# Changelog for shake-plus ## v0.3.2.0 * Re-export `Development.Shake.Forward`. ## v0.3.1.0 * Remove unnecessary comonad dependency. ## v0.3.0.0 * Drop dependency on path-like. * Drop dependency on within. * Drop `Development.Shake.Plus.Loaders` module. * Restore monomorphic `Path` variants of everything. * Move `within` style combinators to [shake-plus-extended](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/shake-plus-extended). ## v0.2.0.0 * Add dependency on [path-like](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/path-like). * Update interface to use `FileLike` and `DirLike` and drop `Path` and `Within` specific variants. ## v0.1.10.0 * Add unlifted versions of `parallel`, `forP` and `par`. ## v0.1.9.0 * Add lower bound to aeson. * Remove hashable dependency. ## v0.1.8.0 * Reexport `Development.Shake.Classes` and `Development.Shake.RuleResult`. ## v0.1.7.0 * Add `runSimpleShakePlus` for quickrunning with args and a log function. ## v0.1.6.0 * Re-export `Path` and `Within`. ## v0.1.5.0 * Add `getDirectoryFilesWithinIO` and `getDirectoryFilesWithinIO'` ## v0.1.4.0 * Re-export `Development.Shake.shakeArgs`. ## v0.1.3.0 * Re-export `Development.Shake.Command` with lifted `command` and `command_`. ## v0.1.2.0 * Add `copyFileWithin'` and `copyFileChangedWithin`. ## v0.1.1.0 * Make `Within` style functions more consistent in that they actually take `Within` values across the board. * Make `batchLoad` functions more consistent and usable. * `need` and `want` variants now take any `Traversable`. ## v0.1.0.0 * Update to `within-` which changes the data type to an `Env` comonad. * Drop the `loadSortFilterApply` loader functions in favour of a simpler `batchLoad` set of functions which accepts a loading function which can be cached. * Add enough documentation to get started. ## v0.0.2.1 * Add functions based on [Within](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/path) to better keep track of source and target directories. * Reexport more shake functions to remove need to import vanilla shake qualified. * Add convenience functions `loadSortFilterApply` and `loadSortFilterApplyW` for batch loading via `MonadAction`. * Add more of the API surface with `Path` and `Within` including variants of `need`, `want` `readFile`, `writeFile`. ## v0.0.1.0 * Initial sketch of shake-plus with reexported functions. Mostly oracles, filepaths and directory functions using [Path](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/path), and `MonadAction`, `MonadUnliftAction` and `MonadRules` with `ReaderT` transformers in a similar style to [RIO](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/rio)