module System.Log.Text (
    textFmt, text
    ) where

import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time
import System.Locale
import System.Log.Base

-- | Default time format
defaultTimeFormat = "%d/%m/%y %T"

-- | Text log converter with time format
textFmt :: String -> Converter Text
textFmt fmt = Converter T.empty c where
    c (Message tm l p msg) = T.intercalate (T.pack "\t") [T.pack s, T.pack (toStr l), msg'] where
        s = formatTime defaultTimeLocale fmt tm
        msg' = T.concat [T.intercalate (T.pack "/") p, T.pack "> ", msg]
    toStr Trace = "TRACE"
    toStr Debug = "DEBUG"
    toStr Info = "INFO"
    toStr Warning = "WARN"
    toStr Error = "ERROR"
    toStr Fatal = "FATAL"

-- | Text log converter with default time format
text :: Converter Text
text = textFmt defaultTimeFormat