module SimpleCss.Tricks.Shortcuts.Html 
    (p, a, img, pre,
     h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6,
     ul, ol, aul, aol, table,
     encoding, writeBlazeCss, initHtmls)

import Language.Css.Syntax
import Language.Css.Build

import SimpleCss 

import qualified Text.Blaze.Renderer.String as H
import qualified Text.Blaze as H
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as HA

-- html-elements

textTag tag = prim . tag . H.string

-- | @p@ tag 
p :: String -> Css H.Html
p = textTag H.p

-- | @pre@ tag
pre :: String -> Css H.Html
pre = textTag H.pre

-- | @a@ tag
-- arguments
-- * href
-- * text
a :: String -> String -> Css H.Html
a href text = prim $ H.a H.! HA.href (H.stringValue href) $ H.string text

-- headers

-- | @h1@ tag 
h1 :: String -> Css H.Html
h1 = textTag H.h1

-- | @h2@ tag 
h2 :: String -> Css H.Html
h2 = textTag H.h2

-- | @h3@ tag 
h3 :: String -> Css H.Html
h3 = textTag H.h3

-- | @h4@ tag 
h4 :: String -> Css H.Html
h4 = textTag H.h4

-- | @h5@ tag 
h5 :: String -> Css H.Html
h5 = textTag H.h5

-- | @h6@ tag 
h6 :: String -> Css H.Html
h6 = textTag H.h6

-- | images
-- arguments :
-- * @alt@ atribute value
-- * @src@ atribute value
img :: String -> String -> Css H.Html
img alt src = prim $ H.img H.! HA.src (H.stringValue src) H.! HA.alt (H.stringValue alt)

-- | @ul@ tag
ul :: [String] -> Css H.Html 
ul = ls H.ul

-- | @ol@ tag
ol :: [String] -> Css H.Html
ol = ls H.ol

-- lists
ls constr = prim . constr . foldl1 (>>) . map ( . H.string)

-- | @ul@ tag with links
-- arguments : [(href, text)]
aul :: [(String, String)] -> Css H.Html 
aul = als H.ul

-- | @ol@ tag with links
-- arguments : [(href, text)]
aol :: [(String, String)] -> Css H.Html
aol = als H.ol

als constr = prim . constr . foldl1 (>>) . map ( . setA)
    where setA (href, name) = H.a H.! HA.href (H.stringValue href) $ H.string name

-- tables

-- | table
-- arguments :
-- * Maybe header
-- * [rows]
table :: Maybe [String] -> [[String]] -> Css H.Html
table h rs = prim $ H.table $ 
    case h of
        Just x  -> tr x >> trs
        Nothing -> trs
    where tr f x  = $ foldl (>>) (return ()) $ map (f . H.string) x
          trs     = foldl1 (>>) $ map (tr rs   

encoding :: String -> H.Html
encoding str = H.meta H.! HA.http_equiv (H.stringValue "Content-Type")
                      H.! HA.content (H.stringValue "text/html")
                      H.! HA.charset (H.stringValue str)

-- | writes css and htmls to files
-- arguments :
-- * css file name
-- * global css StyleSheet i.e. ruleSets about @body@ or some html elements
-- * list of ((filename, html head sub elements), css)
writeBlazeCss :: String -> StyleSheet -> [((String, H.Html), Css H.Html)] -> IO ()
writeBlazeCss cssFile globalStyles xs = writeFile cssFile (gCssCont ++ cssCont) >> 
    (foldl1 (>>) $ zipWith writeFile (map (fst . fst) xs) $ 
     zipWith (formHtml cssFile) (map (snd . fst) xs) htmls)
    where (cssCont, htmls) = toBlaze $ map snd xs
          gCssCont = show globalStyles ++ "\n\n"

formHtml :: String -> H.Html -> H.Html -> String
formHtml cssFile hHead hBody = H.renderHtml $ H.docTypeHtml $ H.html $ 
    (H.head $ linkCss cssFile >> hHead) >> (H.body hBody)
    where body' = H.body hBody
          head' = H.head $ linkCss cssFile >> hHead

linkCss :: String -> H.Html
linkCss cssFile = H.! HA.rel   (H.stringValue "stylesheet")
           H.! HA.type_ (H.stringValue "text/css") 
           H.! HA.href  (H.stringValue cssFile)

-- | genereates html filenames and head's sublelements from list of titles
initHtmls :: [String] -> [(String, H.Html)]
initHtmls names = zip (map (++ ".html") names) $ map fromTitle names

fromTitle :: String -> H.Html
fromTitle title = encoding "UTF-8" >> (H.title $ H.string title)