{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-fields #-}
module Text.Lucius
    ( -- * Parsing
    , luciusFile
    , luciusFileDebug
    , luciusFileReload
      -- ** Mixins
    , luciusMixin
    , Mixin
      -- ** Runtime
    , luciusRT
    , luciusRT'
    , luciusRTMinified
      -- *** Mixin
    , luciusRTMixin
    , RTValue (..)
    , -- * Datatypes
    , CssUrl
      -- * Type class
    , ToCss (..)
      -- * Rendering
    , renderCss
    , renderCssUrl
      -- * ToCss instances
      -- ** Color
    , Color (..)
    , colorRed
    , colorBlack
      -- ** Size
    , mkSize
    , AbsoluteUnit (..)
    , AbsoluteSize (..)
    , absoluteSize
    , EmSize (..)
    , ExSize (..)
    , PercentageSize (..)
    , percentageSize
    , PixelSize (..)
      -- * Internal
    , parseTopLevels
    , luciusUsedIdentifiers
    ) where

import Text.Internal.CssCommon
import Text.Shakespeare.Base
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote (QuasiQuoter (..))
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (Line)
import Text.Internal.Css
import Data.Char (isSpace, toLower, toUpper)
import Numeric (readHex)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (when, unless)
import Data.Monoid (mconcat)
import Data.List (isSuffixOf)
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Text.Shakespeare (VarType)

-- |
-- >>> renderCss ([lucius|foo{bar:baz}|] undefined)
-- "foo{bar:baz}"
lucius :: QuasiQuoter
lucius = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = luciusFromString }

luciusFromString :: String -> Q Exp
luciusFromString s =
  $ either (error . show) id $ parse parseTopLevels s s

whiteSpace :: Parser ()
whiteSpace = many whiteSpace1 >> return ()

whiteSpace1 :: Parser ()
whiteSpace1 =
    ((oneOf " \t\n\r" >> return ()) <|> (parseComment >> return ()))

parseBlock :: Parser (Block Unresolved)
parseBlock = do
    sel <- parseSelector
    _ <- char '{'
    pairsBlocks <- parsePairsBlocks id
    let (pairs, blocks, mixins) = partitionPBs pairsBlocks
    return $ Block sel pairs (map detectAmp blocks) mixins

-- | Looks for an & at the beginning of a selector and, if present, indicates
-- that we should not have a leading space. Otherwise, we should have the
-- leading space.
detectAmp :: Block Unresolved -> (Bool, Block Unresolved)
detectAmp (Block (sel) b c d) =
    (hls, Block sel' b c d)
    (hls, sel') =
        case sel of
            (ContentRaw "&":rest):others -> (False, rest : others)
            (ContentRaw ('&':s):rest):others -> (False, (ContentRaw s : rest) : others)
            _ -> (True, sel)

partitionPBs :: [PairBlock] -> ([Attr Unresolved], [Block Unresolved], [Deref])
partitionPBs =
    go id id id
    go a b c [] = (a [], b [], c [])
    go a b c (PBAttr x:xs) = go (a . (x:)) b c xs
    go a b c (PBBlock x:xs) = go a (b . (x:)) c xs
    go a b c (PBMixin x:xs) = go a b (c . (x:)) xs

parseSelector :: Parser (Selector Unresolved)
parseSelector =
    go id
    go front = do
        c <- parseContents "{,"
        let front' = front . (:) (trim c)
        (char ',' >> go front') <|> return (front' [])

trim :: Contents -> Contents
trim =
    reverse . trim' False . reverse . trim' True
    trim' _ [] = []
    trim' b (ContentRaw s:rest) =
        let s' = trimS b s
         in if null s' then trim' b rest else ContentRaw s' : rest
    trim' _ x = x
    trimS True = dropWhile isSpace
    trimS False = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse

data PairBlock = PBAttr (Attr Unresolved)
               | PBBlock (Block Unresolved)
               | PBMixin Deref
parsePairsBlocks :: ([PairBlock] -> [PairBlock]) -> Parser [PairBlock]
parsePairsBlocks front = (char '}' >> return (front [])) <|> (do
    isBlock <- lookAhead checkIfBlock
    x <- grabMixin <|> (if isBlock then grabBlock else grabPair)
    parsePairsBlocks $ front . (:) x)
    grabBlock = do
        b <- parseBlock
        return $ PBBlock b
    grabPair = PBAttr <$> parsePair
    grabMixin = try $ do
        Right x <- parseCaret
        (char ';' >> return ()) <|> return ()
        return $ PBMixin x
    checkIfBlock = do
        skipMany $ noneOf "#@{};"
        (parseHash >> checkIfBlock)
            <|> (parseAt >> checkIfBlock)
            <|> (char '{' >> return True)
            <|> (oneOf ";}" >> return False)
            <|> (anyChar >> checkIfBlock)
            <|> fail "checkIfBlock"

parsePair :: Parser (Attr Unresolved)
parsePair = do
    key <- parseContents ":"
    _ <- char ':'
    val <- parseContents ";}"
    (char ';' >> return ()) <|> return ()
    return $ Attr key val

parseContents :: String -> Parser Contents
parseContents = many1 . parseContent

parseContent :: String -> Parser Content
parseContent restricted =
    parseHash' <|> parseAt' <|> parseComment <|> parseBack <|> parseChar
    parseHash' = either ContentRaw ContentVar `fmap` parseHash
    parseAt' =
        either ContentRaw go `fmap` parseAt
        go (d, False) = ContentUrl d
        go (d, True) = ContentUrlParam d
    parseBack = try $ do
        _ <- char '\\'
        hex <- atMost 6 $ satisfy isHex
        (int, _):_ <- return $ readHex $ dropWhile (== '0') hex
        when (length hex < 6) $
            ((string "\r\n" >> return ()) <|> (satisfy isSpace >> return ()))
        return $ ContentRaw [toEnum int]
    parseChar = (ContentRaw . return) `fmap` noneOf restricted

isHex :: Char -> Bool
isHex c =
    ('0' <= c && c <= '9') ||
    ('A' <= c && c <= 'F') ||
    ('a' <= c && c <= 'f')

atMost :: Int -> Parser a -> Parser [a]
atMost 0 _ = return []
atMost i p = (do
    c <- p
    s <- atMost (i - 1) p
    return $ c : s) <|> return []

parseComment :: Parser Content
parseComment = do
    _ <- try $ string "/*"
    _ <- manyTill anyChar $ try $ string "*/"
    return $ ContentRaw ""

luciusFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
luciusFile fp = do
#ifdef GHC_7_4
    qAddDependentFile fp
    contents <- fmap TL.unpack $ qRunIO $ readUtf8File fp
    luciusFromString contents

luciusFileDebug, luciusFileReload :: FilePath -> Q Exp
luciusFileDebug = cssFileDebug False [|parseTopLevels|] parseTopLevels
luciusFileReload = luciusFileDebug

parseTopLevels :: Parser [TopLevel Unresolved]
parseTopLevels =
    go id
    go front = do
        let string' s = string s >> return ()
            ignore = many (whiteSpace1 <|> string' "<!--" <|> string' "-->")
                        >> return ()
        tl <- ((charset <|> media <|> impor <|> topAtBlock <|> var <|> fmap TopBlock parseBlock) >>= \x -> go (front . (:) x))
            <|> (return $ map compressTopLevel $ front [])
        return tl
    charset = do
        try $ stringCI "@charset "
        cs <- parseContents ";"
        _ <- char ';'
        return $ TopAtDecl "charset" cs
    media = do
        try $ stringCI "@media "
        selector <- parseContents "{"
        _ <- char '{'
        b <- parseBlocks id
        return $ TopAtBlock "media" selector b
    impor = do
        try $ stringCI "@import ";
        val <- parseContents ";"
        _ <- char ';'
        return $ TopAtDecl "import" val
    var = try $ do
        _ <- char '@'
        isPage <- (try $ string "page " >> return True) <|>
                  (try $ string "font-face " >> return True) <|>
                    return False
        when isPage $ fail "page is not a variable"
        k <- many1 $ noneOf ":"
        _ <- char ':'
        v <- many1 $ noneOf ";"
        _ <- char ';'
        let trimS = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse . dropWhile isSpace
        return $ TopVar (trimS k) (trimS v)
    topAtBlock = do
        (name, selector) <- try $ do
            _ <- char '@'
            name <- many1 $ noneOf " \t"
            _ <- many1 $ oneOf " \t"
            unless ("keyframes" `isSuffixOf` name) $ fail "only accepting keyframes"
            selector <- parseContents "{"
            _ <- char '{'
            return (name, selector)
        b <- parseBlocks id
        return $ TopAtBlock name selector b
    parseBlocks front = do
        (char '}' >> return (map compressBlock $ front []))
            <|> (parseBlock >>= \x -> parseBlocks (front . (:) x))

stringCI :: String -> Parser ()
stringCI [] = return ()
stringCI (c:cs) = (char (toLower c) <|> char (toUpper c)) >> stringCI cs

luciusRT' :: TL.Text
          -> Either String ([(Text, Text)] -> Either String [TopLevel Resolved])
luciusRT' =
    either Left (Right . go) . luciusRTInternal
    go :: ([(Text, RTValue)] -> Either String [TopLevel Resolved])
       -> ([(Text, Text)] -> Either String [TopLevel Resolved])
    go f = f . map (second RTVRaw)

    :: TL.Text
    -> Either String ([(Text, RTValue)] -> Either String [TopLevel Resolved])
luciusRTInternal tl =
    case parse parseTopLevels (TL.unpack tl) (TL.unpack tl) of
        Left s -> Left $ show s
        Right tops -> Right $ \scope -> go scope tops
    go :: [(Text, RTValue)]
       -> [TopLevel Unresolved]
       -> Either String [TopLevel Resolved]
    go _ [] = Right []
    go scope (TopAtDecl dec cs':rest) = do
        let scope' = map goScope scope
            render = error "luciusRT has no URLs"
        cs <- mapM (contentToBuilderRT scope' render) cs'
        rest' <- go scope rest
        Right $ TopAtDecl dec (mconcat cs) : rest'
    go scope (TopBlock b:rest) = do
        b' <- goBlock scope b
        rest' <- go scope rest
        Right $ map TopBlock b' ++ rest'
    go scope (TopAtBlock name m' bs:rest) = do
        let scope' = map goScope scope
            render = error "luciusRT has no URLs"
        m <- mapM (contentToBuilderRT scope' render) m'
        bs' <- mapM (goBlock scope) bs
        rest' <- go scope rest
        Right $ TopAtBlock name (mconcat m) (concat bs') : rest'
    go scope (TopVar k v:rest) = go ((pack k, RTVRaw $ pack v):scope) rest

    goBlock :: [(Text, RTValue)]
            -> Block Unresolved
            -> Either String [Block Resolved]
    goBlock scope =
        either Left (Right . ($[])) . blockRuntime scope' (error "luciusRT has no URLs")
        scope' = map goScope scope

    goScope (k, rt) =
        (DerefIdent (Ident $ unpack k), cd)
        cd =
            case rt of
                RTVRaw t -> CDPlain $ fromText t
                RTVMixin m -> CDMixin m

luciusRT :: TL.Text -> [(Text, Text)] -> Either String TL.Text
luciusRT tl scope = either Left (Right . renderCss . CssWhitespace) $ either Left ($ scope) (luciusRT' tl)

-- | Runtime Lucius with mixin support.
-- Since 1.0.6
luciusRTMixin :: TL.Text -- ^ template
              -> Bool -- ^ minify?
              -> [(Text, RTValue)] -- ^ scope
              -> Either String TL.Text
luciusRTMixin tl minify scope =
    either Left (Right . renderCss . cw) $ either Left ($ scope) (luciusRTInternal tl)
        | minify = CssNoWhitespace
        | otherwise = CssWhitespace

data RTValue = RTVRaw Text
             | RTVMixin Mixin

-- | Same as 'luciusRT', but output has no added whitespace.
-- Since 1.0.3
luciusRTMinified :: TL.Text -> [(Text, Text)] -> Either String TL.Text
luciusRTMinified tl scope = either Left (Right . renderCss . CssNoWhitespace) $ either Left ($ scope) (luciusRT' tl)

-- | Determine which identifiers are used by the given template, useful for
-- creating systems like yesod devel.
luciusUsedIdentifiers :: String -> [(Deref, VarType)]
luciusUsedIdentifiers = cssUsedIdentifiers False parseTopLevels

luciusMixin :: QuasiQuoter
luciusMixin = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = luciusMixinFromString }

luciusMixinFromString :: String -> Q Exp
luciusMixinFromString s' = do
    r <- newName "_render"
    case fmap compressBlock $ parse parseBlock s s of
        Left e -> error $ show e
        Right block -> blockToMixin r [] block
    s = concat ["mixin{", s', "}"]