simple-effects- A simple effect system that integrates with MTL

Safe HaskellNone




Let's see how we can implement custom effects. We'll go through a couple of examples of increasing complexity. This part does not require going through part 2. That being said, understanding the details will help with understanding some of the restrictions and will help with compiler errors you might get.



To start off, we'll define an effect for working with the filesystem. To keep it simple, we'll define two functions. One for reading the contents of a file, and one for writing them to a file.

The first step is to make a name for our effect. Say, Files for example. We declare an empty datatype with that name:

data Files

Next, we need to provide an instance of the Effect class for our effect.

The signatures of our functions will be FilePath -> m ByteString and FilePath -> ByteString -> m () respectively. Both of them are methods of what we call, in the jargon of this library, a simple effect. It means that they are functions that return a monadic action, and that their arguments don't depend on that monad. As an example, m Int -> m Int isn't a method of a simple effect because the argument depends on m.

Because of this fact, the instance is super simple:

instance Effect Files where
    data EffMethods Files m = FilesMethods
        { _readFile :: FilePath -> m ByteString
        , _writeFile :: FilePath -> ByteString -> m () }
        deriving (Generic)

The Effect class requires you to provide a record of methods for your effect. This is done with an associated data type. You can read about them here The class also has two functions: liftThrough and mergeContext. Luckily, because our effect is simple (and mostly they will be), it's enough to just derive Generic for our type. The functions are then defined for us.

It's a convention to name the methods starting with an underscore so we can define the following helper functions:

readFile :: MonadEffect Files m => FilePath -> m ByteString
writeFile :: MonadEffect Files m => FilePath -> ByteString -> m ()
FilesMethods readFile writeFile = effect

So how does this work, and what does it even do? Well, we defined how a record of methods looks for our effect, but how is that record actually constructed? If we wanted to use our methods where would we get them from? Enter the effect function. It's type signature is MonadEffect e m => EffMethods e m. It means that for every monad m which supports the effect e, the effect function gives us a record of the effect's methods. Let's say we want to read the contents of a file. First we'd use the effect function to get the methods of our Files effect, then we'd get the _readFile function out of it, and finally we'd use that function.

myFunction = do
    let methods = effect
    let rfFunction = _readFile methods
    rfFunction "somefile.txt"
    -- or equivalently
    _readFile effect "somefile.txt"

Now since writing _readFile effect gets tedious, we can define new top level helper functions:

readFile = _readFile effect
writeFile = _writeFile effect

The _readFile and _writeFile functions are nothing more than record selectors that get the appropriate method from our FilesMethods record. With this in mind we can skip them and just directly pattern match on the FilesMethods constructor like

FilesMethods readFile writeFile = effect

Check out the previous part if you want to learn more.


We've only defined the syntax of our effect. How do we actually run those functions? This is done through the implement function. It lets us construct the implementations at runtime.

Suppose we have a function like

myFunc :: MonadEffect Files m => m ()
myFunc = do
    file <- readFile "file.dat"
    newFile <- doSomething file
    writeFile "file.dat" newFile

To use it in our program we need to handle the MonadEffect constraint. This is how we might do it:

main :: IO ()
main = do
    implement (FilesMethods readFile writeFile) myFunc

Here we implemented our effect using the readFile and writeFile functions from the Data.ByteString module. Of course we're free to implement them however we want. In a testing environment we might instead just read/write from a Map FilePath ByteString and simulate a filesystem.

To make it easier to use our effect, it's a good idea to provide one or more default handlers. For example, we might define two handlers:

implementFilesViaIO :: MonadIO m => RuntimeImplemented Files m a -> m a
implementFilesViaMap :: Monad m => RuntimeImplemented Files (StateT (Map FilePath ByteString) m) a -> m a

This way the users of our effect don't have to implement the handlers themselves, but are still free to implement more specialized ones.


For our next effect we'll do logging. Just a simple printing function that takes anything with a Show instance and logs it somewhere.

The signature we want is print :: (MonadEffect Print m, Show a) => a -> m (). Now here's the main issue. The a variable isn't mentioned anywhere in the effect. After all, we don't want a separate effect for each possible type. We want the Print effect to provide printing for all types with a Show instance. To this end we'll use the RankNTypes extension and define our Effect instance like this:

data Print

instance Effect Print where
    data EffMethods Print m = PrintMethods
        { _print :: forall a. Show a => a -> m () }

Notice we didn't derive Generic. This is because we can't. Despite our effect being simple (the function's parameter doesn't depend on m and it returns a monadic action), the forall in there makes it impossible to derive a Generic instance. Unfortunately, this means that we have to implement the two functions of the Effect class ourselves. Fortunately, it's a very mechanical procedure (that's why they can usually be automatically derived!).

The two functions are

liftThrough :: (MonadTrans t, Monad m, Monad (t m)) => EffMethods e m -> EffMethods e (t m)


mergeContext :: Monad m => m (EffMethods e m) -> EffMethods e m
The MonadTrans part is a slight simplification, but it's an honest one for our current example. You can read more about the actual definitions and the purpose of these two functions in the previous part of the tutorial.

The first function, liftThrough, takes a record of methods of the effect e for the monad m, and is expected to return a new record, but this time for the monad t m. Two puzzle pieces make this very easy to do. The first is the fact that the only place where m is mentioned in our effect is in the result of the _print function. The second piece of the puzzle is the lift :: (MonadTrans t, Monad m) => m a -> (t m) a function of the MonadTrans class. So to construct the new _print method, we just call the old one and lift the result:

liftThrough (PrintMethods pr) = PrintMethods (\a -> lift (pr a))

This will work for as many methods with as many parameters as you want. The implementation will always look something like

liftThough (MyMethods m1 m2 m3 m4) = MyMethods
    (\a -> lift (m1 a))
    (\a b c -> lift (m2 a b c))
    (\a b -> lift (m3 a b))
    (lift m4)

Up next: mergeContext. It says that given the record of methods inside a monadic context, give me just the record, somehow pushing that context inside of it. The implementation is again very mechanical.

mergeContext pm = PrintMethods
    (\a -> do
        PrintMethods p <- pm
        p a)

Essentially, we just pass the parameters through to the old record, but first we must actually get the old record out of the monadic context. We can do that because each method's result is a monadic action. Here's how it would look like for a bigger effect:

mergeContext mm = MyMethods
    (\a -> do
        MyMethods m _ _ _ <- mm
        m a)
    (\a b c -> do
        MyMethods _ m _ _ <- mm
        m a b c)
    (\a b -> do
        MyMethods _ _ m _ <- mm
        m a b)
        MyMethods _ _ _ m <- mm
Instead of pattern matching, we can use the name of our method as a field selector:
mergeContext pm = PrintMethods
    (\a -> do
        m <- pm
        _print m a)

As you can see, there isn't much to these implementations. Just boilerplate. Also note that while our Print effect may seem simple, it's actually more complicated than it needs to be. Instead we could have defined the whole thing like this:

data Print
instance Effect Print where
    data EffMethods Print m = PrintMethods
        { _printString :: String -> m () }
        deriving (Generic)

print :: (MonadEffect Print m, Show a) => a -> m ()
print = _printString effect . show

That way we still get a nice polymorhpic function, but the effect itself is monomorphic and lets us get away with just deriving Generic.

Next, we'll look at a non-simple effect. One for which the liftThrough method can't be derived because there isn't just a single valid implementation.


Here's the challenge. There's a forkIO function in base with the following signature

forkIO :: IO () -> IO ThreadId

We want to generalize this function to work with monads other than IO. Essentially, we want

fork :: MonadEffect Fork m => m () -> m (Maybe ThreadId)
The Maybe part is so we don't get tied down to IO. Don't worry about it for now.

Notice that this isn't a simple effect as the parameter is a monadic action. Anyways, let's try defining our effect and see where we get stuck:

data Fork
instance Effect Fork where
    data EffMethods Fork m = ForkMethods
        { _fork :: m () -> m (Maybe ThreadId) }
    mergeContext mm = ForkMethods
        (\a -> do
            ForkMethods m <- mm
            m a)
    liftThrough (ForkMethods f) = ForkMethods
        (\a -> lift (f a))

Simple right? Well, unfortunately it doesn't typecheck. The problem is in the liftThrough function. Here are the relevant types:

f :: m () -> m ThreadId
a :: t m ()

The result we need is of type t m ThreadId. If we could somehow get a m ThreadId we'd be fine since just lifting that does the trick. The problem is, the only way to get a m ThreadId is by calling f with a m (), and we don't have that. What we do have is a :: t m () so it seems that we need a function that's opposite of lift. Something like unlift :: t m a -> m a.

Turns out, that's not so simple to do. Imagine you have a function like with a type a -> m b. In this case the a -> part is t. If we specialize unlift to that we get unlift :: (a -> m b) -> m b. There's no way to implement that function. To get m b we need to have an a, but none are given to us.

In any case, even if unlift was possible to implement, it's not like we could use it. The only thing we know about t is that it has a MonadTrans instance (that's where we get the lift function from)... Well, not exactly. Remember that note about MonadTrans being a simplification? The Effect class actually has an additional associated type. It lets us require a custom constraint for our transformer so we can actually require t to be an instance of anything we like.

This extra power doesn't come for free, though. Stricter requirements mean that your effect can't be used in certain situations. What this means exactly is a bit out of the scope of this tutorial, but here's a quick rundown.

Handling effects requires monad transformers. Each effect handled will result in at least one extra transformer on your transformer stack. Those transformers are the types that need to satisfy the requirements of your effect. Having MonadTrans as a requirement is basically free since each transformer has a MonadTrans instance, kind of by definition. Anything extra and things get a bit more complicated. To "lift" functions like forkIO into other transformers, people usually use the MonadTransControl class from the "monad-control" package. Pretty much all the standard transformers are instances of that class, with one exception: ContT isn't an instance of MonadTransControl. ContT is a pretty exotic transformer though.

What we're going to use here is the RunnableTrans class. This is an alternative to the MonadTransControl class that's hopefully a bit easier to use. It lets us "run" a transformer if we give it the right state value. It also lets us get the current state value from the context and it can restore the context from the result of running the transformer. To cut through the confusion (or perhaps to introduce more of it) here's the code:

data Fork
instance Effect Fork where
    data EffMethods Fork m = ForkMethods
        { _fork :: m () -> m (Maybe ThreadId) }
    type CanLift Fork t = RunnableTrans  t
    mergeContext mm = ForkMethods
        (\a -> do
            ForkMethods m <- mm
            m a)
    liftThrough (ForkMethods f) = ForkMethods
        (\a -> do
            st <- currentTransState
            lift (f (void (runTransformer a st)))

Essentially what we do here is get the current state from the main computation (the one doing the forking), using that state to run the forked computation, discard both its result and it's state using the void function, then we finally call the original function and lift the whole thing.

Since we're discarding the result and the state of the forked computation, and this will happen for each transformer/effect in the stack, it means that only effects that "survive" are the final IO ones. The state of the original computation does get shared with the forked one, so that's pretty useful, but if we care about what the forked computation did with that state, we need to communicate with the original thread manually through some IO mechanism like MVars.

What about the effect handlers? How do we write one for our Fork effect? Here's one that ignores completely what the intended semantics were and just runs the thing sequentially:

implementForkSequentially :: Monad m => RuntimeImplemented Fork m a -> m a
implementForkSequentially = implement (ForkMethods (c -> c >> return Nothing))

But to really fork the computation we have to use the original forkIO function like this:

implementForkIO :: RuntimeImplemented Fork IO a -> IO a
implementForkIO = implement (ForkMethods (fmap Just . forkIO))

Notice that this forces our monad to IO. This means no other effects can be handled after it. This is manageable if Fork is the only effect with that condition, but what if there are more IO based ones? A solution is to provide a MonadEffect Fork IO instance directly

instance MonadEffect Fork IO where
    effect = ForkMethods (fmap Just . liftIO)

Now we can write implementForkIO like this

implementForkIO :: IO a -> IO a
implementForkIO = id

As you can see, the function doesn't do anything, but it does force whatever we give it to be in the IO monad. This again means that we must handle this effect after all others, but if there are other effects with the same requirement, they can all be handled at the end.