{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

-- | Reading from the process.

module Data.Conduit.Shell.Process
  (-- * Running scripts
   -- * Conduit types
  -- * General conduits
  -- * Running processes

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Concurrent.Async
import           Control.Exception
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import           Data.Conduit
import           Data.Conduit.Binary
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import           Data.Conduit.Text (encodeUtf8, decodeUtf8)
import           Data.Text (Text)
import           Data.Typeable
import           System.Exit
import           System.IO
import           System.Posix.IO (createPipe, fdToHandle)
import           System.Process hiding (createPipe)

-- | A pipeable segment. Either a conduit or a process.
data Segment r
  = SegmentConduit (ConduitM ByteString (Either ByteString ByteString) IO r)
  | SegmentProcess (Handles -> IO r)

instance Monad Segment where
  return = SegmentConduit . return
  SegmentConduit c >>= f =
    SegmentProcess (conduitToProcess c) >>=
  SegmentProcess f >>= g =
      (\handles ->
         do x <- f handles
            case g x of
              SegmentConduit c ->
                conduitToProcess c handles
              SegmentProcess p -> p handles)

instance Functor Segment where
  fmap = liftM

instance Applicative Segment where
  (<*>) = ap; pure = return

instance Alternative Segment where
  this <|> that =
    do ex <- tryS this
       case ex of
         Right x -> pure x
         Left (_ :: ProcessException) -> that
  empty = throw ProcessEmpty

-- | Try something in a segment.
tryS :: Exception e => Segment r -> Segment (Either e r)
tryS s =
  case s of
    SegmentConduit c -> SegmentConduit (tryC c)
    SegmentProcess f -> SegmentProcess (\h -> try (f h))

instance MonadIO Segment where
  liftIO x = SegmentProcess (const x)

-- | Process handles: @stdin@, @stdout@, @stderr@
data Handles =
  Handles Handle

-- | Process running exception.
data ProcessException
  = ProcessException CreateProcess
  | ProcessEmpty
  deriving (Typeable)

instance Exception ProcessException

instance Show ProcessException where
  show ProcessEmpty = "empty process"
  show (ProcessException cp ec) =
      [ "The "
      , case cmdspec cp of
          ShellCommand s -> "shell command " ++ show s
          RawCommand f args -> "raw command: " ++ unwords (f : map show args)
      , " returned a failure exit code: "
      , case ec of
          ExitFailure i -> show i
          _ -> show ec

-- | Convert a process or a conduit to a segment.
class ToSegment a  where
  type SegmentResult a
  toSegment :: a -> Segment (SegmentResult a)

instance ToSegment (Segment r) where
  type SegmentResult (Segment r) = r
  toSegment = id

instance (a ~ ByteString, ToChunk b, m ~ IO) =>
         ToSegment (ConduitT a b m r) where
  type SegmentResult (ConduitT a b m r) = r
  toSegment f = SegmentConduit (f `fuseUpstream` CL.map toChunk)

instance ToSegment CreateProcess where
  type SegmentResult CreateProcess = ()
  toSegment = liftProcess

-- | Used to allow outputting stdout or stderr.
class ToChunk a  where
  toChunk :: a -> Either ByteString ByteString

instance ToChunk ByteString where
  toChunk = Left

instance ToChunk (Either ByteString ByteString) where
  toChunk = id

-- | Run a shell command.
shell :: String -> Segment ()
shell = liftProcess . System.Process.shell

-- | Run a process command.
proc :: String -> [String] -> Segment ()
proc name args = liftProcess (System.Process.proc name args)

-- | Run a segment.
run :: Segment r -> IO r
run (SegmentConduit c) = run (SegmentProcess (conduitToProcess c))
run (SegmentProcess p) = p (Handles stdin stdout stderr)

-- | Fuse two segments (either processes or conduits).
($|) :: Segment () -> Segment b -> Segment b
x $| y = x `fuseSegment` y

infixl 0 $|

-- | Work on the stream as 'Text' values from UTF-8.
  :: (r ~ (), m ~ IO)
  => ConduitT Text Text m r -> Segment r
text conduit' = bytes (decodeUtf8 .| conduit' .| encodeUtf8)

-- | Lift a conduit into a segment.
  :: (a ~ ByteString, m ~ IO)
  => ConduitT a ByteString m r -> Segment r
bytes f = SegmentConduit (f `fuseUpstream` CL.map toChunk)

-- | Lift a conduit into a segment.
  :: (a ~ ByteString, m ~ IO)
  => ConduitT a ByteString m r -> Segment r
conduit f = SegmentConduit (f `fuseUpstream` CL.map toChunk)

-- | Lift a conduit into a segment, which can yield stderr.
  :: (a ~ ByteString, m ~ IO)
  => ConduitT a (Either ByteString ByteString) m r -> Segment r
conduitEither f = SegmentConduit (f `fuseUpstream` CL.map toChunk)

-- | Lift a process into a segment.
liftProcess :: CreateProcess -> Segment ()
liftProcess cp =
    (\(Handles inh outh errh) ->
        let config =
              { std_in = UseHandle inh
              , std_out = UseHandle outh
              , std_err = UseHandle errh
              , close_fds = True
        in do (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, ph) <- createProcess_ "liftProcess" config
              ec <- waitForProcess ph
              case ec of
                ExitSuccess -> return ()
                _ -> throwIO (ProcessException cp ec))

-- | Convert a conduit to a process.
conduitToProcess :: ConduitT ByteString (Either ByteString ByteString) IO r
                 -> (Handles -> IO r)
conduitToProcess c (Handles inh outh errh) =
  runConduit $ sourceHandle inh .| c `fuseUpstream` sinkHandles outh errh

-- | Sink everything into the two handles.
sinkHandles :: Handle
            -> Handle
            -> ConduitT (Either ByteString ByteString) Void IO ()
sinkHandles out err =
    (\ebs ->
        case ebs of
          Left bs -> S.hPut out bs
          Right bs -> S.hPut err bs)

-- | Create a pipe.
createHandles :: IO (Handle, Handle)
createHandles =
    (do (inFD, outFD) <- createPipe
        x <- fdToHandle inFD
        y <- fdToHandle outFD
        hSetBuffering x NoBuffering
        hSetBuffering y NoBuffering
        return (x, y))

-- | Fuse two processes.
fuseProcess :: (Handles -> IO ()) -> (Handles -> IO r) -> (Handles -> IO r)
fuseProcess left right (Handles in1 out2 err) = do
  (in2, out1) <- createHandles
    (Concurrently (left (Handles in1 out1 err) `finally` hClose out1) *>
     Concurrently (right (Handles in2 out2 err) `finally` hClose in2))

-- | Fuse two conduits.
  :: Monad m
  => ConduitT ByteString (Either ByteString ByteString) m ()
  -> ConduitT ByteString (Either ByteString ByteString) m r
  -> ConduitT ByteString (Either ByteString ByteString) m r
fuseConduit left right = left .| getZipConduit right'
    right' =
      ZipConduit (CL.filter isRight) *>
      ZipConduit (CL.mapMaybe (either (const Nothing) Just) .| right)
    isRight Right {} = True
    isRight Left {} = False

-- | Fuse a conduit with a process.
  :: ConduitT ByteString (Either ByteString ByteString) IO ()
  -> (Handles -> IO r)
  -> (Handles -> IO r)
fuseConduitProcess left right (Handles in1 out2 err) = do
  (in2, out1) <- createHandles
       ((runConduit $ sourceHandle in1 .| left .| sinkHandles out1 err) `finally`
        hClose out1) *>
     Concurrently (right (Handles in2 out2 err) `finally` hClose in2))

-- | Fuse a process with a conduit.
  :: (Handles -> IO ())
  -> ConduitT ByteString (Either ByteString ByteString) IO r
  -> (Handles -> IO r)
fuseProcessConduit left right (Handles in1 out2 err) = do
  (in2, out1) <- createHandles
    (Concurrently (left (Handles in1 out1 err) `finally` hClose out1) *>
       ((runConduit $
         sourceHandle in2 .| right `fuseUpstream` sinkHandles out2 err) `finally`
        hClose in2))

-- | Fuse one segment with another.
fuseSegment :: Segment () -> Segment r -> Segment r
SegmentConduit x `fuseSegment` SegmentConduit y =
  SegmentConduit (fuseConduit x y)
SegmentConduit x `fuseSegment` SegmentProcess y =
  SegmentProcess (fuseConduitProcess x y)
SegmentProcess x `fuseSegment` SegmentConduit y =
  SegmentProcess (fuseProcessConduit x y)
SegmentProcess x `fuseSegment` SegmentProcess y =
  SegmentProcess (fuseProcess x y)