files will be tracked by the linter.
    ,shakeLintIgnore :: [FilePattern]
        -- ^ File patterns which are ignored from linter tracking, a bit like calling 'trackAllow' in every rule.
    ,shakeCommandOptions :: [CmdOption]
        -- ^ Defaults to @[]@. Additional options to be passed to all command invocations.
    ,shakeFlush :: Maybe Double
        -- ^ Defaults to @'Just' 10@. How often to flush Shake metadata files in seconds, or 'Nothing' to never flush explicitly.
        --   It is possible that on abnormal termination (not Haskell exceptions) any rules that completed in the last
        --   'shakeFlush' seconds will be lost.
    ,shakeAssume :: Maybe Assume
        -- ^ Defaults to 'Nothing'. Assume all build objects are clean/dirty, see 'Assume' for details.
        --   Can be used to implement @make --touch@.
    ,shakeAbbreviations :: [(String,String)]
        -- ^ Defaults to @[]@. A list of substrings that should be abbreviated in status messages, and their corresponding abbreviation.
        --   Commonly used to replace the long paths (e.g. @.make\/i586-linux-gcc\/output@) with an abbreviation (e.g. @$OUT@).
    ,shakeStorageLog :: Bool
        -- ^ Defaults to 'False'. Write a message to @'shakeFiles'\/.shake.storage.log@ whenever a storage event happens which may impact
        --   on the current stored progress. Examples include database version number changes, database compaction or corrupt files.
    ,shakeLineBuffering :: Bool
        -- ^ Defaults to 'True'. Change 'stdout' and 'stderr' to line buffering while running Shake.
    ,shakeTimings :: Bool
        -- ^ Defaults to 'False'. Print timing information for each stage at the end.
    ,shakeRunCommands :: Bool
        -- ^ Default to 'True'. Should you run command line actions, set to 'False' to skip actions whose output streams and exit code
        --   are not used. Useful for profiling the non-command portion of the build system.
    ,shakeChange :: Change
        -- ^ Default to 'ChangeModtime'. How to check if a file has changed, see 'Change' for details.
    ,shakeCreationCheck :: Bool
        -- ^ Default to 'True'. After running a rule to create a file, is it an error if the file does not exist.
        --   Provided for compatibility with @make@ and @ninja@ (which have ugly file creation semantics).

--    ,shakeOutputCheck :: Bool
--        -- ^ Default to 'True'. If a file produced by a rule changes, should you rebuild it.
    ,shakeLiveFiles :: [FilePath]
        -- ^ Default to @[]@. After the build system completes, write a list of all files which were /live/ in that run,
        --   i.e. those which Shake checked were valid or rebuilt. Produces best answers if nothing rebuilds.
    ,shakeVersionIgnore :: Bool
        -- ^ Defaults to 'False'. Ignore any differences in 'shakeVersion'.
    ,shakeProgress :: IO Progress -> IO ()
        -- ^ Defaults to no action. A function called when the build starts, allowing progress to be reported.
        --   The function is called on a separate thread, and that thread is killed when the build completes.
        --   For applications that want to display progress messages, 'progressSimple' is often sufficient, but more advanced
        --   users should look at the 'Progress' data type.
    ,shakeOutput :: Verbosity -> String -> IO ()
        -- ^ Defaults to writing using 'putStrLn'. A function called to output messages from Shake, along with the 'Verbosity' at
        --   which that message should be printed. This function will be called atomically from all other 'shakeOutput' functions.
        --   The 'Verbosity' will always be greater than or higher than 'shakeVerbosity'.
    ,shakeExtra :: HashMap.HashMap TypeRep Dynamic
        -- ^ This a map which can be used to store arbitrary extra
        --   information that a user may need when writing 'Rule's.  The
        --   correct way to use this is to define a (hidden) newtype to
        --   use as a key, so that conflicts cannot occur.
    deriving Typeable

-- | The default set of 'ShakeOptions'.
shakeOptions :: ShakeOptions
shakeOptions = ShakeOptions
    ".shake" 1 "1" Normal False [] Nothing [] [] [] (Just 10) Nothing [] False True False
    True ChangeModtime True [] False
    (const $ return ())
    (const $ BS.putStrLn . UTF8.fromString) -- try and output atomically using BS

fieldsShakeOptions =
    ["shakeFiles", "shakeThreads", "shakeVersion", "shakeVerbosity", "shakeStaunch", "shakeReport"
    ,"shakeLint", "shakeLintInside", "shakeLintIgnore", "shakeCommandOptions"
    ,"shakeFlush", "shakeAssume", "shakeAbbreviations", "shakeStorageLog"
    ,"shakeLineBuffering", "shakeTimings", "shakeRunCommands", "shakeChange", "shakeCreationCheck"
    ,"shakeLiveFiles","shakeVersionIgnore","shakeProgress", "shakeOutput", "shakeExtra"]
tyShakeOptions = mkDataType "Development.Shake.Types.ShakeOptions" [conShakeOptions]
conShakeOptions = mkConstr tyShakeOptions "ShakeOptions" fieldsShakeOptions Prefix
unhide x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 y1 y2 y3 =
    ShakeOptions x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 (fromHidden y1) (fromHidden y2) (fromHidden y3)

instance Data ShakeOptions where
    gfoldl k z (ShakeOptions x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 y1 y2 y3) =
        z unhide `k` x1 `k` x2 `k` x3 `k` x4 `k` x5 `k` x6 `k` x7 `k` x8 `k` x9 `k` x10 `k` x11 `k`
        x12 `k` x13 `k` x14 `k` x15 `k` x16 `k` x17 `k` x18 `k` x19 `k` x20 `k` x21 `k`
        Hidden y1 `k` Hidden y2 `k` Hidden y3
    gunfold k z c = k $ k $ k $ k $ k $ k $ k $ k $ k $ k $ k $ k $ k $ k $ k $ k $ k $ k $ k $ k $ k $ k $ k $ k $ z unhide
    toConstr ShakeOptions{} = conShakeOptions
    dataTypeOf _ = tyShakeOptions

instance Show ShakeOptions where
    show x = "ShakeOptions {" ++ intercalate ", " inner ++ "}"
            inner = zipWith (\x y -> x ++ " = " ++ y) fieldsShakeOptions $ gmapQ f x

            f x | Just x <- cast x = show (x :: Int)
                | Just x <- cast x = show (x :: FilePath)
                | Just x <- cast x = show (x :: Verbosity)
                | Just x <- cast x = show (x :: Change)
                | Just x <- cast x = show (x :: Bool)
                | Just x <- cast x = show (x :: [FilePath])
                | Just x <- cast x = show (x :: Maybe Assume)
                | Just x <- cast x = show (x :: Maybe Lint)
                | Just x <- cast x = show (x :: Maybe Double)
                | Just x <- cast x = show (x :: [(String,String)])
                | Just x <- cast x = show (x :: Hidden (IO Progress -> IO ()))
                | Just x <- cast x = show (x :: Hidden (Verbosity -> String -> IO ()))
                | Just x <- cast x = show (x :: Hidden (HashMap.HashMap TypeRep Dynamic))
                | Just x <- cast x = show (x :: [CmdOption])
                | otherwise = error $ "Error while showing ShakeOptions, missing alternative for " ++ show (typeOf x)

-- | Internal type, copied from Hide in Uniplate
newtype Hidden a = Hidden {fromHidden :: a}
    deriving Typeable

instance Show (Hidden a) where show _ = "<hidden>"

instance Typeable a => Data (Hidden a) where
    gfoldl k z = z
    gunfold k z c = error "Development.Shake.Types.ShakeProgress: gunfold not implemented - data type has no constructors"
    toConstr _ = error "Development.Shake.Types.ShakeProgress: toConstr not implemented - data type has no constructors"
    dataTypeOf _ = tyHidden

tyHidden = mkDataType "Development.Shake.Types.Hidden" []

-- | The verbosity data type, used by 'shakeVerbosity'.
data Verbosity
    = Silent -- ^ Don't print any messages.
    | Quiet  -- ^ Only print essential messages, typically errors.
    | Normal -- ^ Print errors and @# /command-name/ (for /file-name/)@ when running a 'Development.Shake.traced' command.
    | Loud   -- ^ Print errors and full command lines when running a 'Development.Shake.command' or 'Development.Shake.cmd' command.
    | Chatty -- ^ Print errors, full command line and status messages when starting a rule.
    | Diagnostic -- ^ Print messages for virtually everything (mostly for debugging).
      deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read,Typeable,Data,Enum,Bounded)

-- | An equality check and a cost.
data EqualCost
    = EqualCheap -- ^ The equality check was cheap.
    | EqualExpensive -- ^ The equality check was expensive, as the results are not trivially equal.
    | NotEqual -- ^ The values are not equal.
      deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read,Typeable,Data,Enum,Bounded)