{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} import Data.Proxy import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import Data.Vec3 infix 4 <~=> (<~=>) :: forall v1 v2. (Vec3 v1, Vec3 v2) => v1 -> v2 -> Bool (<~=>) a b = ax ~= bx && ay ~= by && az ~= bz where (ax, ay, az) = toXYZ (a :: v1) (bx, by, bz) = toXYZ (b :: v2) infix 4 ~= (~=) :: Double -> Double -> Bool (~=) a b | a == b = True | a == 0 || b == 0 || isDenormalized absDiff = absDiff < maxError | otherwise = absDiff / (abs a + abs b) < maxError where absDiff = abs $ a - b maxError = 1e-13 tests :: forall ty. ( Arbitrary ty, Arbitrary (Matrix ty) , Show ty, Show (Matrix ty) , Vec3 ty, Eq ty ) => Proxy ty -> [TestTree] tests _ = [ testProperty "Commutativity of addition: a + b = b + a" (\(a :: ty) b -> a <+> b <~=> b <+> a) , testProperty "Associativity of addition: (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)" (\(a :: ty) b c -> (a <+> b) <+> c <~=> a <+> (b <+> c)) , testProperty "Identity element of addition (zero): v + 0 = v" (\(v :: ty) -> (v <+> origin <~=> v)) , testProperty "Inverse elements of addition: v + (-v) = 0" (\(v :: ty) -> (v <+> invert v <~=> (origin :: ty))) , testProperty "Compatibility of scalar and field multiplication" (\(v :: ty) p q -> (v .^ p .^ q <~=> v .^ (p * q))) , testProperty "Identity of scalar multiplication" (\(v :: ty) -> (v .^ 1 <~=> v)) , testProperty "Distributivity wrt vector addition" (\(a :: ty) b p -> ((a <+> b) .^ p) <~=> (a .^ p) <+> (b .^ p)) , testProperty "Distributivity wrt scalar addition" (\(a :: ty) p q -> (a .^ (p + q) <~=> (a .^ p) <+> (a .^ q))) , testProperty "Subtraction definition" (\(a :: ty) b -> (a <+> invert b <~=> a <-> b)) , testProperty "Normalization" (\(v :: ty) -> (v <~=> (origin :: ty) || norm (normalize v) ~= 1)) , testProperty "Triangle inequality" (\(a :: ty) b c -> (distance a b + distance b c >= distance a c)) , testProperty "Diagonal matrix multiplication" (\(v :: ty) (s :: Double) -> (diag s `mxv` v == v .^ s)) ] main :: IO () main = defaultMain $ testGroup "Tests" [ testGroup "CVec3" (tests (Proxy :: Proxy CVec3)) , testGroup "TVec3" (tests (Proxy :: Proxy TVec3)) ]