simgi - A Stochastic Gillespie Simulator for Molecular Systems

Author: Markus Dittrich
email:haskelladdict at users dot sourceforge dot net
Version: 0.2 (12/01/2009)


  1. Introduction
  2. Status
  3. Download
  4. Compilation
  5. Simgi Model Generation Language (SGL)
  6. Example Input Files
  7. Bugs


simgi is a fairly simple and straightforward stochastic simulator based on Gillespie's [1] direct method. simgi is implemented in pure Haskell, command line driven and comes with a flexible simulation description language called Simgi Model Generation Language (SGL). simgi uses a fast 64 bit implementation of the Mersenne Twister algorithm as random number source.


The 0.2 release of simgi provides a fully functional simulator which has been tested on several model systems some of which were fairly large.


The current release of simgi can be downloaded here.


Compilaton of simgi requires

To compile the documentation (not required), you will also need

Building of simgi can be done either via

Simgi Model Generation Language (SGL)

simgi simulations are described via Simgi Model Generation Language (SGL). The corresponding simulation input files typically have an .sgl extension, but this is not enforced by the simgi simulation engine.

A SGL file consists of zero or more descriptor blocks of the form

def <block name>

  <block content>


The formatting of the input files is very flexible. In particular, neither newlines [2] nor extraneous whitespace matter. Hence, the above SGL block could have also been written on a single line. However, it is strongly recommended to stick to a consistent and "visually simple" layout to aid in "comprehending" the underlying model. Also, it is important to point out that simgi's parser is case sensitive.

Comments can be added to the SGL file and are parsed according to the Haskell language specs

Expression Statements are an important and useful part of SGL. Expression statements are enclosed in curly braces and can contain any mathematical expression involving doubles, the simulation time (via the keyword TIME), as well as the values of any variable or molecule count. The values of time, molecule counts and variables are evaluated at run time and represent the instantaneous values at the time at which the expression is evaluated. Expressions statements can contain any arithmetic expression involving the standard operators "+", "-", "*", "/", "^" (exponentiation), and the mathematical functions sqrt, exp, log, log2, log10, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh, acosh, atanh, erf, erfc, abs.

Internally, expression statements are converted into a compute stack in RPN format which is evaluated at run-time. Even though this procedure is fairly efficient, there is some numerical overhead incurred at each iteration and the use of complicated rate expressions should therefore be avoided if possible.

Below is a list of all SGL blocks available for describing simulations. Presently, the order of blocks matters and should be exactly the same in which they are described below. Several SGL blocks are optional and are marked as such below.

Currently, the SGL specs define the following block types with their respective block commands and block content:

parameter block: <block name> = parameters

The purpose of the parameter block is to describe the global simulation parameters. The following parameters are currently supported:

time = Double
Maximum simulation time in seconds. Default is 0.0 s.
outputBuffer = Integer

Output will be kept in memory and written to the output file and stdout every outputBuffer iterations. Larger values should result in faster simulations but require more system memory. Default is to write output every 10000 iterations.

Note: outputBuffer only affects how often output is written to the output file, not how much output is actually generated during a simulation (see outputFreq parameter).

outputFreq = Integer
Iteration frequency with which output is generated. Default is every 1000 iterations. Please note that output is written to the output file in batches of outputBuffer.
systemVol = Double
Volume of the simulation system in liters. This is needed to properly compute the reaction rates in molar units. If rates should rather be interpreted as reaction propensities (like in [1]) please set systemVol = nil. Default is a system volume of 1.0 liter.
outputFile = Quoted String
Name of the output file. This is the only required parameter in the parameter section. If not given, the simulation will terminate.

variable block: <block name> = variables

This block consist of a list of pairs of the form

String = <variable expression>

where String is the variable name, and <variable expression> is either a Double or an expression statement as defined above. Variables can be used in any other expression statement in the SGL file including reaction rate definitions. Please make sure to not define a variable in terms of itself to avoid infinite recursion.

molecule block: <block name> = molecules

This block consist of a list of pairs of the form

String = Integer

giving the name of each molecule and the number of molecules present initially. For example, the following molecule definition block defines molecules A and B with initial numbers of 100 and 200, respectively

def molecules
  A = 100
  B = 200

NOTE: Please do not use any of the predefined mathematical functions or defined variables (including TIME) as molecule names since this will lead to undefined behavior.

reaction block: <block name> = reactions

This block describes the reactions between molecules defined in the molecule block. Reactions are specified via

<reactants> -> <products>  | <rate expression> |

Here, <reactants> and <products> are of the form

Integer String + Integer String + .....

In this expression, String is a molecule name as defined in the molecule block and Integer an optional integer specifying the stoichiometry. If Integer is not explicitly given, it is assumed to be 1.

The <rate expression> can either be a fixed value of type Double or an expression statement as defined above.

Below is an example reaction block for the two molecules A and B defined above:

define reactions
  2A + B -> A  | 10.0e-5 |
  B      -> A  | {2.0e-5 * A * exp(-0.5*TIME)} |

In the first reaction, 2 A molecules react with one B to yield another A at a rate of 10.0e-5. The second reaction describes a decay of B back to A at a rate that is computed based on the instantaneous number of A molecules present and which decays exponentially with simulation time.

event block: <block name> = events

An event block allows one to specify events which will occur during the simulation. Each event consists of a <trigger expression> and an associated set of <action expressions>. Events are specified via

{ <trigger expression> } => { <action expression> }

Here, trigger expression is of the form

<trigger primitive> [ <boolean operator> <trigger primitive>]

with <trigger primitive> defined by

<expression statement> relational operator <expression statement>

Each <trigger primitive> contains two expression statements as defined above and a relational operator which can be any of >=, <=, ==, >, and <. Hence, each <trigger primitive> evaluates to either true or false.

Several <trigger primitives> can be chained together via the <boolean operators> && and || to yield a final boolean value of true or false.

If the <trigger expression> evaluates to true during an iteration, the associated <action expressions> is executed during the same timestep.

<action expression> consists of a semi-colon separated list of assignments

String = <assignment expression> [; String = <assignment expression>]

where String is a molecule or variable name and <expression> either a Double or an expression statement.

NOTE: Since molecule counts are integer values assignments to molecule counts in <action expression> will be converted to an integer value via floor.

output block: <block name> = output

This block consists of a simple list of variable and molecule names that will be streamed to the output file in the same order:

[ name1, name2, name3, .... ]

Example Input Files

Below are several example input files detailing the use of SGL:

These are also available in the Models/ sub-directory in the source tree.


Please report all bugs and feature requests to <haskelladdict at users dot sourceforge dot net>.

[1](1, 2) Daniel T. Gillespie (1977). "Exact Stochastic Simulation of Coupled Chemical Reactions". The Journal of Physical Chemistry 81 (25): 2340-2361
[2]An exception to this rule are line comments starting with -- which ingnore everything until the next newline.