{- | Module : Development.Shake.Plus.Temp Copyright : Copyright (C) 2020 Daniel Firth Maintainer : Daniel Firth (Path Rel File -> m a) -> m a withTempFile f = withRunInAction $ \run -> Development.Shake.withTempFile $ run . (f <=< parseRelFile) -- | Unlifted version of `Development.Shake.withTempFile` with well-typed `Path`. withTempDir :: (MonadUnliftAction m, MonadThrow m) => (Path Rel Dir -> m a) -> m a withTempDir f = withRunInAction $ \run -> Development.Shake.withTempDir $ run . (f <=< parseRelDir) -- | Unlifted version of `Development.Shake.withTempFileWithin` with well-typed `Path`s. withTempFileWithin :: (MonadUnliftAction m, MonadThrow m) => Path b Dir -> (Path Rel File -> m a) -> m a withTempFileWithin x f = withRunInAction $ \run -> Development.Shake.withTempFileWithin (toFilePath x) $ run . (f <=< parseRelFile) -- | Unlifted version of `Development.Shake.withTempDirWithin` with well-typed `Path`s. withTempDirWithin :: (MonadUnliftAction m, MonadThrow m) => Path b Dir -> (Path Rel Dir -> m a) -> m a withTempDirWithin x f = withRunInAction $ \run -> Development.Shake.withTempDirWithin (toFilePath x) $ run . (f <=< parseRelDir)