# Changelog for shake-language-c ## v0.10.1 * Add support for Linux ARMv7 ## v0.10.0 * Add mkConfig function that caches dependencies ## v0.9.1 * Fix host architecture detection on Windows 10 ## v0.9.0 * Add support for the Android *arm64-v8a* target architecture and drop support for specifying the toolchain version; this API breaking change requires a minimum Android NDK revision 11c ## v0.8.6 * Fix Windows host target * Get host architecture from environment on Windows ## v0.8.3 * Allow to set linker command via `LD` environment variable ## v0.8.2 * Fix compiler and linker commands for Clang toolchain on Linux ## v0.8.1 * Use `-I` compiler flag for the `userIncludes` of `BuildFlags` and `-isystem` for `systemIncludes`; semantics should be as before for `gcc` and `clang` but `-isystem` suppresses warnings in system headers ## v0.8.0 * Refactor NMF file creation in NaCl module ## v0.7.1 * Fix compilation error with GHC 7.10 in test suite (#25) ## v0.7.0 * Add `arm64` ARM version * Add support for `arm64` to OSX toolchains * Fix compilation error with GHC 7.10 (#25) ## v0.6.4 * Fix Android toolchain definition for `x86` architecture ## v0.6.3 * Fix bug in `Development.Shake.Language.C.Target.OSX`: `getPlatformVersionsWithRoot` works correctly now with SDK directories without version number, as introduced by Xcode 6 ## v0.6.2 Bug fix release. ## v0.6.1 Bug fix release. ## v0.6.0 ### Added * Add `Data.Default.Class.Default` instances for some data types; add dependency on package `data-default-class`. ### Changed * Don't export the entire module `Development.Shake.Language.C.ToolChain` from `Development.Shake.Language.C`; expose `Development.Shake.Language.C.ToolChain` for toolchain writers. * Export `Development.Shake.Language.C.Language.Language` from `Development.Shake.Language.C.BuildFlags` instead of `Development.Shake.Language.C`. * Export `Development.Shake.Language.C.Rules` from `Development.Shake.Language.C`; hide `Development.Shake.Language.C.Rules` in Cabal file. * **Android**: Add `libcxxabi` include directory instead of `gabi++` to include path when compiling with `libcxx`. Fixes `error: no member named '__cxa_demangle' in namespace '__cxxabiv1'`. ### Removed * Remove `libppapi`, `libppapi_cpp`, `libnacl_io`, `libppapi_simple` from `Development.Shake.Language.C.Target.NaCl`. * Remove `Development.Shake.Language.C.Target.archString`. ## v0.5.0 First released version.