shell-conduit [![Hackage](]( ===== Write shell scripts with Conduit. Still in the experimental phase. [Haddock API documentation]( ### Examples ##### Cloning and initializing a repo ``` haskell import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Data.Conduit.Shell import System.Directory main = run (do exists <- liftIO (doesDirectoryExist "fpco") if exists then rm "fpco/.hsenvs" "-rf" else git "clone" "" liftIO (setCurrentDirectory "fpco") shell "./dev-scripts/" shell "./dev-scripts/" alertDone) ``` ##### Piping Piping of processes and normal conduits is possible: ``` haskell λ> run (ls $| grep ".*" $| shell "cat" $| conduit ( ( toUpper))) DIST EXAMPLES LICENSE README.MD SETUP.HS SHELL-CONDUIT.CABAL SRC TAGS TODO.ORG ``` ##### Running actions in sequence and piping Results are outputted to stdout unless piped into other processes: ``` haskell λ> run (do shell "echo sup"; shell "echo hi") sup hi λ> run (do shell "echo sup" $| sed "s/u/a/"; shell "echo hi") sap hi ``` ##### Streaming Live streaming between pipes like in normal shell scripting is possible: ``` haskell λ> run (do tail' "/tmp/example.txt" "-f" $| grep "--line-buffered" "Hello") Hello, world! Oh, hello! ``` (Remember that `grep` needs `--line-buffered` if it is to output things line-by-line). ##### Handling exit failures Process errors can be ignored by using the Alternative instance. ``` haskell import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad.Fix import Data.Conduit.Shell main = run (do ls echo "Restarting server ... ?" killall name "-q" <|> return () fix (\loop -> do echo "Waiting for it to terminate ..." sleep "1" (ps "-C" name >> loop) <|> return ()) shell "dist/build/ircbrowse/ircbrowse ircbrowse.conf") where name = "ircbrowse" ``` ##### Running custom things You can run processes directly: ``` haskell λ> run (proc "ls" []) dist LICENSE Setup.hs src examples shell-conduit.cabal TAGS ``` Or shell commands: ``` haskell λ> run (shell "ls") dist LICENSE Setup.hs src examples shell-conduit.cabal TAGS ``` Or conduits: ``` haskell λ> run (cat $| conduit (awaitForever yield)) hello hello Interrupted. ``` ##### Keyboard configuration ``` haskell import Data.Conduit.Shell main = run (do xmodmap ".xmodmap" xset "r" "rate" "150" "50") ``` ### How it works All executable names in the `PATH` at compile-time are brought into scope as runnable process conduits e.g. `ls` or `grep`. All processes are bound as variadic process calling functions, like this: ``` haskell rmdir :: ProcessType r => r ls :: ProcessType r => r ``` But ultimately the types end up being: ``` haskell rmdir "foo" :: Segment r ls :: Segment r ls "." :: Segment r ``` Etc. Run all shell scripts with ``` haskell run :: Segment r -> IO r ``` The `Segment` type has a handy `Alternative` instance. ### String types If using `OverloadedStrings` so that you can use `Text` for arguments, then also enable `ExtendedDefaultRules`, otherwise you'll get ambiguous type errors. ``` haskell {-# LANGUAGE ExtendedDefaultRules #-} ``` But this isn't necessary if you don't need to use `Text` yet. Strings literals will be interpreted as `String`. Though you can pass a value of type `Text` or any instance of `CmdArg` without needing conversions. ### Other modules You might want to import the regular Conduit modules qualified, too: ``` haskell import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL ``` Which contains handy functions for working on streams in a list-like way. See the rest of the handy modules for Conduit in [conduit-extra]( Also of interest is [csv-conduit](, [html-conduit](, and [http-conduit]( Finally, see the Conduit category on Hackage for other useful libraries: All of these general purpose Conduits can be used in shell scripting.