shake-plus- Re-export of Shake using well-typed paths and ReaderT.
Safe HaskellNone



Forward mode utilities in Development.Shake.Forward lifted to MonadAction and MonadRules.



shakeForward :: MonadIO m => ShakeOptions -> r -> RAction r () -> m () Source #

Lifted version of shakeForward using RAction.

shakeArgsForward :: MonadIO m => ShakeOptions -> r -> RAction r () -> m () Source #

Lifted version of shakeArgsForward using RAction.

forwardOptions :: ShakeOptions -> ShakeOptions #

Given a ShakeOptions, set the options necessary to execute in forward mode.

forwardRule :: (MonadReader r m, MonadRules m) => RAction r () -> m () Source #

Lifted version of forwardRule using RAction.

cache :: MonadAction m => (forall r. CmdArguments r => r) -> m () Source #

Lifted version of cache.

cacheAction :: (MonadUnliftAction m, Typeable a, Binary a, Show a, Typeable b, Binary b, Show b) => a -> m b -> m b Source #

Lifted version of cacheAction.

cacheActionWith :: (MonadUnliftAction m, Typeable a, Binary a, Show a, Typeable b, Binary b, Show b, Typeable c, Binary c, Show c) => a -> b -> m c -> m c Source #

Lifted version of cacheActionWith.