{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} module Shakebook.Defaults where import Control.Comonad import Control.Comonad.Cofree import Control.Comonad.Store.Class import Control.Comonad.Store.Zipper import Control.Monad.Extra import Data.Aeson as A import Data.List.Split import Data.Text.Time import Development.Shake as S import Development.Shake.Classes import Development.Shake.FilePath import RIO import qualified RIO.ByteString.Lazy as LBS import RIO.List import RIO.List.Partial import qualified RIO.Map as M import RIO.Partial import qualified RIO.Text as T import RIO.Time import Shakebook.Aeson import Shakebook.Conventions import Shakebook.Data import Shakebook.Rules import Shakebook.Zipper import Text.DocTemplates import Text.Pandoc.Class import Text.Pandoc.Definition import Text.Pandoc.Options import Text.Pandoc.PDF import Text.Pandoc.Readers import Text.Pandoc.Templates import Text.Pandoc.Walk import Text.Pandoc.Writers defaultMonthURLFormat :: UTCTime -> String defaultMonthURLFormat = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m" defaultPrettyMonthFormat :: UTCTime -> String defaultPrettyMonthFormat = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%B, %Y" defaultPrettyTimeFormat :: UTCTime -> String defaultPrettyTimeFormat = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%A, %B %d, %Y" defaultMonthIndexUrlFormat :: UTCTime -> String defaultMonthIndexUrlFormat t = "/posts/months" defaultMonthURLFormat t defaultEnrichPost :: Value -> Value defaultEnrichPost = enrichTeaser "" . enrichTagLinks ("/posts/tags/" <>) . enrichPrettyDate defaultPrettyTimeFormat defaultMarkdownReaderOptions :: ReaderOptions defaultMarkdownReaderOptions = def { readerExtensions = pandocExtensions } defaultHtml5WriterOptions :: WriterOptions defaultHtml5WriterOptions = def { writerHTMLMathMethod = MathJax ""} defaultLatexWriterOptions :: WriterOptions defaultLatexWriterOptions = def { writerTableOfContents = True , writerVariables = Context $ M.fromList [ ("geometry", SimpleVal "margin=3cm") , ("fontsize", SimpleVal "10") , ("linkcolor",SimpleVal "blue")] } defaultSbConfig :: Text -- ^ BaseURL -> SbConfig defaultSbConfig x = SbConfig "site" "public" x defaultMarkdownReaderOptions defaultHtml5WriterOptions 5 affixBlogNavbar :: MonadShakebookAction r m => [FilePattern] -> Text -> Text -> (UTCTime -> Text) -> (UTCTime -> Text) -> (Value -> Value) -- ^ Post enrichment. -> Value -> m Value affixBlogNavbar patterns a b c d e x = do xs <- loadSortEnrich patterns (Down . viewPostTime) e return $ withJSON (genBlogNavbarData a b c d (snd <$> xs)) $ x affixRecentPosts :: MonadShakebookAction r m => [FilePattern] -> Int -> (Value -> Value) -- ^ Post enrichment -> Value -> m Value affixRecentPosts patterns n e x = do xs <- loadSortEnrich patterns (Down . viewPostTime) e return $ withRecentPosts (take n (snd <$> xs)) $ x defaultDocsPatterns :: MonadShakebookRules r m => Cofree [] FilePath -- Rosetree Table of Contents. -> FilePath -> (Value -> Value) -- Extra data modifiers. -> m () defaultDocsPatterns toc tmpl withData = ask >>= \r -> view sbConfigL >>= \SbConfig {..} -> do let e = typicalUrlEnricher m <- typicalFullOutHTMLToMdSrcPath liftRules $ cofreeRuleGen toc ((sbOutDir ) . (-<.> ".html")) ( \xs -> \out -> runShakebookA r $ do ys <- mapM readMarkdownFile' toc zs <- mapM readMarkdownFile' xs void $ genBuildPageAction (sbSrcDir tmpl) (readMarkdownFile' . m) (withData . withJSON (genTocNavbarData (e <$> ys)) . withSubsections (lower (e <$> zs))) out) defaultPostIndexData :: MonadShakebookAction r m => [FilePattern] -> (a -> Value -> Bool) -- ^ A filtering function -> (a -> Text) -- ^ How to turn the id into a Title. -> (a -> Text -> Text) -- ^ How to turn the id and a page number (as Text) into a URL link. -> a -- ^ The id itself. -> m (Zipper [] Value) -- A pager of index pages. defaultPostIndexData pat f t l a = view sbConfigL >>= \SbConfig {..} -> do xs <- loadSortFilterEnrich pat (Down . viewPostTime) (f a) defaultEnrichPost let ys = genIndexPageData (snd <$> xs) (t a) (l a) sbPPP return $ fromJust $ ys defaultPagerPattern :: MonadShakebookRules r m => FilePattern -> FilePath -> (FilePattern -> Int) -- ^ How to extract a page number from the Filepattern. -> (FilePattern -> a) -- ^ How to extract an id from the FilePattern -> (a -> ShakebookA r (Zipper [] Value)) -> (Zipper [] Value -> ShakebookA r (Zipper [] Value)) -> m () defaultPagerPattern fp tmpl f g h w = ask >>= \r -> view sbConfigL >>= \SbConfig{..} -> liftRules $ comonadStoreRuleGen (sbOutDir fp) (f . drop 1 . fromJust . stripPrefix sbOutDir) (g . drop 1 . fromJust . stripPrefix sbOutDir) (runShakebookA r . (w <=< h)) (\a -> void <$> runShakebookA r . genBuildPageAction (sbSrcDir tmpl) (const $ return a) id) defaultPostIndexPatterns :: MonadShakebookRules r m => [FilePattern] -> FilePath -> (Zipper [] Value -> ShakebookA r (Zipper [] Value)) -- ^ Pager extension. -> m () defaultPostIndexPatterns pat tmpl extData = do defaultPagerPattern "posts/index.html" tmpl (const 0) (const ()) (defaultPostIndexData pat (const $ (const True)) (const "Posts") (const ("/posts/pages/" <>))) extData defaultPagerPattern ("posts/pages/*/index.html") tmpl ((+ (-1)) . read . (!! 2) . splitOn "/") (const ()) (defaultPostIndexData pat (const $ (const True)) (const "Posts") (const ("/posts/pages/" <>))) extData defaultTagIndexPatterns :: MonadShakebookRules r m => [FilePattern] -> FilePath -> (Zipper [] Value -> ShakebookA r (Zipper [] Value)) -- ^ Pager extension. -> m () defaultTagIndexPatterns pat tmpl extData = do defaultPagerPattern ("posts/tags/*/index.html") tmpl (const 0) (T.pack . (!! 2) . splitOn "/") (defaultPostIndexData pat (\x y -> elem x (viewTags y) ) ("Posts tagged " <>) (\x y -> ("/posts/tags/" <> x <> "/pages/" <> y))) extData defaultPagerPattern ("posts/tags/*/pages/*/index.html") tmpl ((+ (-1)) . read . (!! 4) . splitOn "/") (T.pack . (!! 2) . splitOn "/") (defaultPostIndexData pat (\x y -> elem x (viewTags y)) ("Posts tagged " <>) (\x y -> ("/posts/tags/" <> x <> "/pages/" <> y))) extData defaultMonthIndexPatterns :: MonadShakebookRules r m => [FilePattern] -> FilePath -> (Zipper [] Value -> ShakebookA r (Zipper [] Value)) -- ^ Pager extension. -> m () defaultMonthIndexPatterns pat tmpl extData = do defaultPagerPattern "posts/months/*/index.html" tmpl (const 0) (parseISODateTime . T.pack . (!! 2) . splitOn "/") (defaultPostIndexData pat (\x y -> sameMonth x (viewPostTime y)) (("Posts from " <>) . T.pack . defaultPrettyMonthFormat) (\x y -> ("/posts/months/" <> T.pack (defaultMonthURLFormat x) <> "/pages" <> y))) extData defaultPagerPattern "posts/months/*/pages/*/index.html" tmpl ((+ (-1)) . read . (!! 4) . splitOn "/") (parseISODateTime . T.pack . (!! 2) . splitOn "/") (defaultPostIndexData pat (\x y -> sameMonth x (viewPostTime y)) (("Posts from " <>) . T.pack . defaultPrettyMonthFormat) (\x y -> ("/posts/months/" <> T.pack (defaultMonthURLFormat x) <> "/pages" <> y))) extData {-| Default Posts Pager. -} defaultPostsPatterns :: MonadShakebookRules r m => FilePattern -> FilePath -> (Value -> ShakebookA r Value) -- ^ A post loader function. -> (Zipper [] Value -> ShakebookA r (Zipper [] Value)) -- ^ A transformation on the entire post zipper. -> m () defaultPostsPatterns pat tmpl e extData = ask >>= \r -> view sbConfigL >>= \SbConfig {..} -> liftRules $ sbOutDir pat %> \out -> do sortedPosts <- runShakebookA r $ do xs <- loadSortEnrich [pat] (Down . viewPostTime) defaultEnrichPost mapM (\(s,x) -> e x >>= \e' -> return (s, e')) xs let i = (-<.> ".md") . drop 1 . fromJust . stripPrefix sbOutDir $ out let k = fromJust $ elemIndex i (fst <$> sortedPosts) let z = fromJust $ seek k <$> zipper (snd <$> sortedPosts) void $ runShakebookA r $ genBuildPageAction (sbSrcDir tmpl) (const $ extract <$> extData z) id out makePDFLaTeX :: Pandoc -> PandocIO (Either LBS.ByteString LBS.ByteString) makePDFLaTeX p = do t <- compileDefaultTemplate "latex" makePDF "pdflatex" [] writeLaTeX defaultLatexWriterOptions { writerTemplate = Just t } p handleImages :: (Text -> Text) -> Inline -> Inline handleImages f (Image attr ins (src,txt)) = if T.takeEnd 4 src == ".mp4" then Str (f src) else Image attr ins ("public/" <> src, txt) handleImages _ x = x handleHeaders :: Int -> Block -> Block handleHeaders i (Header a as xs) = Header (max 1 (a + i)) as xs handleHeaders _ x = x pushHeaders :: Int -> Cofree [] Pandoc -> Cofree [] Pandoc pushHeaders i (x :< xs) = walk (handleHeaders i) x :< map (pushHeaders (i+1)) xs -- | Build a PDF from a Cofree table of contents. buildPDF :: MonadShakebookAction r m => Cofree [] String -> String -> FilePath -> m () buildPDF toc meta out = view sbConfigL >>= \SbConfig {..} -> liftAction $ do y <- mapM readFile' ((sbSrcDir ) <$> toc) m <- readFile' $ sbSrcDir meta Right f <- liftIO . runIOorExplode $ do k <- mapM (readMarkdown sbMdRead . T.pack) y a <- readMarkdown sbMdRead . T.pack $ m let z = walk (handleImages (\x -> "[Video available at " <> sbBaseUrl <> x <> "]")) $ foldr (<>) a $ pushHeaders (-1) k makePDFLaTeX z LBS.writeFile out f {-| Default Single Page Pattern, see tests for usage. It's possible this could just be called singlePagePattern, as there's no hardcoded strings here, but it would need to run entirely within the monad to translate filepaths. -} defaultSinglePagePattern :: MonadShakebookRules r m => FilePath -- ^ The output filename e.g "index.html". -> FilePath -- ^ A tmpl file. -> (Value -> ShakebookA r Value) -- ^ Last minute enrichment. -> m () defaultSinglePagePattern out tmpl withDataM = ask >>= \r -> view sbConfigL >>= \SbConfig {..} -> do m <- typicalFullOutHTMLToMdSrcPath liftRules $ sbOutDir out %> void . runShakebookA r . genBuildPageAction tmpl (\fp -> do x <- readMarkdownFile' . m $ fp withDataM $ x) id {-| Default statics patterns. Takes a list of filepatterns and adds a rule that copies everything verbatim -} defaultStaticsPatterns :: MonadShakebookRules r m => [FilePattern] -> m () defaultStaticsPatterns xs = view sbConfigL >>= \SbConfig {..} -> do f <- typicalFullOutToFullSrcPath liftRules $ mconcat $ map (\x -> sbOutDir x %> \y -> copyFileChanged (f y) y) xs -- | Default "shake clean" phony, cleans your output directory. defaultCleanPhony :: MonadShakebookRules r m => m () defaultCleanPhony = view sbConfigL >>= \SbConfig {..} -> liftRules $ phony "clean" $ do putInfo $ "Cleaning files in " ++ sbOutDir removeFilesAfter sbOutDir ["//*"] {-| Default "shake statics" phony rule. automatically runs need on "\\/thing\/\*" for every thing found in "images\/", "css\/", "js\/" and "webfonts\/" -} defaultStaticsPhony :: MonadShakebookRules r m => m () defaultStaticsPhony = view sbConfigL >>= \SbConfig {..} -> liftRules $ phony "statics" $ do fp <- getDirectoryFiles sbSrcDir ["images//*", "css//*", "js//*", "webfonts//*"] need $ [sbOutDir x | x <- fp] {-| Default "shake posts" phony rule. takes a [FilePattern] pointing to the posts and and calls need on "\\/posts\/\.html" for each markdown post found. -} defaultPostsPhony :: MonadShakebookRules r m => [FilePattern] -> m () defaultPostsPhony pattern = view sbConfigL >>= \SbConfig {..} -> liftRules $ phony "posts" $ do fp <- getDirectoryFiles sbSrcDir pattern need [sbOutDir x -<.> ".html" | x <- fp] {-| Default "shake posts-index" phony rule. Takes a [FilePattern] of posts to discover and calls need on "\\/posts\/index.html" and "\\/posts\/pages\/\\/index.html" for each page required. -} defaultPostIndexPhony :: MonadShakebookRules r m => [FilePattern] -> m () defaultPostIndexPhony pattern = ask >>= \r -> view sbConfigL >>= \SbConfig {..} -> liftRules $ phony "posts-index" $ do fp <- runShakebookA r $ getMarkdown pattern need [sbOutDir "posts/index.html"] need [sbOutDir "posts/pages/" ++ show x ++ "/index.html" | x <- [1..size (fromJust $ paginate sbPPP fp)]] {-| Default "shake tag-index" phony rule. Takes a [FilePattern] of posts to discover and calls need on "\\/posts\/tags\/\\/index.html" and "\\/posts\/tags\/\\/pages\/\\/index.html" for each tag discovered and for each page required per tag filter. -} defaultTagIndexPhony :: MonadShakebookRules r m => [FilePattern] -> m () defaultTagIndexPhony pattern = ask >>= \r -> view sbConfigL >>= \SbConfig {..} -> liftRules $ phony "tag-index" $ do fp <- runShakebookA r $ getMarkdown pattern let tags = viewAllPostTags fp need [sbOutDir "posts/tags" T.unpack x "index.html" | x <- tags] need [sbOutDir "posts/tags" T.unpack x "pages" show p "index.html" | x <- tags , p <- [1..size (fromJust $ paginate sbPPP $ tagFilterPosts x fp)] ] {-| Default "shake month-index" phony rule. Takes a [FilePattern] of posts to discover and calls need on "\\/posts\/months\/\\/index.html" and "\\/posts\/months\/\\/pages\/\\/index.html" for each month discovered that contains a post and for each page required per month filter. -} defaultMonthIndexPhony :: MonadShakebookRules r m => [FilePattern] -> m () defaultMonthIndexPhony pattern = ask >>= \r -> view sbConfigL >>= \SbConfig {..} -> liftRules $ phony "month-index" $ do fp <- runShakebookA r $ getMarkdown pattern let times = viewAllPostTimes fp need [sbOutDir "posts/months" defaultMonthURLFormat t "index.html" | t <- times] need [sbOutDir "posts/months" defaultMonthURLFormat t "pages" show p "index.html" | t <- times , p <- [1..length (fromJust $ paginate sbPPP $ monthFilterPosts t fp)] ] -- | Default "shake docs" phony rule, takes a Cofree [] String as a table of contents. defaultDocsPhony :: MonadShakebookRules r m => Cofree [] String -> m () defaultDocsPhony toc = view sbConfigL >>= \SbConfig {..} -> liftRules $ phony "docs" $ do let xs = (foldr ((<>) . pure) [] toc) need $ [ (sbOutDir ) . (-<.> ".html") $ x | x <- xs]