{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, KindSignatures, 
    FlexibleInstances, TypeOperators, TypeSynonymInstances,
    MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, OverlappingInstances,
    ScopedTypeVariables, EmptyDataDecls, DefaultSignatures,
    UndecidableInstances, FlexibleContexts, StandaloneDeriving, IncoherentInstances,
    DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Language.C.Simple.CValue (
import Data.Word
import Data.Data
import GHC.Generics
import Foreign.C.Types
import Control.Applicative
import Data.List
import Data.DList (DList, toList)
import Data.Monoid (mappend)
import Debug.Trace
import Debug.Trace.Helpers
import Data.Tuple.Select
import Control.Monad ((<=<))

debug = False

traceDebug msg x = if debug 
    then trace msg x
    else x

-- | A step in union path
data Side = Lft
          | Rght
          deriving(Show, Eq, Generic)
-- | This is used for the conversion from a CValue back to Haskell type. Ideally it should be
--   and index, but unforunately this does not work with the way Generics creates its :+: binary tree.
--   I'm leaving it here for now, but I might find a more elegant way to handle this.
type UnionPath = [Side]

-- | Primitive C values
data PrimitiveValue = PChar CChar  
                    | PSChar CSChar 
                    | PUChar CUChar 
                    | PShort CShort 
                    | PUShort CUShort
                    | PInt CInt  
                    | PUInt CUInt 
                    | PLong CLong 
                    | PULong CULong
                    | PPtrdiff CPtrdiff
                    | PSize CSize
                    | PWchar CWchar
                    | PSigAtomic CSigAtomic
                    | PLLong CLLong
                    | PULLong CULLong
                    | PIntPtr CIntPtr
                    | PUIntPtr CUIntPtr
                    | PIntMax CIntMax
                    | PUIntMax CUIntMax
                    | PClock CClock
                    | PTime CTime
                    | PUSeconds CUSeconds
                    | PSUSeconds CSUSeconds
                    | PFloat CFloat
                    | PDouble CDouble
                    deriving(Eq, Show, Generic)
-- | A generic C value
data CValue = VStruct [CValue]
            | VUnion UnionPath CValue 
            | VPrimitive PrimitiveValue
            | VArray [CValue]
            | VMember CValue
            | Void
            deriving(Show, Eq, Generic)
-- | ToCValue Class
class ToCValue a where
    toCValue :: a -> CValue
    default toCValue :: (Generic a, GToCValue (Rep a)) => a -> CValue
    toCValue a = gToCValue (from a)    
-- Primitive Instances
instance ToCValue CFloat where
    toCValue = VPrimitive . PFloat 
instance ToCValue CDouble where
    toCValue = VPrimitive . PDouble 

instance ToCValue CChar where
    toCValue = VPrimitive . PChar
instance ToCValue CSChar where
    toCValue = VPrimitive . PSChar
instance ToCValue CUChar where
    toCValue = VPrimitive . PUChar
instance ToCValue CShort where
    toCValue = VPrimitive . PShort
instance ToCValue CUShort where
    toCValue = VPrimitive . PUShort
instance ToCValue CInt where
    toCValue = VPrimitive . PInt
instance ToCValue CUInt where
    toCValue = VPrimitive . PUInt
instance ToCValue CLong where
    toCValue = VPrimitive . PLong
instance ToCValue CULong where
    toCValue = VPrimitive . PULong
instance ToCValue CPtrdiff where
    toCValue = VPrimitive . PPtrdiff
instance ToCValue CSize where
    toCValue = VPrimitive . PSize
instance ToCValue CWchar where
    toCValue = VPrimitive . PWchar
instance ToCValue CSigAtomic where
    toCValue = VPrimitive . PSigAtomic
instance ToCValue CLLong where
    toCValue = VPrimitive . PLLong
instance ToCValue CULLong where
    toCValue = VPrimitive . PULLong
instance ToCValue CIntPtr where
    toCValue = VPrimitive . PIntPtr
instance ToCValue CUIntPtr where
    toCValue = VPrimitive . PUIntPtr
instance ToCValue CIntMax where
    toCValue = VPrimitive . PIntMax
instance ToCValue CUIntMax where
    toCValue = VPrimitive . PUIntMax
instance ToCValue CClock where
    toCValue = VPrimitive . PClock
instance ToCValue CTime where
    toCValue = VPrimitive . PTime
instance ToCValue CUSeconds where
    toCValue = VPrimitive . PUSeconds
instance ToCValue CSUSeconds where
    toCValue = VPrimitive . PSUSeconds
-------------------------------------- Other Instances -----------------------------
instance ToCValue a => ToCValue [a] where
    toCValue = VArray . map toCValue

-- Derive from this to convert a Haskell Type to a CValue

class GToCValue f where
  gToCValue :: f a -> CValue

instance GToCValue U1 where
  gToCValue U1 = Void

instance (Datatype d, DispatchConstructor a, GToCValueList a) => GToCValue (D1 d a) where
  gToCValue = dispatchCon . unM1 . traceDebug "GToCValue (D1 d a)"

instance (Constructor c, GToCValue a) => GToCValue (C1 c a) where
    gToCValue = gToCValue . unM1 . traceDebug "GToCValue (C1 c a)"
instance (Selector s, GToCValue a) => GToCValue (S1 s a) where
    gToCValue = gToCValue . unM1 . traceDebug "GToCValue (S1 s a)"

instance (ToCValue a) => GToCValue (K1 i a) where
  gToCValue = toCValue . unK1 . traceDebug "GToCValue (K1 i a)"

instance (GToCValue a, GToCValue b, GConArgToLit a, GConArgToLit b) => GToCValue (a :*: b) where
    gToCValue =  VStruct . toList . gConArgToLit . traceDebug "GToCValue (a :*: b)"
-- Ripped from Aeson
class GConArgToLit f where
  gConArgToLit :: f a -> DList CValue 

instance (GConArgToLit a, GConArgToLit b) => GConArgToLit (a :*: b) where
  gConArgToLit (a :*: b) = gConArgToLit a `mappend` (gConArgToLit $ traceDebug "GConArgToLit (a :*: b)" b)

instance (Selector s, GToCValue a) => GConArgToLit (S1 s a) where
  gConArgToLit a = pure (VMember $ gToCValue $ traceDebug "GConArgToLit a" a)

class DispatchConstructor    f where dispatchCon  :: f a -> CValue
class DispatchConstructor' b f where dispatchCon' :: Tagged b (f a -> CValue)

instance (IsSum f b, DispatchConstructor' b f, GToCValueList f) => DispatchConstructor f where
    dispatchCon = unTagged (dispatchCon' :: Tagged b (f a -> CValue))

instance (GToCValueList a) => DispatchConstructor' True a where
    dispatchCon' = Tagged (toSum . traceDebug "DispatchConstructor' True a")

toSum :: (GToCValueList f) => f a -> CValue 
toSum x = result where
    result = VUnion index ctype 
    (index, ctype) = toUnionPathValue $ gToCValueList $ traceDebug "GToCValue (a :+: b)" x

instance (GToCValue f) => DispatchConstructor' False f where
    dispatchCon' = Tagged (VUnion [Lft] . gToCValue . traceDebug "DispatchConstructor' False f")
data True
data False

newtype Tagged s b = Tagged {unTagged :: b}

data CValueList = LeftSucc CValueList
                | RightSucc CValueList
                | Nil CValue

--To pick an instance based on the context
class GToCValueList    f where gToCValueList  :: f a -> CValueList
class GToCValueList' b f where gToCValueList' :: Tagged b (f a -> CValueList)

instance (IsSum f b, GToCValueList' b f) => GToCValueList f where
    gToCValueList = unTagged (gToCValueList' :: Tagged b (f a -> CValueList))
instance (GToCValue f) => GToCValueList' False f where
    gToCValueList' = Tagged (Nil . gToCValue)
instance (GToCValueList a, GToCValueList b) => GToCValueList' True (a :+: b) where
    gToCValueList' = Tagged $ \x -> case x of 
                                            R1 x -> RightSucc (gToCValueList $ traceDebug "NilR" x)
                                            L1 x -> LeftSucc (gToCValueList $ traceDebug "Succ" x)

toUnionPath :: CValueList -> UnionPath
toUnionPath (LeftSucc x)  = Lft:(toUnionPath $ traceDebug "LeftSucc" x)
toUnionPath (RightSucc x) = Rght:(toUnionPath $ traceDebug "RightSucc" x)    
toUnionPath (Nil _)       = []

retrieveValue :: CValueList -> CValue
retrieveValue (RightSucc x) = retrieveValue x
retrieveValue (LeftSucc x) = retrieveValue x
retrieveValue (Nil x) = x

toUnionPathValue :: CValueList -> (UnionPath, CValue)
toUnionPathValue x = (toUnionPath x, retrieveValue x)

-- | Derive from this to convert from a CValue to Haskell type
class FromCValue a where
    fromCValue :: CValue -> Either String a
    default fromCValue :: (Generic a, GFromCValue (Rep a)) => CValue -> Either String a
    fromCValue = fmap to . gFromCValue . traceDebug "fromCValue"

instance FromCValue PrimitiveValue where
    fromCValue (VPrimitive x) = Right $ traceDebug "FromCValue PrimitiveValue" x
    fromCValue x = Left $ show x ++  " is not a VPrimitive"
instance FromCValue CSChar where
    fromCValue x = fromPSChar <$> fromCValue x
instance FromCValue CUChar where
    fromCValue x = fromPUChar <$> fromCValue x
instance FromCValue CShort where
    fromCValue x = fromPShort <$> fromCValue x
instance FromCValue CUShort where
    fromCValue x = fromPUShort <$> fromCValue x
instance FromCValue CInt where
    fromCValue x = fromPInt <$> fromCValue x
instance FromCValue CUInt where
    fromCValue x = fromPUInt <$> fromCValue x
instance FromCValue CLong where
    fromCValue x = fromPLong <$> fromCValue x
instance FromCValue CULong where
    fromCValue x = fromPULong <$> fromCValue x
instance FromCValue CPtrdiff where
    fromCValue x = fromPPtrdiff <$> fromCValue x
instance FromCValue CSize where
    fromCValue x = fromPSize <$> fromCValue x
instance FromCValue CWchar where
    fromCValue x = fromPWchar <$> fromCValue x
instance FromCValue CSigAtomic where
    fromCValue x = fromPSigAtomic <$> fromCValue x
instance FromCValue CLLong where
    fromCValue x = fromPLLong <$> fromCValue x
instance FromCValue CULLong where
    fromCValue x = fromPULLong <$> fromCValue x

instance FromCValue CIntPtr where
    fromCValue x = fromPIntPtr <$> fromCValue x
instance FromCValue CUIntPtr where
    fromCValue x = fromPUIntPtr <$> fromCValue x
instance FromCValue CIntMax where
    fromCValue x = fromPIntMax <$> fromCValue x
instance FromCValue CUIntMax where
    fromCValue x = fromPUIntMax <$> fromCValue x
instance FromCValue CClock where
    fromCValue x = fromPClock <$> fromCValue x
instance FromCValue CTime where
    fromCValue x = fromPTime <$> fromCValue x
instance FromCValue CUSeconds where
    fromCValue x = fromPUSeconds <$> fromCValue x
instance FromCValue CSUSeconds where
    fromCValue x = fromPSUSeconds <$> fromCValue x
instance FromCValue CFloat where
    fromCValue x = fromPFloat <$> fromCValue x

instance FromCValue CDouble where
    fromCValue x = fromPDouble <$> fromCValue x
-------------------------------------- Other Instances ---------------------------------
instance FromCValue a => FromCValue [a] where
    fromCValue (VArray xs) = mapM fromCValue xs

-- Generic FromCValue Class
    This should start with the D1
    and basically follow the format above

class GFromCValue f where
  gFromCValue :: CValue -> Either String (f a)

instance GFromCValue U1 where
  gFromCValue Void = Right U1
  gFromCValue x    = Left $ "could not convert from " ++ show x ++ " to the unit type"

instance (Datatype d, ConsFromCValue a, GFromSum a) => GFromCValue (D1 d a) where
  gFromCValue = fmap (\x -> traceDebug ("GFromCValue (D1 d a)" ++ datatypeName x) x) . fmap M1 . consParseCValue

instance (Constructor c, GFromCValue a) => GFromCValue (C1 c a) where
  gFromCValue = fmap (\x -> traceDebug ("GFromCValue (C1 d a)" ++ conName x) x) . fmap M1 . gFromCValue

instance (Selector s, GFromCValue a) => GFromCValue (S1 s a) where
  gFromCValue = fmap (traceDebug "GFromCValue (S1 d a)") . fmap M1 . gFromCValue

instance (FromCValue a) => GFromCValue (K1 i a) where
  gFromCValue = fmap K1 . fromCValue . traceDebug "GFromCValue (K1 i a)"

instance (GFromCValue a, GFromCValue b, GFromProduct a, GFromProduct b) => GFromCValue (a :*: b) where
    gFromCValue (VStruct xs) = gParseProduct $ traceDebug "GFromCValue (a :*: b)" xs 
    gFromCValue x = Left $ "could not convert from " ++ show x ++ " to a product type"


class ConsFromCValue    f where consParseCValue  ::           CValue -> Either String (f a)
class ConsFromCValue' b f where consParseCValue' :: Tagged b (CValue -> Either String (f a))

instance (IsSum f b, ConsFromCValue' b f, GFromSum f) => ConsFromCValue f where
    consParseCValue = unTagged (consParseCValue' :: Tagged b (CValue -> Either String (f a))    )

instance (GFromSum f) => ConsFromCValue' True f where
    consParseCValue' = Tagged parseSum

parseSum :: (GFromSum f) => CValue -> Either String (f a )
parseSum (VUnion index x) = gParseSum index $ traceDebug "parseSum" x
parseSum x = Left $ "a sum type must be a union not" ++ show x

instance (GFromCValue f) => ConsFromCValue' False f where
    consParseCValue' = Tagged (gFromCValue <=< (fromUnionE . traceDebug "ConsFromCValue' False f") )

fromUnionE :: CValue -> Either String CValue
fromUnionE (VUnion _ x) = Right x
fromUnionE x            = Left $ "could not convert from " ++ show x ++ " to a union type"

class GFromProduct f where
    gParseProduct :: [CValue] -> Either String (f a)

instance (GFromProduct a, GFromProduct b) => GFromProduct (a :*: b) where
    gParseProduct []     = Left "parse product can't work with empty lists"
    gParseProduct xs = (:*:) <$> gParseProduct firstHalf
                        <*> (gParseProduct $ traceDebug "GFromProduct (a :*: b)" secondHalf) where
        firstHalf  = take (length xs `div` 2) xs                             
        secondHalf = drop (length xs `div` 2) xs 
instance (Selector s, GFromCValue a) => GFromProduct (S1 s a) where
    gParseProduct ((VMember x):[]) = gFromCValue $ traceDebug "GFromProduct (S1 s a)" x 
    gParseProduct x = Left $ "could not convert from " ++ show x ++ " to a selector or member"
class GFromSum f where
    gParseSum :: UnionPath -> CValue -> Either String (f a)

instance (GFromSum a, GFromSum b) => GFromSum (a :+: b) where
    gParseSum (Lft:[]) x  = L1 <$> (gParseSum [] $ traceDebug "gParseSum L1 []" x)
    gParseSum (Rght:[]) x = R1 <$> (gParseSum [] $ traceDebug "gParseSum R1 []" x)        
    gParseSum (Lft:ys) x  = L1 <$> (gParseSum ys $ traceDebug "gParseSum L1"  x)
    gParseSum (Rght:ys) x = R1 <$> (gParseSum ys $ traceDebug "gParseSum R1"  x)
instance (GFromCValue f) => GFromSum f where
    gParseSum _ x = gFromCValue $ traceDebug "GFromSum (f)" x

class IsSum (f :: * -> *) b | f -> b

instance (IsSum f b) => IsSum (M1 S s f) b
instance (IsSum f b) => IsSum (M1 C c f) b
instance (IsSum f b) => IsSum (M1 D c f) b
instance IsSum (f :+: g) True
instance IsSum (f :*: g) False
instance IsSum (K1 i c) False
instance IsSum U1 False

fromPChar :: PrimitiveValue -> CChar
fromPChar (PChar x1) = x1
fromPChar _ = error "fromPChar failed, not a PChar"
fromPSChar :: PrimitiveValue -> CSChar
fromPSChar (PSChar x1) = x1
fromPSChar _ = error "fromPSChar failed, not a PSChar"
fromPUChar :: PrimitiveValue -> CUChar
fromPUChar (PUChar x1) = x1
fromPUChar _ = error "fromPUChar failed, not a PUChar"
fromPShort :: PrimitiveValue -> CShort
fromPShort (PShort x1) = x1
fromPShort _ = error "fromPShort failed, not a PShort"
fromPUShort :: PrimitiveValue -> CUShort
fromPUShort (PUShort x1) = x1
fromPUShort _ = error "fromPUShort failed, not a PUShort"
fromPInt :: PrimitiveValue -> CInt
fromPInt (PInt x1) = x1
fromPInt _ = error "fromPInt failed, not a PInt"
fromPUInt :: PrimitiveValue -> CUInt
fromPUInt (PUInt x1) = x1
fromPUInt _ = error "fromPUInt failed, not a PUInt"
fromPLong :: PrimitiveValue -> CLong
fromPLong (PLong x1) = x1
fromPLong _ = error "fromPLong failed, not a PLong"
fromPULong :: PrimitiveValue -> CULong
fromPULong (PULong x1) = x1
fromPULong _ = error "fromPULong failed, not a PULong"
fromPPtrdiff :: PrimitiveValue -> CPtrdiff
fromPPtrdiff (PPtrdiff x1) = x1
fromPPtrdiff _ = error "fromPPtrdiff failed, not a PPtrdiff"
fromPSize :: PrimitiveValue -> CSize
fromPSize (PSize x1) = x1
fromPSize _ = error "fromPSize failed, not a PSize"
fromPWchar :: PrimitiveValue -> CWchar
fromPWchar (PWchar x1) = x1
fromPWchar _ = error "fromPWchar failed, not a PWchar"
fromPSigAtomic :: PrimitiveValue -> CSigAtomic
fromPSigAtomic (PSigAtomic x1) = x1
fromPSigAtomic _ = error "fromPSigAtomic failed, not a PSigAtomic"
fromPLLong :: PrimitiveValue -> CLLong
fromPLLong (PLLong x1) = x1
fromPLLong _ = error "fromPLLong failed, not a PLLong"
fromPULLong :: PrimitiveValue -> CULLong
fromPULLong (PULLong x1) = x1
fromPULLong _ = error "fromPULLong failed, not a PULLong"
fromPIntPtr :: PrimitiveValue -> CIntPtr
fromPIntPtr (PIntPtr x1) = x1
fromPIntPtr _ = error "fromPIntPtr failed, not a PIntPtr"
fromPUIntPtr :: PrimitiveValue -> CUIntPtr
fromPUIntPtr (PUIntPtr x1) = x1
fromPUIntPtr _ = error "fromPUIntPtr failed, not a PUIntPtr"
fromPIntMax :: PrimitiveValue -> CIntMax
fromPIntMax (PIntMax x1) = x1
fromPIntMax _ = error "fromPIntMax failed, not a PIntMax"
fromPUIntMax :: PrimitiveValue -> CUIntMax
fromPUIntMax (PUIntMax x1) = x1
fromPUIntMax _ = error "fromPUIntMax failed, not a PUIntMax"
fromPClock :: PrimitiveValue -> CClock
fromPClock (PClock x1) = x1
fromPClock _ = error "fromPClock failed, not a PClock"
fromPTime :: PrimitiveValue -> CTime
fromPTime (PTime x1) = x1
fromPTime _ = error "fromPTime failed, not a PTime"
fromPUSeconds :: PrimitiveValue -> CUSeconds
fromPUSeconds (PUSeconds x1) = x1
fromPUSeconds _ = error "fromPUSeconds failed, not a PUSeconds"
fromPSUSeconds :: PrimitiveValue -> CSUSeconds
fromPSUSeconds (PSUSeconds x1) = x1
fromPSUSeconds _ = error "fromPSUSeconds failed, not a PSUSeconds"
fromPFloat :: PrimitiveValue -> CFloat
fromPFloat (PFloat x1) = x1
fromPFloat _ = error "fromPFloat failed, not a PFloat"
fromPDouble :: PrimitiveValue -> CDouble
fromPDouble (PDouble x1) = x1
fromPDouble _ = error "fromPDouble failed, not a PDouble"

fromVStruct :: CValue -> [CValue]
fromVStruct (VStruct x1) = x1
fromVStruct _ = error "fromVStruct failed, not a VStruct"
fromVUnion :: CValue -> ([Side], CValue)
fromVUnion (VUnion x1 x2) = (x1, x2)
fromVUnion _ = error "fromVUnion failed, not a VUnion"
fromVPrimitive :: CValue -> PrimitiveValue
fromVPrimitive (VPrimitive x1) = x1
fromVPrimitive _ = error "fromVPrimitive failed, not a VPrimitive"
fromVArray :: CValue -> [CValue]
fromVArray (VArray x1) = x1
fromVArray _ = error "fromVArray failed, not a VArray"
fromVMember :: CValue -> CValue
fromVMember (VMember x1) = x1
fromVMember _ = error "fromVMember failed, not a VMember"
fromVoid :: CValue -> ()
fromVoid Void = ()
fromVoid _ = error "fromVoid failed, not a Void"