{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{- | Create a circular buffer over shared memory that can be accessed from
 - separate processes.
 - This module assumes that exactly one WriteBuffer and one ReadBuffer will be
 - used to access the same shared memory object.  The ReadBuffer and
 - WriteBuffer may exist in separate processes.
 - to use this library, in one process
 - > bracket (createBuffer "aBuffer" "aSemaphore" 256 0o600) (removeBuffer)
 - >         (\buffer -> doSomethingWith buffer)
 - and in the other
 - > bracket (openBuffer "aBuffer" "aSemaphore" 256 0o600) (closeBuffer)
 - >         (\buffer -> doSomethingWith buffer)
 - The buffer may be opened from either the reader or writer end, but you
 - should ensure that the buffer is created before it is opened.
 - As the underlying objects (shm and named posix semaphores) exist in the file
 - system, failing to call removeBuffer will leave stale objects in the
 - filesystem.
 - Opening multiple ReadBuffers or WriteBuffers with the same names (whether in
 - one process or several) results in undefined behavior.
module System.Posix.CircularBuffer (
, ReadBuffer
, Shared (..)
-- * normal interface
, putBuffer
, getBuffer
-- ** batch operations
, putBufferList
, getAvailable
, sizeOfInt
) where

import System.Posix.SharedBuffer

import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Exception (try)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bits
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Marshal.Array (advancePtr)
import Foreign.Storable
import System.Posix.Semaphore.Unsafe
import System.Posix (FileMode)

import Debug.Trace (traceEventIO)

-- we could use Ptr's instead of ForeignPtr's, but then we'd need to free them
-- in the case of an exception, which would require exporting more from this
-- module.
data WriteBuffer a = WB CircularBuffer (MVar Int)
data ReadBuffer a  = RB CircularBuffer (ForeignPtr Int)

-- | Functions for creating/opening/closing/removing shared buffers.
class Shared b where
    createBuffer :: String -> String -> Int -> FileMode -> IO b
    openBuffer   :: String -> String -> Int -> FileMode -> IO b
    closeBuffer  :: b -> IO ()
    removeBuffer :: b -> IO ()
    unlinkBuffer :: b -> IO ()

instance Storable a => Shared (WriteBuffer a) where
    createBuffer = openSharedBuffer makeWB
                                    OpenSemFlags{semCreate = True, semExclusive = True}
                                    ShmOpenFlags{shmCreate = True
                                                ,shmReadWrite = True
                                                ,shmExclusive = True
                                                ,shmTrunc = False
                                    (sizeOf (undefined :: a))
    openBuffer = openSharedBuffer makeWB
                                  OpenSemFlags{semCreate = False, semExclusive = False}
                                  ShmOpenFlags{shmCreate = False
                                              ,shmReadWrite = True
                                              ,shmExclusive = False
                                              ,shmTrunc = False
                                  (sizeOf (undefined :: a))
    closeBuffer (WB cb _)  = closeBuffer cb
    removeBuffer (WB cb _) = removeBuffer cb
    unlinkBuffer (WB cb _) = unlinkBuffer cb

instance Storable a => Shared (ReadBuffer a) where
    createBuffer = openSharedBuffer makeRB
                                    OpenSemFlags{semCreate = True, semExclusive = True}
                                    ShmOpenFlags{shmCreate = True
                                                ,shmReadWrite = False
                                                ,shmExclusive = True
                                                ,shmTrunc = False
                                    (sizeOf (undefined :: a))
    openBuffer   = openSharedBuffer makeRB
                                    OpenSemFlags{semCreate = False, semExclusive = False}
                                    ShmOpenFlags{shmCreate = False
                                                ,shmReadWrite = False
                                                ,shmExclusive = False
                                                ,shmTrunc = False
                                    (sizeOf (undefined :: a))
    closeBuffer (RB cb _)  = closeBuffer cb
    removeBuffer (RB cb _) = removeBuffer cb
    unlinkBuffer (RB cb _) = unlinkBuffer cb

makeRB :: CircularBuffer -> MVar Int -> ForeignPtr Int -> ReadBuffer a
makeRB buf _ fp = RB buf fp

makeWB :: CircularBuffer -> MVar Int -> ForeignPtr Int -> WriteBuffer a
makeWB buf mv _ = WB buf mv

-- | open an existing shared memory buffer and semaphore.
openSharedBuffer :: (CircularBuffer -> MVar Int -> ForeignPtr Int -> b)
                 -> OpenSemFlags
                 -> ShmOpenFlags
                 -> [Protection]
                 -> Int
                 -> String
                 -> String
                 -> Int
                 -> FileMode
                 -> IO b
openSharedBuffer maker semFlags shmFlags prot bitwidth shmName cbSemName reqCbSize mode = do
    let bufsz = fromIntegral $ bitwidth*cbSize
        cbSize = 2^(ceiling (logBase 2 (fromIntegral $ 1+reqCbSize) :: Double) :: Int)
        -- the buffer is effectively 1 element smaller than specified
        -- (due to a race condition in the reader, see 'readSeqBlocking')
        -- so make it 1 larger so that the full requested size is always
        -- available.
    cbBuf <- openSBuffer shmName bufsz shmFlags prot mode
    cbSem <- semOpen cbSemName semFlags mode 0
    seqref <- newMVar 0
    seqptr <- mallocForeignPtr
    withForeignPtr seqptr $ flip poke 0
    return $ maker (CircularBuffer{cbBuf,cbSize,cbSem,cbSemName}) seqref seqptr

-- | Write a value to the writer end.
-- This function is thread-safe.
putBuffer :: Storable a => WriteBuffer a -> a -> IO ()
putBuffer (WB cb seqvar) val = modifyMVar_ seqvar $ \seqnum -> do
    writeSeqBlocking cb seqnum val
    return $! seqnum+1
{-# INLINEABLE putBuffer #-}

-- | Write a list of values to the writer end.
-- This function is thread-safe.
putBufferList :: Storable a => WriteBuffer a -> [a] -> IO ()
putBufferList (WB cb seqvar) vals = modifyMVar_ seqvar $ \seqnum -> do
    cnt <- writeSeqList cb seqnum vals
    return $! seqnum+cnt
{-# INLINE putBufferList #-}

-- | read the next value from the reader end.
-- This function is *NOT* thread-safe.
getBuffer :: Storable a => ReadBuffer a -> IO a
getBuffer (RB cb seqvar) = withForeignPtr seqvar $ \seqPtr -> do
    seqnum <- peek seqPtr
    val <- readSeqBlocking cb seqnum
    poke seqPtr $ seqnum+1
    return val
{-# INLINEABLE getBuffer #-}

-- | read all currently available values from the reader end.
-- This function is *NOT* thread-safe.
getAvailable :: Storable a => ReadBuffer a -> IO [a]
getAvailable (RB cb seqvar) = withForeignPtr seqvar $ \seqPtr -> do
    seqnum <- peek seqPtr
    val <- readSeqReady cb seqnum
    poke seqPtr $ seqnum+length val
    return val
{-# INLINEABLE getAvailable #-}

-- circular buffer interface

-- intended use:
-- a single producer and single consumer in separate processes
-- invariants:
--   cbSem contains the number of items available to be read in buffer.  That
--   is, the number of items that are immediately available to the reader.
data CircularBuffer = CircularBuffer
    { cbSize :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
    , cbBuf  :: {-# UNPACK #-} !SharedBuffer
    , cbSem  :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Semaphore
    , cbSemName :: String

instance Shared CircularBuffer where
    createBuffer = error "can't create a CircularBuffer directly"
    openBuffer = error "can't open a CircularBuffer directly"
    closeBuffer = closeSharedBuffer . cbBuf
    removeBuffer cb = do
        removeSharedBuffer (cbBuf cb)
        void (try (semUnlink (cbSemName cb)) :: IO (Either IOError ()))
    unlinkBuffer cb =
        void (try $ unlinkSharedBuffer (cbBuf cb) >> semUnlink (cbSemName cb) :: IO (Either IOError ()))

-- Wait until data is available, then read the value at a particular sequence number.
-- logically, this should proceed as:
-- - first wait until a value is available (cbSem > 0)
-- - read the value
-- - lock the semaphore (decrement it).
-- but we actually wait and lock the semaphore in one operation, then read the
-- value.  The writer side must take care to not overwrite the end of the
-- buffer, as it will see the semaphore decrement before the value is actually
-- read.
readSeqBlocking :: Storable a => CircularBuffer -> Int -> IO a
readSeqBlocking cb = \rseq -> do
    waitAndLock (cbSem cb)
    readSeq cb rseq
{-# INLINEABLE readSeqBlocking #-}

-- read currently available data starting from the given sequence number.
readSeqReady :: Storable a => CircularBuffer -> Int -> IO [a]
readSeqReady cb@CircularBuffer{..} rseq = do
    curReady <- unsafeSemGetValue cbSem
    vals <- readSeqs cb rseq curReady
    replicateM_ curReady (unsafeSemLock cbSem)
    -- unsafeSemLock is ok if there are no other readers on this
    -- semaphore.
    return vals
{-# INLINEABLE readSeqReady #-}

-- Write data to the buffer at the current position.  May block if the reader
-- is far behind.
-- first check for space: if the buffer is full (cbSem == bufsize-1), wait until
-- cbSem decreases.  The buffer size is reduced by 1 because the reader
-- decrements the semaphore before reading the value.
-- This is only safe if all writes are serialized at a higher level.
-- When space is available, write the value
-- finally increment cbSem to indicate another value is ready
writeSeqBlocking :: Storable a => CircularBuffer -> Int -> a -> IO ()
writeSeqBlocking cb@CircularBuffer{..} writePos val = do
    -- first check if the buffer is full, and if so, wait until space is
    -- available.  Currently just spinning on this, because we expect it to be
    -- a rare occurrence.
    let waitUntilAvailable = do
            curLag <- unsafeSemGetValue cbSem
            when (curLag >= cbSize-1) $ do
                traceEventIO "writeSeqBlocking: waitUntilAvailable spinning"
    writeSeq cb writePos val
    unsafeSemPost cbSem
{-# INLINEABLE writeSeqBlocking #-}

-- | write a list of items, starting from the given sequence number.
-- Attempt to write everything in one batch.
-- returns the number of items written (which should be the length of the list)
writeSeqList :: Storable a => CircularBuffer -> Int -> [a] -> IO Int
writeSeqList cb@CircularBuffer{..} writePos = go 0
    go !len [] = return len
    go !prevWritten xs = do
        currentLag <- unsafeSemGetValue cbSem
        let numReady = cbSize-currentLag
            (toWrite,toWait) = splitAt numReady xs
            offset = writePos+prevWritten
        numWritten <- foldM (\(!ix) x -> writeSeq cb (offset+ix) x >> return (ix+1)) 0 toWrite
        replicateM_ numWritten (unsafeSemPost cbSem)
        go (prevWritten+numWritten) toWait
{-# INLINE writeSeqList #-}

-- low-level interface
-- these functions deal *only* with reading from/writing to the buffer.  They
-- do not synchronize results.

-- precondition: must have a valid sequence number.
-- this is not checked.
readSeq :: Storable a => CircularBuffer -> Int -> IO a
readSeq CircularBuffer{..} rseq = do
    let cbPtr  = castPtr $ sbPtr $ cbBuf
        offset = rseq .&. (cbSize-1)
    peek (cbPtr `advancePtr` offset)
-- ghc inlines these already

-- precondition: must have a valid sequence number.
-- this is not checked.
readSeqs :: Storable a => CircularBuffer -> Int -> Int -> IO [a]
readSeqs CircularBuffer{..} rseq count
  | count <= 0 = return []
  | otherwise  = go (count-1) []
    cbPtr = castPtr $ sbPtr cbBuf
    go 0 acc = do
        let offset = rseq .&. (cbSize-1)
        x <- peek (cbPtr `advancePtr` offset)
        return (x:acc)
    go n acc = do
        let offset = (n+rseq) .&. (cbSize-1)
        x <- peek (cbPtr `advancePtr` offset)
        go (n-1) (x:acc)
{-# INLINE readSeqs #-}

-- write to a position in the buffer.  Doesn't validate anything.
writeSeq :: Storable a => CircularBuffer -> Int -> a -> IO ()
writeSeq CircularBuffer{..} wseq val = do
    let cbPtr  = castPtr $ sbPtr $ cbBuf
        offset = wseq .&. (cbSize-1)
    poke (cbPtr `advancePtr` offset) val

-- Does the same as `semWait`, but cheaper if the semaphore
-- is immediately available.
waitAndLock :: Semaphore -> IO ()
waitAndLock sem = do
    gotLock <- unsafeSemTryWait sem
    when (not gotLock) $ do
        gotLock' <- semTimedWait 10 0 sem
        when (not gotLock') $ waitAndLock sem

-- size of an int, as a compile-time constant.
sizeOfInt :: Int
sizeOfInt = $(let sz = sizeOf (0::Int) in [| sz |])