module SMR.Source.Parser where
import SMR.Core.Exp.Base
import SMR.Source.Expected
import SMR.Source.Token
import SMR.Source.Lexer
import SMR.Data.Located

import Data.Text                        (Text)

import qualified SMR.Source.Parsec      as P
import qualified SMR.Data.Bag           as Bag
import qualified Data.Text              as Text

type Parser s p a
        = P.Parser (Located Token) (Expected (Located Token) s p) a

type Error s p
         = ParseError (Located Token) (Expected (Located Token) s p)

data Config s p
        = Config
        { configReadSym  :: Text -> Maybe s
        , configReadPrm  :: Text -> Maybe p }

-- Interface ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Parse some Shimmer declarations from a list of tokens.
        :: Config s p           -- ^ Primop configration.
        -> [Located Token]      -- ^ Tokens to parse.
        -> Either (Error s p) [Decl s p]
parseDecls c ts
 = case P.parse pDeclsEnd ts of
        P.ParseSkip    es       -> Left $ ParseError (Bag.toList es)
        P.ParseReturn  _ xx     -> Right xx
        P.ParseFailure bs       -> Left $ ParseError (Bag.toList bs)
        P.ParseSuccess xx _     -> Right xx
         = do   ds      <- pDecls c
                _       <- pEnd
                return ds

-- | Parse a Shimmer expression from a list of tokens.
        :: Config s p           -- ^ Primop configuration.
        -> [Located Token]      -- ^ Tokens to parse.
        -> Either (Error s p) (Exp s p)
parseExp c ts
 = case P.parse pExpEnd ts of
        P.ParseSkip    es       -> Left $ ParseError (Bag.toList es)
        P.ParseReturn  _ xx     -> Right xx
        P.ParseFailure bs       -> Left $ ParseError (Bag.toList bs)
        P.ParseSuccess xx _     -> Right xx
         = do   x       <- pExp c
                _       <- pEnd
                return x

-- Decl -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Parser for a list of declarations.
pDecls  :: Config s p -> Parser s p [Decl s p]
pDecls c
 =      P.some (pDecl c)

-- | Parser for a single declaration.
pDecl   :: Config s p -> Parser s p (Decl s p)
pDecl c
 = P.alts
 [ P.enterOn (pNameOfSpace SMac) ExContextDecl $ \name
    -> do psParam <- P.some pParam
          _       <- pPunc '='
          xBody   <- pExp c
          _       <- pPunc ';'
          if length psParam == 0
           then return (DeclMac name xBody)
           else return (DeclMac name $ XAbs psParam xBody)

 , P.enterOn (pNameOfSpace SSet) ExContextDecl $ \name
    -> do _       <- pPunc '='
          xBody   <- pExp c
          _       <- pPunc ';'
          return (DeclSet name xBody)

-- Exp ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Parser for an expression.
pExp :: Config s p -> Parser s p (Exp s p)
pExp c
        -- Abstraction.
 = P.alts
 [ do   _       <- pPunc '\\'
        psParam <- P.some pParam
        _       <- pPunc '.'
        xBody   <- pExp c
        return  $ XAbs  psParam xBody

        -- Substitution train.
 , do   csTrain <- pTrain c
        _       <- pPunc '.'
        xBody   <- pExp c
        return  $  XSub (reverse csTrain) xBody

        -- Application possibly using '$'
 , do   xHead   <- pExpApp c
            (do _       <- pPunc '$'
                xRest   <- pExp c
                return  $  XApp xHead [xRest])
            (return xHead)

-- | Parser for an application.
pExpApp :: Config s p -> Parser s p (Exp s p)
pExpApp c
        -- Application of a superprim.
 = P.alts
 [ do   nKey
         <- do  nKey'   <- pNameOfSpace SKey
                if       nKey' == Text.pack "box" then return KBox
                 else if nKey' == Text.pack "run" then return KRun

        xArg    <- pExpAtom c
        return $ XKey nKey xArg

        -- Application of some other expression.
 , do   xFun    <- pExpAtom c
        xsArgs  <- P.some (pExpAtom c)
        case xsArgs of
         []  -> return $ xFun
         _   -> return $ XApp xFun xsArgs

-- | Parser for an atomic expression.
pExpAtom :: Config s p -> Parser s p (Exp s p)
pExpAtom c
        -- Parenthesised expression.
 = P.alts
 [ do   _       <- pPunc '('
        x       <- pExp c
        _       <- pPunc ')'
        return x

        -- Nominal variable.
 , do   _ <- pPunc '?'
        n <- pNat
        return $ XRef (RNom n)

        -- Text string.
 , do   tx <- pText
        return $ XRef (RTxt tx)

        -- Named variable with or without index.
 , do   (space, name) <- pName

        case space of
         -- Named variable.
          -> P.alt (do  _       <- pPunc '^'
                        ix      <- pNat
                        return  $ XVar name ix)
                   (return $ XVar name 0)

         -- Named macro.
         SMac -> return $ XRef (RMac name)

         -- Named set.
         SSet -> return $ XRef (RSet name)

         -- Named symbol
          -> case configReadSym c name of
                Just s  -> return (XRef (RSym s))
                Nothing ->

         -- Named primitive.
          -> case configReadPrm c name of
                Just p  -> return (XRef (RPrm p))
                Nothing ->

         -- Named keyword.
         SKey ->

         -- Named nominal (should be handled above)
         SNom ->

-- Param ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Parser for a function parameter.
pParam  :: Parser s p Param
 = P.alts
 [ do   _       <- pPunc '!'
        n       <- pNameOfSpace SVar
        return  $  PParam n PVal

 , do   _       <- pPunc '~'
        n       <- pNameOfSpace SVar
        return  $  PParam n PExp

 , do   n       <- pNameOfSpace SVar
        return  $  PParam n PVal


-- Train ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Parser for a substitution train.
--   The cars are produced in reverse order.
pTrain  :: Config s p -> Parser s p [Car s p]
pTrain c
 = do   cCar    <- pTrainCar c
         (do csCar <- pTrain c
             return $ cCar : csCar)
         (do return $ cCar : [])

-- | Parse a single car in the train.
pTrainCar :: Config s p -> Parser s p (Car s p)
pTrainCar c
 = P.alt
        -- Substitution, both simultaneous and recursive
    (do car     <- pCarSimRec c
        return car)

    (do -- An ups car.
        ups     <- pUps
        return (CUps ups))

-- Snv ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Parser for a substitution environment.
-- @
-- Snv   ::= '[' Bind*, ']'
-- @
pCarSimRec :: Config s p -> Parser s p (Car s p)
pCarSimRec c
 = do   _       <- pPunc '['

        P.alt   -- Recursive substitution.
         (do    _       <- pPunc '['
                bs      <- P.sepBy (pBind c) (pPunc ',')
                _       <- pPunc ']'
                _       <- pPunc ']'
                return  $ CRec (SSnv (reverse bs)))

                -- Simultaneous substitution.
         (do    bs      <- P.sepBy (pBind c) (pPunc ',')
                _       <- pPunc ']'
                return  $ CSim (SSnv (reverse bs)))

-- | Parser for a binding.
-- @
-- Bind ::= Name '=' Exp
--       |  Name '^' Nat '=' Exp
-- @
pBind   :: Config s p -> Parser s p (SnvBind s p)
pBind c
 = P.alt
        (P.enterOn (pNameOfSpace SVar) ExContextBind $ \name
         -> P.alt
                (do _       <- pPunc '='
                    x       <- pExp c
                    return  $ BindVar name 0 x)

                (do _       <- pPunc '^'
                    bump    <- pNat
                    _       <- pPunc '='
                    x       <- pExp c
                    return  $ BindVar name bump x))

        (do pPunc '?'
            ix <- pNat
            _  <- pPunc '='
            x  <- pExp c
            return $ BindNom ix x)

-- Ups ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Parser for an ups.
-- @
-- Ups  ::= '{' Bump*, '}'
-- @
pUps :: Parser s p Ups
 = do   _       <- pPunc '{'
        bs      <- P.sepBy pBump (pPunc ',')
        _       <- pPunc '}'
        return  $ UUps (reverse bs)

-- | Parser for a bump.
-- @
-- Bump ::= Name ':' Nat
--       |  Name '^' Nat ':' Nat
-- @
pBump :: Parser s p UpsBump
 = do   name    <- pNameOfSpace SVar
         (do    _       <- pPunc ':'
                inc     <- pNat
                return  ((name, 0), inc))

         (do    _       <- pPunc '^'
                depth   <- pNat
                _       <- pPunc ':'
                inc     <- pNat
                return  ((name, depth), inc))

-- | Parser for a natural number.
pNat  :: Parser s p Integer
pNat  =  P.from ExBaseNat  (takeNatOfToken . valueOfLocated)

-- | Parser for a text string.
pText :: Parser s p Text
pText =  P.from ExBaseText (takeTextOfToken . valueOfLocated)

-- | Parser for a name in the given name space.
pNameOfSpace :: Space -> Parser s p Text
pNameOfSpace s
 = P.from (ExBaseNameOf s) (takeNameOfToken s . valueOfLocated)

-- | Parser for a name of any space.
pName :: Parser s p (Space, Text)
 = P.from ExBaseNameAny    (takeAnyNameOfToken . valueOfLocated)

-- | Parser for the end of input token.
pEnd  :: Parser s p ()
 = do   _ <- P.satisfies ExBaseEnd (isToken KEnd . valueOfLocated)
        return ()

-- | Parser for a punctuation character.
pPunc  :: Char -> Parser s p ()
pPunc c
 = do   _ <- P.satisfies (ExBasePunc c) (isToken (KPunc c) . valueOfLocated)
        return ()