{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Test.Command(main) where import Development.Shake import Development.Shake.FilePath import Control.Exception.Extra import System.Time.Extra import General.Extra import Control.Monad.Extra import System.Directory import Test.Type import System.Exit import System.Process import Data.Tuple.Extra import Data.List.Extra import Control.Monad.IO.Class import System.Info.Extra import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS main = testBuild test $ do -- shake_helper must be in a subdirectory so we can test placing that subdir on the $PATH let helper = toNative $ "helper/shake_helper" <.> exe let name !> test = do want [name] name ~> do need ["helper/shake_helper" <.> exe]; test let helper_source = unlines ["import System.Time.Extra" ,"import System.Process" ,"import Control.Monad" ,"import System.Directory" ,"import System.Environment" ,"import System.Exit" ,"import System.IO" ,"import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS" ,"main = do" ," args <- getArgs" ," exe <- getExecutablePath" ," forM_ args $ \\(a:rg) -> do" ," case a of" ," 'o' -> putStrLn rg" ," 'e' -> hPutStrLn stderr rg" ," 'x' -> exitFailure" ," 'c' -> putStrLn =<< getCurrentDirectory" ," 'v' -> putStrLn =<< getEnv rg" ," 'w' -> sleep (read rg :: Double)" ," 'r' -> LBS.putStr $ LBS.replicate (read rg) 'x'" ," 'i' -> putStr =<< getContents" ," 's' -> void $ readProcess exe [rg] \"\"" ," hFlush stdout" ," hFlush stderr" ] "shake_helper.hs" %> \out -> do need ["../../src/Test/Command.hs"] writeFileChanged out helper_source ["helper/shake_helper" <.> exe, "shake_helper.o", "shake_helper.hi"] &%> \_ -> do need ["shake_helper.hs"] cmd "ghc --make" "shake_helper.hs -o helper/shake_helper" "capture" !> do (Stderr err, Stdout out) <- cmd helper ["ostuff goes here","eother stuff here"] liftIO $ out === "stuff goes here\n" liftIO $ err === "other stuff here\n" liftIO $ waits $ \w -> do Stdouterr out <- cmd helper Shell ["o1",w,"e2",w,"o3"] out === "1\n2\n3\n" "failure" !> do (Exit e, Stdout (), Stderr ()) <- cmd helper "oo ee x" when (e == ExitSuccess) $ error "/= ExitSuccess" liftIO $ assertException ["BAD"] $ cmd helper "oo eBAD x" (EchoStdout False) (EchoStderr False) liftIO $ assertException ["MORE"] $ cmd helper "oMORE eBAD x" (WithStdout True) (WithStderr False) (EchoStdout False) (EchoStderr False) "throws" ~> cmd Shell "not_a_process foo" "cwd" !> do -- FIXME: Linux searches the Cwd argument for the file, Windows searches getCurrentDirectory helper <- liftIO $ canonicalizePath $ "helper/shake_helper" <.> exe liftIO $ createDirectoryRecursive "helper/tests" Stdout out <- cmd (Cwd "helper/tests") (Cwd "..") helper "c" let norm = fmap dropTrailingPathSeparator . canonicalizePath . trim liftIO $ join $ liftM2 (===) (norm out) (norm "helper") let checkTimeout act = do offset <- liftIO offsetTime act t <- liftIO offset putNormal $ "Timed out in " ++ showDuration t when (t < 2 || t > 8) $ error $ "failed to timeout, took " ++ show t "timeout1" !> checkTimeout (do Exit exit <- cmd (Timeout 2) helper "w20" liftIO $ assertBool (exit /= ExitSuccess) "exit was ExitSuccess") "timeout2" !> do checkTimeout $ liftIO $ timeout 2 $ cmd_ helper "w20" -- commented out beause on Windows when you abort a Shell process you get a -- Do you want to terminate the batch file (Y/N) when False $ "timeout3" !> do checkTimeout $ liftIO $ timeout 2 $ cmd_ Shell helper "w20" "timeout4" !> do checkTimeout $ liftIO $ timeout 2 $ cmd_ helper "sw20" "env" !> do -- use liftIO since it blows away PATH which makes lint-tracker stop working Stdout out <- liftIO $ cmd (Env [("FOO","HELLO SHAKE")]) Shell helper "vFOO" liftIO $ out === "HELLO SHAKE\n" StdoutTrim out <- cmd (AddEnv "FOO" "GOODBYE SHAKE") Shell helper "vFOO" liftIO $ out === "GOODBYE SHAKE" "space" !> do Stdout out <- cmd helper ["oSPACE 1"] liftIO $ out === "SPACE 1\n" Stdout out <- cmd Shell helper "\"oSPACE 2\"" liftIO $ out === "SPACE 2\n" whenM (liftIO hasTracker) $ do Stdout out <- cmd Shell AutoDeps helper "\"oSPACE 2\"" liftIO $ out === "SPACE 2\n" (Stdout (), CmdLine x) <- cmd helper ["oSPACE 3","oDIRECT"] unless (" \"oSPACE 3\" oDIRECT" `isSuffixOf` replace "\'" "\"" x) $ fail $ "Invalid CmdLine, " ++ x "path" !> do let path = AddPath [dropTrailingPathSeparator "helper"] [] cmd_ "helper/shake_helper" cmd_ $ "helper/shake_helper" <.> exe cmd_ path Shell "shake_helper" cmd_ path "shake_helper" "file" !> do let file = "file.txt" cmd_ helper (FileStdout file) (FileStderr file) (EchoStdout False) (EchoStderr False) (WithStderr False) "ofoo ebar obaz" liftIO $ assertContents file "foo\nbar\nbaz\n" liftIO $ waits $ \w -> do Stderr err <- cmd helper (FileStdout file) (FileStderr file) ["ofoo",w,"ebar",w,"obaz"] err === "bar\n" assertContents file "foo\nbar\nbaz\n" "timer" !> do timer $ cmd helper "binary" !> do (Stdout str, Stdout bs) <- cmd BinaryPipes helper "ofoo" liftIO $ (===) (str, bs) $ second BS.pack $ dupe $ if isWindows then "foo\r\n" else "foo\n" (Stdout str, Stdout bs) <- cmd helper "ofoo" liftIO $ (str, bs) === ("foo\n", BS.pack $ if isWindows then "foo\r\n" else "foo\n") return () "large" !> do (Stdout (_ :: String), CmdTime t1) <- cmd helper "r10000000" (Stdout (_ :: LBS.ByteString), CmdTime t2) <- cmd helper "r10000000" t3 <- withTempFile $ \file -> fromCmdTime <$> cmd helper "r10000000" (FileStdout file) liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Capturing 10Mb takes: " ++ intercalate "," [s ++ " = " ++ showDuration d | (s,d) <- [("String",t1),("ByteString",t2),("File",t3)]] "stdin" !> do withTempFile $ \file -> do liftIO $ writeFile file " " Stdout (x :: String) <- cmd helper "i" (Stdin "hello") (FileStdin file) (StdinBS $ LBS.pack "world") liftIO $ x === "hello world" "async" !> do let file = "async.txt" pid <- cmd helper (FileStdout file) "w2" "ohello" Nothing <- liftIO $ getProcessExitCode pid ExitSuccess <- liftIO $ waitForProcess pid liftIO $ assertContents file "hello\n" test build = do -- reduce the overhead by running all the tests in parallel -- lint can make a big different to the command lines, so test with and without whenM hasTracker $ build ["-j4","--no-lint"] build ["-j4"] assertException ["not_a_process foo"] (build ["throws","--quiet"]) timer :: (CmdResult r, MonadIO m) => (forall r . CmdResult r => m r) -> m r timer act = do (CmdTime t, CmdLine x, r) <- act liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Command " ++ x ++ " took " ++ show t ++ " seconds" return r waits :: (String -> IO ()) -> IO () waits op = f 0 where f w | w > 1 = op "w10" | otherwise = catch_ (op $ "w" ++ show w) $ const $ f $ w + 0.1