{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveDataTypeable, ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, DeriveFunctor, RecordWildCards, FlexibleInstances #-} module Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types( BuiltinRun, BuiltinLint, BuiltinIdentity, RunMode(..), RunResult(..), RunChanged(..), UserRule(..), UserRuleVersioned(..), userRuleSize, BuiltinRule(..), Global(..), Local(..), Action(..), runAction, addDiscount, newLocal, localClearMutable, localMergeMutable, Stack, Step(..), Result(..), Database(..), Depends(..), Status(..), Trace(..), BS_Store, getResult, exceptionStack, statusType, addStack, addCallStack, incStep, newTrace, nubDepends, emptyStack, topStack, showTopStack, stepKey, StepKey(..), toStepResult, fromStepResult, NoShow(..) ) where import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Applicative import Control.DeepSeq import Foreign.Storable import Data.Word import Data.Typeable import General.Binary import Control.Exception import Data.Maybe import Data.List.Extra import General.Extra import Control.Concurrent.Extra import Development.Shake.Internal.History.Shared import Development.Shake.Internal.History.Cloud import Development.Shake.Internal.History.Types import General.Wait import Development.Shake.Internal.Errors import qualified General.TypeMap as TMap import Data.IORef import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import Numeric.Extra import System.Time.Extra import General.Intern(Id, Intern) import qualified Data.HashSet as Set import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map import qualified General.Ids as Ids import Data.Tuple.Extra import General.Pool import Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad import Development.Shake.Internal.Value import Development.Shake.Internal.Options import Development.Shake.Classes import Data.Semigroup import General.Cleanup import Prelude #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800 import Control.Monad.Fail #endif --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- UNDERLYING DATA TYPE -- | The 'Action' monad, use 'liftIO' to raise 'IO' actions into it, and 'Development.Shake.need' to execute files. -- Action values are used by 'addUserRule' and 'action'. The 'Action' monad tracks the dependencies of a rule. -- To raise an exception call 'error', 'fail' or @'liftIO' . 'throwIO'@. newtype Action a = Action {fromAction :: RAW Global Local a} deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, Typeable, Semigroup, Monoid #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800 ,MonadFail #endif ) runAction :: Global -> Local -> Action a -> Capture (Either SomeException a) runAction g l (Action x) = runRAW g l x --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- PUBLIC TYPES -- | What mode a rule is running in, passed as an argument to 'BuiltinRun'. data RunMode = RunDependenciesSame -- ^ My dependencies have not changed. | RunDependenciesChanged -- ^ At least one of my dependencies from last time have changed, or I have no recorded dependencies. deriving (Eq,Show) instance NFData RunMode where rnf x = x `seq` () -- | How the output of a rule has changed. data RunChanged = ChangedNothing -- ^ Nothing has changed. | ChangedStore -- ^ The stored value has changed, but in a way that should be considered identical (used rarely). | ChangedRecomputeSame -- ^ I recomputed the value and it was the same. | ChangedRecomputeDiff -- ^ I recomputed the value and it was different. deriving (Eq,Show) instance NFData RunChanged where rnf x = x `seq` () -- | The result of 'BuiltinRun'. data RunResult value = RunResult {runChanged :: RunChanged -- ^ How has the 'RunResult' changed from what happened last time. ,runStore :: BS.ByteString -- ^ The value to store in the Shake database. ,runValue :: value -- ^ The value to return from 'Development.Shake.Rule.apply'. } deriving Functor instance NFData value => NFData (RunResult value) where rnf (RunResult x1 x2 x3) = rnf x1 `seq` x2 `seq` rnf x3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- UTILITY TYPES newtype Step = Step Word32 deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Storable,BinaryEx,NFData,Hashable,Typeable) incStep (Step i) = Step $ i + 1 -- To simplify journaling etc we smuggle the Step in the database, with a special StepKey newtype StepKey = StepKey () deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable,Hashable,Binary,BinaryEx,NFData) stepKey :: Key stepKey = newKey $ StepKey () toStepResult :: Step -> Result (Value, BS_Store) toStepResult i = Result (newValue i, runBuilder $ putEx i) i i [] 0 [] fromStepResult :: Result BS_Store -> Step fromStepResult = getEx . result --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CALL STACK -- Invariant: Every key must have its Id in the set data Stack = Stack (Maybe Key) [Either Key [String]] !(Set.HashSet Id) deriving Show exceptionStack :: Stack -> SomeException -> ShakeException exceptionStack stack@(Stack _ xs1 _) (callStackFromException -> (xs2, e)) = ShakeException (showTopStack stack) (xs ++ ["* Raised the exception:" | not $ null xs]) e where xs = concatMap f $ reverse xs1 ++ [Right xs2] f (Left x) = ["* Depends on: " ++ show x] f (Right x) = map (" at " ++) x showTopStack :: Stack -> String showTopStack = maybe "" show . topStack addStack :: Id -> Key -> Stack -> Either SomeException Stack addStack i k (Stack _ ks is) | i `Set.member` is = Left $ toException $ exceptionStack stack2 $ errorRuleRecursion (typeKey k) (show k) | otherwise = Right stack2 where stack2 = Stack (Just k) (Left k:ks) (Set.insert i is) addCallStack :: [String] -> Stack -> Stack -- use group/head to squash adjacent duplicates, e.g. a want does an action and a need, both of which get the same location addCallStack xs (Stack t a b) = Stack t (Right xs : dropWhile (== Right xs) a) b topStack :: Stack -> Maybe Key topStack (Stack t _ _) = t emptyStack :: Stack emptyStack = Stack Nothing [] Set.empty --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TRACE data Trace = Trace {traceMessage :: {-# UNPACK #-} !BS.ByteString ,traceStart :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Float ,traceEnd :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Float } deriving Show instance NFData Trace where rnf x = x `seq` () -- all strict atomic fields instance BinaryEx Trace where putEx (Trace a b c) = putEx b <> putEx c <> putEx a getEx x | (b,c,a) <- binarySplit2 x = Trace a b c instance BinaryEx [Trace] where putEx = putExList . map putEx getEx = map getEx . getExList newTrace :: String -> Seconds -> Seconds -> Trace newTrace msg start stop = Trace (BS.pack msg) (doubleToFloat start) (doubleToFloat stop) --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CENTRAL TYPES newtype NoShow a = NoShow a instance Show (NoShow a) where show _ = "NoShow" -- Things stored under OneShot are not required if we only do one compilation, -- but are if we do multiple, as we have to reset the database each time. -- globalOneShot controls that, and gives us a small memory optimisation. type OneShot a = a data Status = Ready (Result (Value, OneShot BS_Store)) -- ^ I have a value | Error SomeException (OneShot (Maybe (Result BS_Store))) -- ^ I have been run and raised an error | Loaded (Result BS_Store) -- ^ Loaded from the database | Running (NoShow (Either SomeException (Result (Value, BS_Store)) -> Locked ())) (Maybe (Result BS_Store)) -- ^ Currently in the process of being checked or built | Missing -- ^ I am only here because I got into the Intern table deriving Show instance NFData Status where rnf x = case x of Ready x -> rnfResult (\(a,b) -> b `seq` rnf a) x Error x y -> rnfException x `seq` maybe () (rnfResult id) y Loaded x -> rnfResult id x Running _ x -> maybe () (rnfResult id) x -- Can't RNF a waiting, but also unnecessary Missing -> () where -- best we can do for an arbitrary exception rnfException = rnf . show -- ignore the unpacked fields -- complex because ByteString lacks NFData in GHC 7.4 and below rnfResult by (Result a _ _ b _ c) = by a `seq` rnf b `seq` rnf c `seq` () {-# INLINE rnfResult #-} data Result a = Result {result :: a -- ^ the result associated with the Key ,built :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Step -- ^ when it was actually run ,changed :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Step -- ^ the step for deciding if it's valid ,depends :: [Depends] -- ^ dependencies (don't run them early) ,execution :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Float -- ^ how long it took when it was last run (seconds) ,traces :: [Trace] -- ^ a trace of the expensive operations (start/end in seconds since beginning of run) } deriving (Show,Functor) statusType Ready{} = "Ready" statusType Error{} = "Error" statusType Loaded{} = "Loaded" statusType Running{} = "Running" statusType Missing{} = "Missing" getResult :: Status -> Maybe (Result (Either BS_Store Value)) getResult (Ready r) = Just $ Right . fst <$> r getResult (Loaded r) = Just $ Left <$> r getResult (Running _ r) = fmap Left <$> r getResult _ = Nothing --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- OPERATIONS newtype Depends = Depends {fromDepends :: [Id]} deriving NFData instance Show Depends where -- Appears in diagnostic output and the Depends ctor is just verbose show = show . fromDepends instance BinaryEx Depends where putEx (Depends xs) = putExStorableList xs getEx = Depends . getExStorableList instance BinaryEx [Depends] where putEx = putExList . map putEx getEx = map getEx . getExList -- | Afterwards each Id must occur at most once and there are no empty Depends nubDepends :: [Depends] -> [Depends] nubDepends = fMany Set.empty where fMany _ [] = [] fMany seen (Depends d:ds) = [Depends d2 | d2 /= []] ++ fMany seen2 ds where (d2,seen2) = fOne seen d fOne seen [] = ([], seen) fOne seen (x:xs) | x `Set.member` seen = fOne seen xs fOne seen (x:xs) = first (x:) $ fOne (Set.insert x seen) xs -- | Define a rule between @key@ and @value@. As an example, a typical 'BuiltinRun' will look like: -- -- > run key oldStore mode = do -- > ... -- > return $ RunResult change newStore newValue -- -- Where you have: -- -- * @key@, how to identify individual artifacts, e.g. with file names. -- -- * @oldStore@, the value stored in the database previously, e.g. the file modification time. -- -- * @mode@, either 'RunDependenciesSame' (none of your dependencies changed, you can probably not rebuild) or -- 'RunDependenciesChanged' (your dependencies changed, probably rebuild). -- -- * @change@, usually one of either 'ChangedNothing' (no work was required) or 'ChangedRecomputeDiff' -- (I reran the rule and it should be considered different). -- -- * @newStore@, the new value to store in the database, which will be passed in next time as @oldStore@. -- -- * @newValue@, the result that 'Development.Shake.Rule.apply' will return when asked for the given @key@. type BuiltinRun key value = key -> Maybe BS.ByteString -> RunMode -> Action (RunResult value) -- | The action performed by @--lint@ for a given @key@/@value@ pair. -- At the end of the build the lint action will be called for each @key@ that was built this run, -- passing the @value@ it produced. Return 'Nothing' to indicate the value has not changed and -- is acceptable, or 'Just' an error message to indicate failure. -- -- For builtin rules where the value is expected to change, or has no useful checks to perform. -- use 'Development.Shake.Rules.noLint'. type BuiltinLint key value = key -> value -> IO (Maybe String) -- | Produce an identity for a @value@ that can be used to do direct equality. If you have a custom -- notion of equality then the result should return only one member from each equivalence class, -- as values will be compared for literal equality. -- The result of the identity should be reasonably short (if it is excessively long, hash it). -- -- For rules where the value is never compatible use 'Development.Shake.Rules.noIdentity', which -- returns 'Nothing'. This will disable shared caches of anything that depends on it. type BuiltinIdentity key value = key -> value -> Maybe BS.ByteString data BuiltinRule = BuiltinRule {builtinLint :: BuiltinLint Key Value ,builtinIdentity :: BuiltinIdentity Key Value ,builtinRun :: BuiltinRun Key Value ,builtinKey :: BinaryOp Key ,builtinVersion :: Ver ,builtinLocation :: String } -- | A 'UserRule' data type, representing user-defined rules associated with a particular type. -- As an example 'Development.Shake.?>' and 'Development.Shake.%>' will add entries to the 'UserRule' data type. data UserRule a -- > priority p1 (priority p2 x) == priority p1 x -- > priority p (x `ordered` y) = priority p x `ordered` priority p y -- > priority p (x `unordered` y) = priority p x `unordered` priority p y -- > ordered is associative -- > unordered is associative and commutative -- > alternative does not obey priorities, until picking the best one = UserRule a -- ^ Added to the state with @'addUserRule' :: Typeable a => a -> 'Rules' ()@. | Unordered [UserRule a] -- ^ Rules combined with the 'Monad' \/ 'Monoid'. | Priority Double (UserRule a) -- ^ Rules defined under 'priority'. | Alternative (UserRule a) -- ^ Rule defined under 'alternatives', matched in order. | Versioned Ver (UserRule a) -- ^ Rule defined under 'versioned', attaches a version. deriving (Eq,Show,Functor,Typeable) data UserRuleVersioned a = UserRuleVersioned {userRuleVersioned :: Bool -- ^ Does Versioned exist anywhere within userRuleContents ,userRuleContents :: UserRule a -- ^ The actual rules } instance Semigroup (UserRuleVersioned a) where UserRuleVersioned b1 x1 <> UserRuleVersioned b2 x2 = UserRuleVersioned (b1 || b2) (x1 <> x2) instance Monoid (UserRuleVersioned a) where mempty = UserRuleVersioned False mempty mappend = (<>) instance Semigroup (UserRule a) where x <> y = Unordered [x,y] instance Monoid (UserRule a) where mempty = Unordered [] mappend = (<>) userRuleSize :: UserRule a -> Int userRuleSize UserRule{} = 1 userRuleSize (Unordered xs) = sum $ map userRuleSize xs userRuleSize (Priority _ x) = userRuleSize x userRuleSize (Alternative x) = userRuleSize x userRuleSize (Versioned _ x) = userRuleSize x -- | Invariant: The database does not have any cycles where a Key depends on itself. -- Everything is mutable. intern and status must form a bijecttion. -- There may be dangling Id's as a result of version changes. data Database = Database {intern :: IORef (Intern Key) -- ^ Key |-> Id mapping ,status :: Ids.Ids (Key, Status) -- ^ Id |-> (Key, Status) mapping ,journal :: Id -> Key -> Result BS_Store -> IO () -- ^ Record all changes to status } -- global constants of Action data Global = Global {globalDatabase :: Var Database -- ^ Database, contains knowledge of the state of each key ,globalPool :: Pool -- ^ Pool, for queuing new elements ,globalCleanup :: Cleanup -- ^ Cleanup operations ,globalTimestamp :: IO Seconds -- ^ Clock saying how many seconds through the build ,globalRules :: Map.HashMap TypeRep BuiltinRule -- ^ Rules for this build ,globalOutput :: Verbosity -> String -> IO () -- ^ Output function ,globalOptions :: ShakeOptions -- ^ Shake options ,globalDiagnostic :: IO String -> IO () -- ^ Debugging function ,globalRuleFinished :: Key -> Action () -- ^ actions to run after each rule ,globalAfter :: IORef [IO ()] -- ^ Operations to run on success, e.g. removeFilesAfter ,globalTrackAbsent :: IORef [(Key, Key)] -- ^ Tracked things, in rule fst, snd must be absent ,globalProgress :: IO Progress -- ^ Request current progress state ,globalUserRules :: TMap.Map UserRuleVersioned ,globalShared :: Maybe Shared -- ^ The active shared state, if any ,globalCloud :: Maybe Cloud ,globalStep :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Step ,globalOneShot :: Bool -- ^ I am running in one-shot mode so don't need to store BS's for Result/Error } -- local variables of Action data Local = Local -- constants {localStack :: Stack -- ^ The stack that ran to get here. ,localBuiltinVersion :: Ver -- ^ The builtinVersion of the rule you are running -- stack scoped local variables ,localVerbosity :: Verbosity -- ^ Verbosity, may be changed locally ,localBlockApply :: Maybe String -- ^ Reason to block apply, or Nothing to allow -- mutable local variables ,localDepends :: [Depends] -- ^ Dependencies, built up in reverse ,localDiscount :: !Seconds -- ^ Time spend building dependencies (may be negative for parallel) ,localTraces :: [Trace] -- ^ Traces, built in reverse ,localTrackAllows :: [Key -> Bool] -- ^ Things that are allowed to be used ,localTrackUsed :: [Key] -- ^ Things that have been used ,localProduces :: [(Bool, FilePath)] -- ^ Things this rule produces, True to check them ,localHistory :: !Bool -- ^ Is it valid to cache the result } addDiscount :: Seconds -> Local -> Local addDiscount s l = l{localDiscount = s + localDiscount l} newLocal :: Stack -> Verbosity -> Local newLocal stack verb = Local stack (Ver 0) verb Nothing [] 0 [] [] [] [] True -- Clear all the local mutable variables localClearMutable :: Local -> Local localClearMutable Local{..} = (newLocal localStack localVerbosity){localBlockApply=localBlockApply, localBuiltinVersion=localBuiltinVersion} -- Merge, works well assuming you clear the variables first localMergeMutable :: Local -> [Local] -> Local -- don't construct with RecordWildCards so any new fields raise an error localMergeMutable root xs = Local -- immutable/stack that need copying {localStack = localStack root ,localBuiltinVersion = localBuiltinVersion root ,localVerbosity = localVerbosity root ,localBlockApply = localBlockApply root -- mutable locals that need integrating -- note that a lot of the lists are stored in reverse, assume root happened first ,localDepends = concatMap localDepends xs ++ localDepends root ,localDiscount = sum $ map localDiscount $ root : xs ,localTraces = concatMap localTraces xs ++ localTraces root ,localTrackAllows = localTrackAllows root ++ concatMap localTrackAllows xs ,localTrackUsed = localTrackUsed root ++ concatMap localTrackUsed xs ,localProduces = concatMap localProduces xs ++ localProduces root ,localHistory = all localHistory $ root:xs }