{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, CPP #-} {- | shelltest - a tool for testing command-line programs. See shelltestrunner.cabal. (c) Simon Michael 2009-2011, released under GNU GPLv3 or later. -} module Main where import Control.Concurrent (forkIO) import Control.Concurrent.MVar (newEmptyMVar, putMVar, takeMVar) import Control.Monad (liftM,when,unless) import Data.List import Data.Maybe (isNothing,isJust,fromJust,catMaybes) import Data.Version (showVersion) import qualified Test.HUnit (Test) import System.Console.CmdArgs import System.Exit import System.IO (Handle, hGetContents, hPutStr) import System.Process (StdStream (CreatePipe), shell, createProcess, CreateProcess (..), waitForProcess, ProcessHandle) import Test.Framework (defaultMainWithArgs) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (hUnitTestToTests) import Test.HUnit hiding (Test) import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec import Text.Printf (printf) import Text.Regex.TDFA ((=~)) import Debug.Trace import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist) import System.FilePath (takeDirectory) import System.FilePath.Find (findWithHandler, (==?), always) import qualified System.FilePath.Find as Find (extension) #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) #endif import Data.Algorithm.Diff import PlatformString (fromPlatformString, toPlatformString) import Paths_shelltestrunner (version) strace :: Show a => a -> a strace a = trace (show a) a progname, progversion :: String progname = "shelltest" progversion = progname ++ " " ++ showVersion version proghelpsuffix :: [String] proghelpsuffix = [ -- keep this bit synced with options width " -- TFOPTIONS Set extra test-framework options like -j/--threads," ," -t/--select-tests, -o/--timeout, --hide-successes." ," Use -- --help for a list. Avoid spaces." ,"" ] formathelp :: String formathelp = unlines [ "Test format:" ,"" ,"# optional comments" ,"one-line shell command (required; indent to disable --with substitution)" ,"<<<" ,"0 or more lines of stdin input" ,">>>" ,"0 or more lines of expected stdout output (or /regexp/ on the previous line)" ,">>>2" ,"0 or more lines of expected stderr output (or /regexp/ on the previous line)" ,">>>= 0 (or other expected numeric exit status, or /regexp/) (required)" ,"" ] data Args = Args { all_ :: Bool ,color :: Bool ,diff :: Bool ,precise :: Bool ,exclude :: [String] ,execdir :: Bool ,extension :: String ,with :: String ,debug :: Bool ,debug_parse :: Bool ,help_format :: Bool ,testpaths :: [FilePath] } deriving (Show, Data, Typeable) argdefs = Args { all_ = def &= help "Show all failure output, even if large" ,color = def &= help "Show colored output if your terminal supports it" ,diff = def &= name "d" &= help "Show failures in diff format" ,precise = def &= help "Show failure output precisely (good for whitespace)" ,exclude = def &= name "x" &= typ "STR" &= help "Exclude test files whose path contains STR" ,execdir = def &= help "Run tests from within the test file's directory" ,extension = ".test" &= typ "EXT" &= help "Filename suffix of test files (default: .test)" ,with = def &= typ "EXECUTABLE" &= help "Replace the first word of (unindented) test commands" ,debug = def &= help "Show debug info, for troubleshooting" ,debug_parse = def &= help "Show test file parsing info and stop" ,help_format = def &= explicit &= name "help-format" &= help "Display test format help" ,testpaths = def &= args &= typ "TESTFILES|TESTDIRS" } &= program progname &= summary progversion &= details proghelpsuffix data ShellTest = ShellTest { testname :: String ,command :: TestCommand ,stdin :: Maybe String ,stdoutExpected :: Maybe Matcher ,stderrExpected :: Maybe Matcher ,exitCodeExpected :: Matcher } data TestCommand = ReplaceableCommand String | FixedCommand String deriving Show type Regexp = String data Matcher = Lines Int String | Numeric String | NegativeNumeric String | PositiveRegex Regexp | NegativeRegex Regexp main :: IO () main = do args' <- cmdArgs argdefs >>= checkArgs let (args,passthroughopts) = (args'{testpaths=realargs}, ptopts) where (ptopts,realargs) = partition ("-" `isPrefixOf`) $ testpaths args' when (debug args) $ printf "%s\n" progversion >> printf "args: %s\n" (show args) let paths = testpaths args testfiles' <- nub . concat <$> mapM (\p -> do isdir <- doesDirectoryExist p if isdir then findWithHandler (\_ e->fail (show e)) always (Find.extension ==? extension args) p else return [p]) paths let testfiles = filter (not . \p -> any (`isInfixOf` p) (exclude args)) testfiles' excluded = length testfiles' - length testfiles when (excluded > 0) $ printf "Excluding %d test files\n" excluded when (debug args) $ printf "processing %d test files: %s\n" (length testfiles) (intercalate ", " $ map fromPlatformString $ testfiles) parseresults <- mapM (parseShellTestFile args) testfiles unless (debug_parse args) $ defaultMainWithArgs (concatMap (hUnitTestToTests . testFileParseToHUnitTest args) parseresults) (passthroughopts ++ if color args then [] else ["--plain"]) -- | Additional argument checking. checkArgs :: Args -> IO Args checkArgs args = do when (help_format args) $ printf formathelp >> exitSuccess when (null $ testpaths args) $ warn $ printf "Please specify at least one test file or directory, eg: %s tests" progname return args -- | Show a message, usage string, and terminate with exit status 1. warn :: String -> IO () warn s = putStrLn s >> exitWith (ExitFailure 1) -- parsing parseShellTestFile :: Args -> FilePath -> IO (Either ParseError [ShellTest]) parseShellTestFile args f = do p <- parseFromFile shelltestfilep f case p of Right ts -> do let ts' | length ts > 1 = [t{testname=testname t++":"++show n} | (n,t) <- zip ([1..]::[Int]) ts] | otherwise = ts when (debug args || debug_parse args) $ do printf "parsed %s:\n" $ fromPlatformString f mapM_ (putStrLn.(' ':).show) ts' return $ Right ts' Left _ -> do when (debug args || debug_parse args) $ do printf "failed to parse any tests in %s\n" $ fromPlatformString f return p shelltestfilep :: Parser [ShellTest] shelltestfilep = do ts <- many (try shelltestp) skipMany whitespaceorcommentlinep eof return ts shelltestp :: Parser ShellTest shelltestp = do st <- getParserState let f = fromPlatformString $ sourceName $ statePos st skipMany whitespaceorcommentlinep c <- commandp "command line" i <- optionMaybe inputp "input" o <- optionMaybe expectedoutputp "expected output" e <- optionMaybe expectederrorp "expected error output" x <- expectedexitcodep "expected exit status" when (null (show c) && (isNothing i) && (null $ catMaybes [o,e]) && null (show x)) $ fail "" return $ ShellTest{testname=f,command=c,stdin=i,stdoutExpected=o,stderrExpected=e,exitCodeExpected=x} newlineoreofp, whitespacecharp :: Parser Char linep,lineoreofp,whitespacep,whitespacelinep,commentlinep,whitespaceorcommentlinep,whitespaceorcommentlineoreofp,delimiterp,inputp :: Parser String linep = (anyChar `manyTill` newline) "rest of line" newlineoreofp = newline <|> (eof >> return '\n') "newline or end of file" lineoreofp = (anyChar `manyTill` newlineoreofp) whitespacecharp = oneOf " \t" whitespacep = many whitespacecharp whitespacelinep = try (newline >> return "") <|> try (whitespacecharp >> whitespacecharp `manyTill` newlineoreofp) commentlinep = try (whitespacep >> char '#' >> lineoreofp) "comments" whitespaceorcommentlinep = commentlinep <|> whitespacelinep whitespaceorcommentlineoreofp = choice [(eof >> return ""), commentlinep, whitespacelinep] delimiterp = choice [try $ string "<<<", try $ string ">>>", eof >> return ""] commandp,fixedcommandp,replaceablecommandp :: Parser TestCommand commandp = fixedcommandp <|> replaceablecommandp fixedcommandp = many1 whitespacecharp >> linep >>= return . FixedCommand replaceablecommandp = linep >>= return . ReplaceableCommand inputp = try $ string "<<<" >> whitespaceorcommentlinep >> (liftM unlines) (linep `manyTill` (lookAhead delimiterp)) expectedoutputp :: Parser Matcher expectedoutputp = (try $ do string ">>>" >> optional (char '1') whitespacep choice [positiveregexmatcherp, negativeregexmatcherp, whitespaceorcommentlineoreofp >> linesmatcherp] ) "expected output" expectederrorp :: Parser Matcher expectederrorp = (try $ do string ">>>2" whitespacep choice [positiveregexmatcherp, negativeregexmatcherp, (whitespaceorcommentlineoreofp >> linesmatcherp)] ) "expected error output" expectedexitcodep :: Parser Matcher expectedexitcodep = (try $ do string ">>>=" whitespacep choice [positiveregexmatcherp, try negativeregexmatcherp, numericmatcherp, negativenumericmatcherp] ) "expected exit status" linesmatcherp :: Parser Matcher linesmatcherp = do ln <- liftM sourceLine getPosition (liftM $ Lines ln . unlines) (linep `manyTill` (lookAhead delimiterp)) "lines of output" negativeregexmatcherp :: Parser Matcher negativeregexmatcherp = (do char '!' PositiveRegex r <- positiveregexmatcherp return $ NegativeRegex r) "non-matched regexp pattern" positiveregexmatcherp :: Parser Matcher positiveregexmatcherp = (do char '/' r <- (try escapedslashp <|> noneOf "/") `manyTill` (char '/') whitespaceorcommentlineoreofp return $ PositiveRegex r) "regexp pattern" negativenumericmatcherp :: Parser Matcher negativenumericmatcherp = (do char '!' Numeric s <- numericmatcherp return $ NegativeNumeric s ) "non-matched number" numericmatcherp :: Parser Matcher numericmatcherp = (do s <- many1 $ oneOf "0123456789" whitespaceorcommentlineoreofp return $ Numeric s ) "number" escapedslashp :: Parser Char escapedslashp = char '\\' >> char '/' -- running testFileParseToHUnitTest :: Args -> Either ParseError [ShellTest] -> Test.HUnit.Test testFileParseToHUnitTest args (Right ts) = TestList $ map (shellTestToHUnitTest args) ts testFileParseToHUnitTest _ (Left e) = ("parse error in " ++ (sourceName $ errorPos e)) ~: assertFailure $ show e shellTestToHUnitTest :: Args -> ShellTest -> Test.HUnit.Test shellTestToHUnitTest args ShellTest{testname=n,command=c,stdin=i,stdoutExpected=o_expected, stderrExpected=e_expected,exitCodeExpected=x_expected} = n ~: do let e = with args cmd = case (e,c) of (_:_, ReplaceableCommand s) -> e ++ " " ++ dropWhile (/=' ') s (_, ReplaceableCommand s) -> s (_, FixedCommand s) -> s dir = if execdir args then Just $ takeDirectory n else Nothing trim' = if all_ args then id else trim when (debug args) $ printf "command was: %s\n" (show cmd) (o_actual, e_actual, x_actual) <- runCommandWithInput dir (toPlatformString cmd) i when (debug args) $ do printf "stdout was : %s\n" (show $ trim' o_actual) printf "stderr was : %s\n" (show $ trim' e_actual) printf "exit was : %s\n" (show $ trim' $ show x_actual) if (x_actual == 127) -- catch bad executable - should work on posix systems at least then ioError $ userError e_actual -- XXX still a test failure; should be an error else assertString $ addnewline $ intercalate "\n" $ filter (not . null) [ if (maybe True (o_actual `matches`) o_expected) then "" else showExpectedActual args "stdout" (fromJust o_expected) o_actual ,if (maybe True (e_actual `matches`) e_expected) then "" else showExpectedActual args "stderr" (fromJust e_expected) e_actual ,if (show x_actual `matches` x_expected) then "" else showExpectedActual args{diff=False} "exit code" x_expected (show x_actual) ] where addnewline "" = "" addnewline s = "\n"++s -- | Run a shell command line, passing it standard input if provided, -- and return the standard output, standard error output and exit code. -- Note on unix, at least with ghc 6.12, command (and filepath) are assumed to be utf8-encoded. runCommandWithInput :: Maybe FilePath -> String -> Maybe String -> IO (String, String, Int) runCommandWithInput wd cmd input = do -- this has to be done carefully (ih,oh,eh,ph) <- runInteractiveCommandInDir wd cmd when (isJust input) $ forkIO (hPutStr ih $ fromJust input) >> return () o <- newEmptyMVar e <- newEmptyMVar forkIO $ oh `hGetContentsStrictlyAnd` putMVar o forkIO $ eh `hGetContentsStrictlyAnd` putMVar e x_actual <- waitForProcess ph >>= return.fromExitCode o_actual <- takeMVar o e_actual <- takeMVar e return (o_actual, e_actual, x_actual) runInteractiveCommandInDir :: Maybe FilePath -> String -> IO (Handle, Handle, Handle, ProcessHandle) runInteractiveCommandInDir wd cmd = do (mb_in, mb_out, mb_err, p) <- createProcess $ (shell cmd) { cwd = wd , std_in = CreatePipe , std_out = CreatePipe , std_err = CreatePipe } return (fromJust mb_in, fromJust mb_out, fromJust mb_err, p) hGetContentsStrictlyAnd :: Handle -> (String -> IO b) -> IO b hGetContentsStrictlyAnd h f = hGetContents h >>= \s -> length s `seq` f s matches :: String -> Matcher -> Bool matches s (PositiveRegex r) = s `containsRegex` r matches s (NegativeRegex r) = not $ s `containsRegex` r matches s (Numeric p) = s == p matches s (NegativeNumeric p) = not $ s == p matches s (Lines _ p) = s == p showExpectedActual :: Args -> String -> Matcher -> String -> String showExpectedActual args@Args{diff=True} _ (Lines ln e) a = printf "--- Expected\n+++ Got\n" ++ showDiff args(1,ln) (getDiff (lines a) (lines e)) showExpectedActual Args{all_=all_,precise=precise} field e a = printf "Expected %s: %s\nGot %s: %s" field (show' $ showm e) field (show' $ trim' a) where show' = if precise then show else ("\n"++) showm = if all_ then showMatcher else showMatcherTrimmed trim' = if all_ then id else trim showDiff :: Args -> (Int,Int) -> [(Diff String)] -> String showDiff _ _ [] = "" showDiff args@Args{all_=all_,precise=precise} (l,r) ((First ln) : ds) = printf "+%4d " l ++ ln' ++ "\n" ++ showDiff args (l+1,r) ds where ln' = trim' $ show' ln trim' = if all_ then id else trim show' = if precise then show else id showDiff args@Args{all_=all_,precise=precise} (l,r) ((Second ln) : ds) = printf "-%4d " r ++ ln' ++ "\n" ++ showDiff args (l,r+1) ds where ln' = trim' $ show' ln trim' = if all_ then id else trim show' = if precise then show else id showDiff args (l,r) ((Both _ _) : ds) = showDiff args (l+1,r+1) ds instance Show Matcher where show = showMatcherTrimmed showMatcherTrimmed :: Matcher -> String showMatcherTrimmed (PositiveRegex r) = "/"++(trim r)++"/" showMatcherTrimmed (NegativeRegex r) = "!/"++(trim r)++"/" showMatcherTrimmed (Numeric s) = trim s showMatcherTrimmed (NegativeNumeric s) = "!"++ trim s showMatcherTrimmed (Lines _ s) = trim s showMatcher :: Matcher -> String showMatcher (PositiveRegex r) = "/"++r++"/" showMatcher (NegativeRegex r) = "!/"++r++"/" showMatcher (Numeric s) = s showMatcher (NegativeNumeric s) = "!"++ s showMatcher (Lines _ s) = s instance Show ShellTest where show ShellTest{testname=n,command=c,stdin=i,stdoutExpected=o,stderrExpected=e,exitCodeExpected=x} = printf "ShellTest {testname = %s, command = %s, stdin = %s, stdoutExpected = %s, stderrExpected = %s, exitCodeExpected = %s}" (show $ trim n) (show c) (maybe "Nothing" (show.trim) i) (show o) (show e) (show x) -- utils trim :: String -> String trim s | l <= limit = s | otherwise = take limit s ++ suffix where limit = 500 l = length s suffix = printf "...(%d more)" (l-limit) -- toExitCode :: Int -> ExitCode -- toExitCode 0 = ExitSuccess -- toExitCode n = ExitFailure n fromExitCode :: ExitCode -> Int fromExitCode ExitSuccess = 0 fromExitCode (ExitFailure n) = n strip,lstrip,rstrip,dropws :: String -> String strip = lstrip . rstrip lstrip = dropws rstrip = reverse . dropws . reverse dropws = dropWhile (`elem` " \t") -- | Test if a string contains a regular expression. A malformed regexp -- (or a regexp larger than 300 characters, to avoid a regex-tdfa memory leak) -- will cause a runtime error. This version uses regex-tdfa and no regexp -- options. containsRegex :: String -> String -> Bool containsRegex s "" = containsRegex s "^" containsRegex s r | length r <= 300 = s =~ r | otherwise = error "please avoid regexps larger than 300 characters, they are currently problematic" -- | Replace occurrences of old list with new list within a larger list. replace::(Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a] -> [a] replace [] _ = id replace old new = replace' where replace' [] = [] replace' l@(h:ts) = if old `isPrefixOf` l then new ++ replace' (drop len l) else h : replace' ts len = length old