# simple-prompt A simple commandline text prompt library for user input. The `SimplePrompt` module provides: - `prompt`: returns a string - `promptNonEmpty` prompts for non-empty string - `promptInitial` with pre-filled initial input - `promptPassword` prompts for password - `promptChar` prompts for a character - `promptKeyPress` waits for a key press - `promptEnter` waits for Enter key - `yesNo` expects y/n answer - `yesNoDefault` [y/N] or [Y/n] It uses haskeline to read the input. The `SimplePrompt.Internal` module provides lower-level access to functional haskeline InputT monad transformer-based prompt functions: - `runPrompt`, `getPrompt*` - `untilInput`, `mapInput`, `clearedInput`, `nonEmptyInput`.