cabal-version: 2.4 name: simfin version: 1.0.0 synopsis: A library to fetch and parse financial data from the SimFin(+) API. homepage: license: MIT license-file: LICENSE author: Owen Shepherd maintainer: category: Web, Finance extra-source-files: description: This library aims to wrap the [SimFin(+)]( API as completely as possible. SimFin provides fundamental financial data. library exposed-modules: SimFin.Plus , SimFin.Free , SimFin.Common , SimFin.Types.BalanceSheet , SimFin.Types.CashFlow , SimFin.Types.CompanyInfo , SimFin.Types.CompanyListing , SimFin.Types.Derived , SimFin.Types.FiscalPeriod , SimFin.Types.Industry , SimFin.Types.Prices , SimFin.Types.PricesAndRatios , SimFin.Types.PricesQuery , SimFin.Types.ProfitAndLoss , SimFin.Types.Ratios , SimFin.Types.StatementQuery , SimFin.Types.StockRef , SimFin.Types.StringFrac , SimFin.Util other-modules: SimFin.Internal build-depends: base >= && < 5 , composition-extra , http-client-tls , http-client , exceptions , bytestring , http-types , utf8-string , aeson >= && < 2.1 , text , time , unordered-containers hs-source-dirs: src default-language: Haskell2010 ghc-options: -Wall test-suite simfin-test default-language: Haskell2010 type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: test main-is: Test.hs build-depends: base >= && < 5 , simfin , aeson , text , tasty , tasty-hunit common examples-common default-language: Haskell2010 hs-source-dirs: examples ghc-options: -Wall build-depends: base >= && < 5 , simfin , time , Chart >= 1.9.3 && < 1.9.4 , SVGFonts < 1.8 , Chart-diagrams >= 1.9.3 && < 1.9.4 , text , simfin executable graph-prices import: examples-common main-is: Prices.hs executable graph-eps import: examples-common main-is: EarningsPerShare.hs build-depends: containers , multi-containers executable graph-relative-performance import: examples-common main-is: RelativePerformance.hs