module Network.SMTP.Client.Simple (
import Data.List
import Data.Char
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import System.IO
import System.Directory
import System.Time
import Network
import Base64
debugSMTP = False
data SMTPAuthMethod = PlainSMTPAuth
| LoginSMTPAuth
sendStringAsEMail :: String
-> String
-> SMTPAuthMethod
-> String
-> String
-> String
-> String
-> String
-> String
-> PortNumber
-> String
-> String
-> [String]
-> IO (Bool)
sendStringAsEMail user
rcptLines = do
sfd <- smtpConnect smtpServer smtpPort
finally (do
c1 <- smtpEHLO sfd heloDomain
if not c1 then return False
else do
c1 <- case authMethod of
PlainSMTPAuth -> smtpAuthenticatePlain sfd user password
LoginSMTPAuth -> smtpAuthenticateLogin sfd user password
c2 <- smtpMailFrom sfd from
c3 <- smtpRcptTo sfd rcptLines
c4 <- smtpData sfd
if (c1 && c2 && c3 && c4) then do
sendSMTField sfd "Subject" subject
sendSMTField sfd "From" from
sendSMTField sfd "To" to
sendSMTField sfd "Cc" cc
sendSMTField sfd "Bcc" bcc
hPutStr sfd "\r\n"
sendContent sfd content
e1 <- smtpEOM sfd
e2 <- smtpQuit sfd
return (e1 && e2)
return False
) (do
smtpDisconnect sfd
sendSMTField sfd header content = do
if content /= "" then do
hPutStr sfd (header ++ ": " ++ content ++ "\r\n")
return ()
return ()
sendContent sfd content = do
Control.Exception.catch (do
hPutStr sfd "\r\n"
mapM_ (\line -> hPutStr sfd (adaptLineToSMP line)) (lines content)
return True
(const (return False) :: IOException -> IO Bool)
adaptLineToSMP line =
let noReturns = filter (/= '\r') line
validDot = if noReturns == "." then ".." else noReturns
in validDot ++ "\r\n"
smtpConnect :: String -> PortNumber -> IO Handle
smtpConnect smtp_server port = do
sfd <- connectTo smtp_server (PortNumber port)
return sfd
smtpDisconnect sfd = hClose sfd
smtpResponse :: Handle -> Bool -> IO Bool
smtpResponse sfd is_221_fatal = do
(r,_) <- smtpResponseComplete sfd is_221_fatal
return r
smtpResponseComplete :: Handle -> Bool -> IO (Bool,String)
smtpResponseComplete sfd is_221_fatal = do
hFlush sfd
line <- hGetLine sfd
if debugSMTP then do
putStrLn ("response: " ++ line)
return ()
else do return ()
(r, realLine) <- if (length line < 3) then return (False, line)
if ((line !! 3) == '-') then smtpResponseComplete sfd is_221_fatal
if (any (\fatalCode -> isPrefixOf fatalCode line) fatal) then return (False, line)
else if (any (\notifyCode -> isPrefixOf notifyCode line) notify) then return (True, line)
else if (any (\okCode -> isPrefixOf okCode line) ok) then return (True, line)
else return (False, line)
return (r,realLine)
fatal = ["421", "432", "450", "451",
"452", "454", "500", "501",
"502", "503", "504", "530",
"534", "535", "538", "550",
"552", "553", "554"
] ++ (if is_221_fatal then ["221"] else [])
notify = ["211", "214", "251", "252",
ok = ["220", "221", "235", "250",
"334", "354" ]
smtpEHLO sfd helo_domain = do
(_, heloLine) <- smtpResponseComplete sfd True
hPutStr sfd ("EHLO " ++ "localhost" ++ "\r\n")
r <- smtpResponse sfd True
return r
heloDomain heloLine = takeWhile (/= ' ') (tail (dropWhile (/= ' ') heloLine))
smtpAuthenticatePlain sfd user password = do
hPutStr sfd "AUTH PLAIN "
hPutStr sfd ((Base64.encode ("\0"++user++"\0"++password))++"\r\n")
r <- smtpResponse sfd True
return r
smtpAuthenticateLogin sfd user password = do
hPutStr sfd "AUTH LOGIN\r\n"
e1 <- smtpResponse sfd True
r <- if e1 then do
hPutStr sfd (Base64.encode user)
e2 <- smtpResponse sfd True
if e2 then do
hPutStr sfd (Base64.encode password)
e3 <- smtpResponse sfd True
return e3
else return False
else return False
return r
smtpMailFrom sfd from = do
hPutStr sfd ("MAIL FROM: <" ++ from ++ ">\r\n")
r <- smtpResponse sfd True
return r
smtpQuit sfd = do
hPutStr sfd ("QUIT" ++ "\r\n")
r <- smtpResponse sfd False
return r
smtpRset sfd = do
hPutStr sfd ("RSET" ++ "\r\n")
r <- smtpResponse sfd False
return r
smtpData sfd = do
hPutStr sfd ("DATA" ++ "\r\n")
r <- smtpResponse sfd False
return r
smtpRcptTo :: Handle -> [String] -> IO (Bool)
smtpRcptTo sfd addressList = do
result <- foldM (addAddress) (True) addressList
return result
addAddress result address = do
hPutStr sfd ("RCPT TO: <" ++ address ++">\r\n")
e <- smtpResponse sfd True
if e == False then return False
else return result
smtpEOM sfd = do
hPutStr sfd ("\r\n.\r\n")
smtpResponse sfd True